Mini-Market November 8th

Every two weeks at the Mission we have fresh produce for sale at wholesale prices. These Welcome Wednesdays are a great time to acquaint yourself with SouthWest. Our Kitchen Coordinator is in the kitchen with volunteers turning out a delicious community lunch to be served at 12:30 (Donations gratefully accepted!); the Market is in swing from 10h30 to 18h30; Rev. David and others are on hand to meet and greet!

Click below to see what will be on offer next Wednesday and to pre-order:

A Prayer for Peace

On this Remembrance Sunday (Remembrance and Hope), with 10h00 worship at SouthWest United, and 14h00 service at the Verdun Cenotaph, and as we support our local Legion through donation to the poppy fund, we pray this prayer:

God, on this day, in our remembrance, listening and gratitude, we determine for these now voiceless:
Dieu, en ce jour, dans le souvenir collectif, l'écoute et la gratitude, nous nous engageons pour ceux qui n'ont plus de voix:

To speak for truth and justice,
To resist evil wherever it is found,
To seek peace always, in our words and in our deeds!
à parler pour la vérité et la justice,
à résister au mal, la où il se trouve,
à toujours rechercher la paix, en actes et en paroles,

Hear our prayer for all here remembered,
Entend notre prière pour tous ceux dont nous faisons mémoire,
Hear our prayer of peace for all peoples of our earth.
écoute notre prière de paix pour touts les peuples de notre terre. 

Rev. David

In the kitchen this lovely November!

Dear kitchen friends,

My weekly newsletter has just become monthly : that’s less reading for you… and less writing for me, hahha !


You will find it attached. Or should I write : You will find THEM attached. In effect, there are two calendars (produced monthly by Verdun sans faim, the Verdun food security and urban agriculture concertation ‘table’, excuse my English) : the first lists all the community meals in the area, and the second, all the collective kitchen workshops, markets, and emergency food distributions. The one you want to look up for food related activities at the Mission is the second. You will find my email and phone number on the document, so if you want to register, you know where to find my contact info!

 THE Dream Team Cuisine

I am always looking for volunteers to give a hand in the kitchen. Every Wednesday morning, and every last Friday of the month, the Dream Team Cuisine (supervised by me) transforms food donations into appetizing dishes. These are either served during community meals (every second Wednesday) or frozen and offered at very low prices to the community. These food production sessions are a great experience for all: we learn as we cook, we make new friends, and go home with food for our family. You want to be part of the Dream Team ? Write to me ! I keep lists, so you can register a long time in advance.


As of Thursday, Nov. 2nd, Grand Potager will be replacing Un plant de tomate à la fois for the evening cooking workshops (5:30-8:30 pm). The concept : let’s get creative with whatever produce is available – and what’s available at the Mission is pretty impressive ! A professional chef – Tifany Hamer, Jocelyne Bourgeois and myself – will teach you how to upgrade your cooking game. You will go home with extra skills and food for you and your family.

More info on Grand Potager’s Facebook page : Le Grand Potager.
Contribution : $10.


The group Femmes du Monde, from Verdun’s Centre des femmes, is starting it’s collective kitchen session today, at 4:30 pm. Kids are welcome ! There will be someone to take care of them while the mums are in the kitchen. To participate, you need to be a member of the Centre des femmes (the membership is a couple of symbolic dollars) and… well, be a woman. Registration :

On Thursdays, a small group of gentlemen come and cook with the GUSTO project, a collective kitchen group for seniors 65+ under the supervision of an ergotherapist. There’re only four of them, but judging by their noise and energy, you would never guess ! Concordia University, who is behind GUSTO, is recruiting for the next session. For more info, phone here : 514 848-2424 # 2247


The cooking class for the 10-12 year-olds (Tuesday evenings) is full. The registration process for the next session, as of January, has started.

The class for the 13+ is not full however. Encourage your teen to join the fun ! This week, I will have the team work on a community project : Riverview’s monthly spaghetti dinner. We will be making tomato sauce (with and without meat), garlic butter, fresh bread and a cheesecake.

Have a great month!

Léonore Pion
Community cook
Kitchen coordinator, SouthWest Mission | 514 544-5264

Facebook : SouthWest Kitchens / Les cuisines du Sud-Ouest


An Honour to Wear the Poppy

Midnight in the European countryside, carrying all of their provisions, including their rifles and ammo, they waded through an ice-cold river. Then they heard the sudden order to stop and stand still. The order could last a few minutes or a few hours; for some it seemed like an eternity.  Each soldier knew that his life depended on the soldier in front of him, and that each of their actions would define the course of history.

It was a different time then, where “life and death” held more meaning to our everyday lives than they ever could today, and a time when all Canadians became brothers and sisters against one enemy. Trust amongst men was easier to find back then than in today’s wired-electronic times.

At home, the families of our returning injured troops were given a pamphlet, issued by the Canadian Armed Forces, instructing Canadians on how to “prepare” for their return home. The instructions included things like how to knit covers for their amputated limbs, how to “accommodate” for their physical handicaps, how to avoid certain discussion topics, and how to “act” upon their return home. These were the same fathers and sons who had left months ago, returned now with not only their visible scars, but with the scars that only war could bring. Amid broken families, broken hearts, broken spirits, still they found the strength to move on. For many, their return was enough, as many more did not return at all.

Our veterans are the superheroes of our proud Canadian history and are the living icons of our Canadian heritage experience. Our current good fortune is due to their sacrifices, their courage, and their pride as Canadians, to fight for their beliefs and values which our current societies seem to have forgotten. 

The leaves fall softly and silently on the ground; yet unlike our leaves, our fallen soldiers rarely went down in silence. They carried Canada’s dreams and our futures with them. Whether by taking a stand against world dictators, or to protect our own Canadian way of life, all members of our society collectively fought together as one common force.

I proudly wear the poppy each year. There is an honour behind this flower.

Wearing the poppy not only allows us to remember the people we lost in those struggles but also helps to redefine our beliefs in their personal sacrifices.

So when you see our veterans proudly selling poppies, go over and share a smile with them.

Thank them for their service, for their sacrifice of body, mind, and spirit.

Buying and wearing a poppy is the very least that they deserve from us.



We Remember Them

At our All Saints memorial service on October 29th, the following names were read:

Sylvia Chaffey Brighten
Robert Burke
Vera  Cartwright

Gloria Cooney
Madeleine Couture
Shirley & James Crandall

Richard Decary
Merle Ross Demoulin
Robert  Bob Dixon

Mildred Halfyard
William Halfyard & Joyce O’Reilly Halfyard
The Halfyard and O’Reilly families

Muriel Hastie
Carol Henderson Haworth
Margaret (French) Irwin

Ernest Lefneski
Rebecca Lefneski
Ruth Lefneski

Joe Lefneski
Jean  Lodge
Agnes Logan

Loved Ones of the Christe family
Loved Ones of Judy Pepe
Ann Lowell

Charles Luther
Shirley Brooks MacKenzie
Isabella McGowan

Gordon McLaren
Scott McRae
Marlène Mirey

Robert Charles Nicoll
Judy Ann O’Connell
Denise O’Halloran

Pantridge and Simmons families
John Arthur Parsons
Ernest Price

Denise Detrooz Ralet
Frederick Ralet
Gertrude Risken

Marilyn Ross
Myrtle Ryan
George and May Scales

Reginald and Alice Sorel
Therese Auclair St. James & Stuart St. James
Phyllis Spurrell Tringle

Royah Launtia Tucker-Ricketts
Shirley Rankin Turner
Graham Walker

Kathleen (McCleary) Walker
John and Edith Waterfall
Wayland, Forsyth & Padgham families

Lorna Wood


O God before whom the generations rise and pass away;

we praise you for all your servants who, having lived this life in faith, now live eternally with you.  Especially we thank you for these your servants, now gone from us.

We praise you for the gift of their lives, for all in them that was kind and good. We thank you that for them death is past and pain is ended, and that they have entered the joy you have prepared, in your eternal love. Amen.

Verdun Messenger has English content!

David Cox, journalist, came by the SouthWest Mission today to check in with the good things happening around Verdun. He writes the following and is interested in English stories for the Messenger Verdun readership. It’s good to have English content for our community so think of appropriate community stories he may enjoy. 

"I am the new English reporter for the Messager Lachine, LaSalle &Verdun, as well as Les Nouvelles Saint Laurent.  Please keep me in mind for any events or announcements that may impact these communities.

Thank you for your time,

David Cox "


Story ideas: 

·         Special or odd things 

·         Events, occasions

·         News affecting community (loss, fires, store closures, cutbacks)

·         Communities helping out

·         Unique stories about people, places and things 

All Saints Memorial Celebration Commemorative de la Toussaint 2017

In our service this Sunday we will read the names of those whose death we remember this year and all those who are held in our hearts with gratitude. Faith speaks hope in the lighting of the candle. The words of Romans can inspire us.
En ce dimanche nous allons lire les noms de ceux et celles qui sont décédés cette année. Nous nous souvenons de touts nos bien-aimés gardées en nos cœurs avec affection. La foi nous donne un mot d’espoir et ce texte tiré du Romains pourra nous inspirer.

Rev. David


We believe

that neither death  nor life

nor angels  nor rulers

nor things present  nor things to come

nor powers  nor height  nor depth

nor anything else in all creation

will be able to separate us from the love of God

in Christ Jesus our Lord.

- Romans 8:38-39


Oui  j’ai la certitude que rien ne peut nous séparer de son amour:

ni la mort  ni la vie

ni les anges  ni d’autres autorités ou puissances célestes  

ni le présent  ni l’avenir

ni les forces d’en haut  ni celles d’en bas

ni aucune autre chose créée.

Rien ne pourra jamais nous séparer de l’amour

que Dieu nous a manifesté en Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur.

- Romains 8.38-39

New Resource person for Verdun families

Murielle Burham-Bella was a community worker with the Table de concertation Famille de Verdun. She was wonderful at  resourcing our Verdun families. She left her position this summer and is now replaced by Sandra Bustamante, Agente de milieu, who  attended  our last Wednesday’s Community Meal at the Mission. She attended the Halte Allaitment at SouthWest last Friday as well to connect Verdun Moms with various local services. 

Her principal work is as a resource to children between 0-5 years of age and their families. 

Give Sandra a warm welcome when you see her. 

Reach her at: or st 514 238-5144


Do you know about all the services available in Verdun?

Do you want to have fun with your kids?

Do you have questions about your child?

Does your family have specific needs? Are you looking for solutions?

I can direct you or accompany you to the community resources that are right for you.


Sandra Bustamante

Resource contact for families in Verdun

Table de concertation famille de Verdun


* * *

Free and confidential service


Remembrance and Hope: a service of music and prayer

On Sunday, November 5, we will honour Remembrance in a special service at 10 am at the church. We will remember those who gave their lives in the two great wars of the 20th century, and we will honour and pray for those who have suffered and continue to suffer in the world today due to intolerance, racism, and genocide. We look within our country and we look to the world outside. We look back a century and we look to last week.

The young soprano Arielle Soucy will sing music from Gabriel Fauré, Edith Piaf and Jacques Brel. Our own Steve Scales will sing Simon and Garfunkle and the choir will contribute music that is sure to evoke many memories.

Join us downstairs after the service for a lunch hosted by SouthWest Music.

Soup, bread, dessert: simple but delicious. Two years ago we held the last Dinner&Show – Music of the 30s and 40s with the SouthWest Showstoppers, and as we did every year through the 30s and 40s era, we held a raffle. Well, the raffle is back, to be drawn after lunch. A little bit of fun, with a hug and a smile. See you November 5.
