Winter Woollies Wanted

Winter hit this morning, taking a lot of families by surprise. Luckily our Breakfast Club staff and volunteers were able to provide hats and mittens from our Clothing room to children who arrived without.

This has depleted our supply though, and with several frosty months ahead we are asking for donations. Tuques and mittens (preferably waterproof) are urgently needed, and of course if you have boots or snowpants that your kids have grown out of, those would also be greatly appreciated.Drop off at 631 Melrose, corner Verdun avenue, during office hours, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays. Thank you!

Children's Christmas Party at the Mission

Christmas comes early to the Mission this year with our much-anticipated Children's Party scheduled for Saturday, December 2nd. We're aiming for a non-commercial, fun family event. Each child will receive a Christmas stocking that they will fill themselves with small toys and goodies they choose at various "stations". We are still accepting donations of small toys in good working order. Cash is also welcome!

Lunch will be served, and there is a rumour that Santa Claus himself will make an appearance. All children must be accompanied by an adult, and it is necessary to reserve so that we know how many to expect. Please call the Mission office before November 21st.


SouthWest Christmas Craft and Bake Sale

"One of my favorite childhood memories -" writes Liz Ludlow Collymore on our Facebook page, "Crawford Park United Church Christmas bazaar."

I also remember going to church bazaars at this time of year as a child. I remember the thrill of buying gifts for my family members with my saved-up allowance and imagining them opening them up on Christmas morning.

The congregation still located in Crawford Park but now known as SouthWest United continues the tradition of the Christmas bazaar next Sunday November 19th. There will be lots of Christmas-y baked goods, at least for those who show up early! - and holiday crafts.The sale starts right after worship, around 11:30 and goes to 1 p.m.


RECLAIM Literacy Lunch

The 93 people attending the luncheon heard Rev. David and his Mom Joy speak about their pilgrimage to France and Vimy Ridge last spring.
Danielle Monk of Legion No. 4 (right) stands with Joy Fyckes, Executive Director of RECLAIM (left). The Legion sponsored the meal. The renovated space for literacy is within Ephiphany Anglican Church on Wellington.


Minister's message: Generations

Mother Canada stands at the top of the Vimy Memorial overlooking a significant battlefield for Canada of WWI. She looks elegant, compassionate, caring as she broods over the 60,000 fallen Canadians entrusted to her care.
My mother, Joy, is visiting from Guelph and we are sharing our experiences of family pilgrimage to Vimy Ridge last spring. I have gone through many photos and put together a presentation for eight LBPSB School assemblies in Verdun and LaSalle organised by Mary Anne Fyckes, spiritual life and community animator. What a privilege to have my Mom in good health, and to share these moments together.
When my grandmother's son William 'Billy' Geddes died over the English Channel in WWII, Myrtle was given the Silver Cross on behalf of the government of Canada. My mother is wearing it to these many assemblies, a part of our family history.
Remembrance is very personal, it weaves the past to the present. When I see the films 'Saving Private Ryan' or more recently 'Dunkirk' it is not only as a movie watcher. The soldiers portrayed are my Father, Grandfather, Uncle, great Uncle, and Neighbour. When we experienced Remembrance and Hope last Sunday at worship, reading the honour roll of SouthWest, it was deeply moving and personal. It also roots us in a prayerful collective memory from which we are inspired  to act as peacemakers in our world today.
As I look to Mother Canada, remember my Grandmother Myrtle and experience remembrance with my own Mother I remember the words of hope that the prophet Isaiah spoke to the people: 'You will be like a child that is nursed by its mother, carried in her arms, and treated with love...I will comfort a mother comforts her child.' (Isaiah 66:12-13).
God who comforts, shows compassion, caring and keeps watch over all of us.
This is an image that speaks to me and can inspire each of us.

Rev. David


In Memoriam

On November 5th, after Sunday worship, a scattering of the ashes of Graham Walker, husband of Kathy O'Halloran, took place at the Bird Sanctuary (Parc des rapides) in LaSalle.

A memorial service celebrating the life of William (Bill) Lothian will be held at SouthWest United Church on Friday, Nov. 10th at 3:30; visitation from 2:30.

We are sad to announce the untimely passing of Bonnie Dobson on November 2nd in Ottawa. Bonnie was our Breakfast Club Manager at SouthWest-VES for the 2012-13 school year. The funeral will be held at 4:15 p.m. on Sunday, November 12th at Laurent Thériault funeral home, 512 de l'Eglise, Verdun 514 769 3867 (Parking lot and ramp available). The service will be followed by a reception at SouthWest  Mission, 631 Melrose (corner Verdun) from 5 to 7 p.m.

When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room.
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little but not too long
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared,
Miss me but let me go.
For this is a journey that we all must take
And each must go alone.
It's all a part of the Master's plan,
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick of heart,
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.
Miss Me But Let me Go!

- Anonymous

Lunch and Learn

RECLAIM Literacy invites you to a special Lunch of Remembrance with Special Guest Speakers, Rev. David Lefneski (SouthWest United) and his mother Joy Lefneski who will share experiences from their recent pilgrimages to the battlefields of Europe (photos show Mrs. Lefneski, Rev. David and his son Luke Lefneski).

The menu will be roast pork, potatoes and veggies followed by dessert and coffee. Sponsored by Verdun Legion #4.

When? Thursday, November 9th at 12 noon

Where? Church of the Epiphany, 4322 Wellington, Verdun (corner Galt)

Suggested Donation: $2

For more information:  (514) 369-7835

Un plant de tomate a la fois: Partnership

(See a Personal Thank You from Lauren at the end)

The 'Un plant de tomate' initiative was born out of a series of community conversations many years ago. I remember the dream of healthy eating and wanting to place a tomato plant in every window of houses, apartments and senior residences in Verdun, including SouthWest Church and Mission. 

Lauren was hired through a Emploi Québec grant that pays minimum salary for up to 30 weeks and encourages both individuals and organisations in mutually beneficial projects. 

Recently some of the team gathered at a Welcome Wednesday luncheon to say thanks to Lauren for her contribution to this growing season. 

In the photo they are Normand Baril, project liaison officier, Julie Langlois, animator, Réal Bonneville, co-ordinateur, Lauren Aghabozorgi, animator, Pietro Bozzo, Director at Centre Dawson's. Although unable to attend the payroll officer for SouthWest, Doug Hastie, has contributed greatly to the success of this project. 

Go Community Go!!!

Rev. David

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My time as a Garden Animator for Un plant de tomate à la fois with the Dawson Boys and Girls Club, in partnership with the SouthWest Mission has been an enriching experience. I am so grateful for this opportunity that allowed me to begin my career in the urban agriculture sector and discover my passion for working with youth. With the support of the amazing people I have the privilege of calling my team, I have been able to grow tremendously. I especially loved getting involved with several parts of the community, from Verdun and Riverview elementary schools, to the C.A.U.S. farmer's markets, the SouthWest United Kitchen, and the Grand Potager greenhouse. I extend my most sincere thank you to the Dawson Boys and Girls Club,  SouthWest, and the Verdun community at large. It has been an absolute pleasure.

Lauren A.

Things to remember this weekend

Daylight saving time ends Sunday November 5th at 2 a.m. That means when you go to bed Saturday you should set your clocks back one hour. So if it's 11 p.m., change it to 10 p.m. Otherwise, you might be an hour early for church in the morning!


Montrealers go to the polls this Sunday to elect our municipal representatives. You should have received a sheet in the mail telling you when and where to vote. if you didn't and think you are eligible to vote, contact Election Montreal at 514 872-VOTE (8683)
