Music and Soup/ la musique et la soupe

Southwest Music † Musique sud-ouest



MUSIC, with Arielle Soucy, our very own Steve Scales and the fabulous SouthWest Choir! Arielle has sung at the Church a few times now, and it’s a real treat. Rockin’ Steve needs no introduction! The choir is providing the soups for the Lenten Lunch after the service, so you’ll have lots to choose from.

This is also a SOUP DRIVE, so we’re asking you to come with tins, packets, and containers of soup to replenish the shelves at Manna Verdun and the Mission.

See you Sunday!



Un dimanche en MUSIQUE : la soprane Arielle Soucy, qui est déjà venu chanter à l’église à quelques reprises, notre chanteur « Soul » maison, Steve Scales, et le Chœur Sud-ouest. Restez après la célébration pour un bol de soupe, cuisiné par les membres du chœur !

Pour notre COLLECTE DE SOUPE, on vous demande d’apporter des contenants ou des paquets de soupe qu’on donnera par la suite à Manna Verdun et à la Mission.

À dimanche !

Sarah Fraser

Minister's message: Who is my mother, brother, sister?

Who is my mother, brother, sister?
« Just then his mother and brothers showed up. Standing outside, they relayed a message that they wanted a word with him. He was surrounded by the crowd when he was given the message, "Your mother and brothers and sisters are outside looking for you."
 Jesus responded, "Who do you think are my mother and brothers?" Looking around, taking in everyone seated around him, he said, "Right here, right in front of you—my mother and my brothers. Obedience is thicker than blood. The person who obeys God's will is my brother and sister and mother. »
(Mark 3: 31-35: The Message, Eugene H. Peterson)

As a foster parent I know that parental love is not about biology. I have welcomed into my heart and my home many youth over the years whose names never matched mine. I have been transformed in these relationships that were based on love, fulfilling promises and commitment.
Jesus redefines family biology in this simple gospel story.
I imagine that he was used to his mother telling about the 'specialness' of his birth. Not again Mom, please, he may have said. At 30 years old, Jesus, the eldest, left home to live God’s call on his life. He had outgrown the birth story and was ready to concentrate all his energies living as an itinerant preacher, to be judged on his own merits. He leaves home never to return. Mary, who was left in the care of his siblings, comes to him expecting priority status. This visit is used to show a realignment in Jesus' changing sense of filial relationship. Even Mary will transition into a new relationship with her son when she becomes a follower of Jesus.
Nothing stays the same? It encourages me to know that people evolve and that it’s not our biological family alone that determines spiritual identity. As important as it is to recognise our children as belonging to the Christian family at birth (baptism), each person needs to name their personal allegiance to living Christ's way. Each one needs to become a follower of Jesus by choice.
God has no no grandchildren. Only sons and daughters.
We are invited into relationship with God and Jesus based not on bloodlines, family loyalties, tribe or even status but on obedience to God, living in the light and resisting evil and empire. Jesus is looking for brothers, sisters, mothers!
On this Lenten Journey 2018 we hear the stories of scriptures as we follow the Bible Reading Guide inviting us to reimagine all our relationships.
We are transformed from the inside out as we follow Jesus wherever he leads us.
Will you/I be a Jesus follower?
Rev. David

A Lenten Blessing:

May the blessing of God
Give us strength for the journey;
May the Spirit of wisdom
Give us vision for the road;
May the love of Christ
Make us caring companions;
As together
We go forth in the Lenten time.

Une bénédiction

Que la grâce de Dieu
Nous donne de la force pour le chemin;
Que l’Esprit de sagesse
Nous donne une vision pour la route;
Que l’amour du Christ
Fasse de nous des compagnons compatissants;
Alors qu’ensemble
Nous avançons en ce temps de Carême.

SouthWest Outreach worship services

Did you know that SouthWest offers regular worship services at three local seniors’ residences? Worship and communion are made available once a month in these Outreach settings, led by Rev. David, and organized by volunteers from our InTouch Ministry. The volunteers arrive early to invite and accompany people to worship and also to listen and offer care as needed.

Eileen and Yvette from Les Floralies, LaSalle gave monies and canned goods for families in need at Christmas on behalf of the residents.

Eileen and Yvette from Les Floralies, LaSalle gave monies and canned goods for families in need at Christmas on behalf of the residents.

Our core team travels to the three services and their presence is much appreciated: Dorothy Brown, Anna Christe, Don Ross
In addition, we have helpers from within the residences:
Champlain Hospital: Pamela Manchel
Le Cavalier: Barbara Smith, Helen Kunz
Les Floralies: Marge Cooper, Lil Jones, Yvette Riba.

Valerie Nickson is a Licensed Lay Worship Leader who serves both St Andrew's Delson and Centenary United. She participated in two of our Outreach services February 21, 2018 and shared this prayer she composed.
There were a total of 42 residents attending this week’s services.

Gracious God, we ask you to bless especially your children who have grown old.
When they can no longer care for themselves, send them loving caretakers who appreciate their wisdom and the richness of their experiences.
Send your angels to keep them safe as long as they live and to lead them home to you when their work is done.
Bless the families of the elderly with insight and good judgement.
Send your Holy Spirit to help them make wise decisions, and grant them the patience to care for those who once cared for them
We pray in the name of Jesus.

Animator wanted

Un plant de tomate à la fois is a food security initiative based in Verdun since 2012. The three prongs of the project are urban agriculture, education and food transformation, all in the context of environmental awareness. Please see attached employment opportunity for an animator (bilingual, scroll down for English). The ideal candidate will have experience in agriculture as well as working with children.

Un plant de tomate à la fois est un projet en sécurité alimentaire par l'agriculture urbaine, l'éducation & la transformation alimentaire accompagné d'une reflexion environnementale. Ils cherchent un animateur-trice pour la session qui débuera em mars. Voir offre d'emploi en pièce jointe (bilingue). 

March Break Cooking Camp


Our community chef, Leonore, is proposing a day camp the week of March 5th to 9th for young cooks age 10 to 15. Don't want them home staring at screens all week? This could be the answer. Youngsters will learn basic skills they can use all their lives. In the course of the week they will help prepare a community meal (Wednesday) and a High tea on the Friday. They are also sure to bring some tasty things home to their families in the course of the week. The camp will be bilingual. 9AM - 4PM Monday to Friday. Cost: $250 per child. For safety reasons, and to ensure one-on-one attention for each camper, there are only five places available. If interested, contact

Bake sale and food drive this Sunday

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This Sunday, February 18th, is the first of Lent. There will be communion during the 10 AM service and those who are able are asked to bring non-perishable food items to support our food security initiatives. After the service, there will be regular fellowship time, but also sandwiches and a bake sale. If you have baked goods to contribute, bring them along a little early Sunday morning. 1445 Clemenceau, Verdun.

Minister's Message: Ash Wednesday and Valentine Love

As part of the 2018 Lenten Covenant I commit to this spiritual practice: following the Bible Reading Guide and prayer, everyday. This simple routine during the 40 days of Lent is meant to groove a positive practice in my life and create a shared experience with my brothers and sisters on this journey towards Good Friday and Easter life.

As followers of Jesus we need to root ourselves in relationship like he did, with God, ourselves and others. How many times in the Gospels do we read that Jesus took time alone to pray? This spiritual practice gave him the strength to face the challenges of each day, the words that would cut across religious observance and the courage to live God's way: in Light and Justice! No matter the cost.

Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day were on the same day this year. Some might say: discordant celebrations. The daily reading was that most lovely text of 1 Corinthians 13. For me it linked the celebration of Love and the Ashes that show a commitment to follow Jesus' way. It held up Love as the highest ideal, one that calls us to follow Jesus' teachings and practice.

Here is our Lenten call from Paul’s writings to the Corinthian faith community (from The Message translation, verses 4-8a).


Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.

Is this how you will love? 

Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, 

Is this how you will love? 

Love puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
Love never dies.”

Is this how you will love?

I say: YES!!
We say: YES!!
This is how we will live this Lenten journey, together!

Rev. David

- Please let an elder or Rev David know if you are committing to the practice of daily bible reading and prayer this Lenten Season. The coupon on the bottom of the Lenten Covenant 2018 can also be placed in the offering plate.

- Ashes will be available during this Sunday's Communion service.


SouthWest Looking Good in Aujourd'hui Credo


The French-language online magazine of the United Church of Canada is called Aujourd'hui Credo. In the most recent issue (Winter 2017-2018) there are several articles that relate to the SouthWest community. The special section "Nouvelles generations" introduces a number of young people who are very involved in the United Church. One is our own Georgia Barratt-Lamey who was interviewed about her experiences first as a participant in United Church youth activities and later as an organizer. (She is currently, in addition to going to school, the Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Montreal and Ottawa Conference). There are also two pieces written by our own Joëlle Leduc, who is currently a Minister-in-training in the Laurentians, and who will be ordained this coming May 26th. Those articles are titled «Dieu ne me regarde pas avec jugement, mais avec amour» and «L'Église pêle-mêle des Laurentides». Both Georgia and Joëlle mention how they were nurtured by the SouthWest community early in their journeys.

SouthWest dans la revue Aujourd'hui Credo


Aujourd'hui Credo est la revue oecuménique en ligne de l'Église Unie. Le dernier numéro (Hiver 2017-2018) contient plusieurs articles qui parlent de membres de notre communauté. À noter: dans le dossier Nouvelles Générations, une entrevue avec Georgia Barratt-Lamey concernant son impliquation en tant que jeune de l'Église Unie et ensuite comme organisatrice d'activités pour les jeunes. Cet article s'intitule «Tu as donc bien grandi: Rencontre avec Georgia Barratt-Lamey»  Il ya aussi un témoignage de Joëlle Leduc entitré «Dieu ne me regarde pas avec jugement, mais avec amour», et puis dans la section Ressources Liturgiques, il y a un autre article de Joëlle parlant de ses expériences avec le Ministère régionale des Laurentides entitré «Église pêle-mêle des Laurentides». Toutes les deux, Georgia et Joëlle, mentionnent le rôle que SouthWest a joué dans leur parcours.

News from SouthWest Music

Colds, flu, mountains of snow: we love the winter! If music at SouthWest has been lingering on the back burner of late, we’re all clearing our throats to heat things up a bit. Lent is a time for both quiet reflection and calls to action, and music can help unlock the keys to both.


 March 4: Soup Drive

You are invited to a simple lunch of homemade soup and bread downstairs after the service. You are also invited to bring along a few tins of soup, which will be collected.
Although all music is special, we will have a few guests for this service.
Details to follow.

March 18: Food for Thought

Once more, you are invited to share a simple meal of soup and bread after the service.
If it has been easier to sidestep issues concerning First Nations People in Canada in the past, it is no longer. This is a huge topic for discussion, but we’re going to make a start at our own round table after lunch.
Details to follow.

*Doug Hastie, Dennis Brown, Aline Sorel, Steve Scales, Darlene Halfyard,
Sarah Fraser.
