Native Rights Discussion

On behalf of Living Into Right Relations…

If you have any questions please email .

Want to learn more about the legislation that governs Canada’s relationship with and treatment of Indigenous peoples?

If you are new to the topic or think you know it all, come join the discussion, learn, and be part of a better way for Indigenous peoples in Canada and all of us!

The Indian Act: The promotion and protection of Native rights, with Joe Deom
Saturday, May 5, 10am - 1:30pm, 
Fulford Hall, 1444 Union Ave. (across from the Bay)

The United Church of Canada’s Living into Right Relations Group and the Christ Church Cathedral’s Ecological and Social Justice Action Group are co-sponsoring this event.

Please bring something to share for lunch, beverages will be provided.

This talk is significant as the idea of modifying the Indian Act will be taking place in the near future.

RSVP by May 4:


Message du pasteur: Nous apprécions nos bénévoles!

Je remercie mon Dieu chaque fois que je pense à vous. Toutes les fois que je prie pour vous, je le fais avec joie, en raison de l’aide que vous m’avez apportée dans la diffusion de la Bonne Nouvelle, depuis le premier jour  jusqu’à maintenant. (Philippiens, 1.3-5)

Du 15 au 21 avril c’est la Semaine de l’action bénévole au Canada.
Nous estimons que chaque année, plus de 100 bénévoles s’impliquent à Southwest. Nous en sommes reconnaissants!

Quand on commence à faire une liste de bénévoles on risque d’oublier quelqu’un. Je regarde les tâches qui permettent à Southwest de vivre une expérience communautaire exceptionnelle et je suis profondément reconnaissant de chacun de vous qui nous soutien dans notre vision.

Que Dieu bénisse les mains qui font du bien,
qui aiment comme Jésus aimait, avec générosité et joie.
Que toutes nos mains et tous nos bénévoles soient bénis!

-Pasteur David

Minister's Message: We Appreciate Our Volunteers!

I thank my God for you every time I think of you; and every time I pray for you all, I pray with joy because of the way in which you have helped me in the work of the gospel from the very first day until now. (Philippians 1: 3-5)

April 15th to 21st is National Volunteer Week in Canada.
We estimate that, each year, over 100 people volunteer in some capacity at SouthWest. We are grateful!

How do we even begin to say thanks for the hundreds (thousands?) of volunteer hours:
- Welcoming at the door, living hospitality
- Collecting and counting the offerings, keeping our accounts in order
- Preparing food for fellowship time and washing up afterwards
- Cooking, serving and cleaning up after meals on Welcome Wednesdays
- Creating cards for shut ins; visiting, phoning those unable to get out
- Setting up for community events, manning tables and being the cheerful face of SouthWest
- Helping organize weddings and baptisms
- Ordering produce
- Passing the broom, the mop, the sponge
-Shovelling snow and putting down salt
- Greeting a newcomer, sharing a smile, singing in the choir
- Praying for those in need, comforting the sick and holding the hand of the dying
- Sorting through donated clothes, books and other items
- Picking up and delivering food and other items
- Writing reports, filing
- Keeping the plants watered and the space tidy
- Giving a lift, being kind to the stranger
- Organizing Christmas joy for children
- Contributing your time and talents, showing God's love in word and in deed

May God bless the hands that do good to all.
that love as Jesus loved with care, generosity and joy.
Bless all hands, and in particular the hands of our volunteers!

Rev. David

Summer Sewing Camp for Teens

This summer, send your teen to sewing camp for a full week of cool projects! After learning the basics of a sewing machine, like how to thread it, wind a bobbin, and troubleshoot regularly encountered issues, teens will get to make 4 things that they'll take home and cherish!
These projects will introduce teens to commonly used sewing techniques and each project will teach a new skill while reinforcing ones already learned:
Pencil case zippered pouch, Raglan style t-shirt, Pillow cover, Messenger bag
The course runs for one full week, Monday to Friday, from 10:00am to 4:00pm.  Ages 13 to 17. The weeks available are:
June 25 to June 29, July 16 to July 20, July 23 to July 27, or August 6 to August 10.
The program is $500, all taxes, and materials are included.  All tools and machines are provided for use.

For more information, visit Fiber Arts website: 


Family-Friendly Music Sunday

This Sunday: April 22 at 10 am at the Church.

Music with a smile for everyone!

This is the first Sunday Challenge as well: We invite you
to invite someone you know, who doesn’t usually (or ever!)
come to a Sunday Celebration at the church.
You can tempt them with:

Wonderful hospitality
Great music
Delicious cakes and cookies

All in the warm and friendly atmosphere of SouthWest, 1445 rue Clémenceau, Verdun.

See you Sunday!

The Music Team

Journée de la terre/ Earth Day


Célébration pour la journée de la terre

(Message de nos partenaires du Grand Potager)

Ce dimanche 22 avril aura lieu la Journée de la terre. Nous célébrerons avec une journée familiale amusante aux Serres de Verdun. Il y aura des jeux et des activités pour tous les âges, y compris le yoga pour les enfants, les bombes de semences, la fabrication de papier et plus encore ! 10h00 à 15h00, serres de Verdun 7000 Lasalle Boul. Verdun H4H 2T1

Earth Day Celebration

(Message from our partners at Grand Potager)

This Sunday April 22nd is Earth Day. We will be celebrating with a fun-filled family day at the Verdun Greenhouses. There will be games and activities for all ages including kids yoga, seed bombs, paper-making and more! 10:00 to 3:00, at the Verdun greenhouse, 7000 Lasalle Boul. Verdun H4H 2T1

Vous avez le goût de jardiner?

Bonjour à tous,

Le projet Un plant de tomate à la fois du Repaire jeunesse Dawson vous invites à lancer l’invitation suivante à votre clientèle:

Apprendre, partager, rencontrer, éduquer et alléger sa facture d’épicerie avec des aliments entiers frais et locaux est possible avec les jardins collectifs de Un plant de tomate à la fois !

Comment ça marche?

Chaque jardin a une plage horaire semaine officielle où les jardiniers(ères) se rencontrent pour travailler (et faire la récolte) du jardin. Ainsi, les tâches du jardins sont partagées entre tous incluant l’arrosage en dehors de la plage horaire officielle. Le jardinage collectif c’est en quelque sorte joindre l’utile à l’agréable mais sans tout la charge du travail en plus d’être un milieu convivial propice à l’apprentissage ! Un animateur(trice) est présent(e) sur les lieux pour guider les participants et offrir un support horticole. Ouvert à tous, bienvenue aux enfants (accompagnés d’un adulte).

*La carte des emplacements des jardins et leur plage horaire figure sur le formulaire d’inscription. Il vous est possible de le consulter sans avoir à compléter une inscription.

Vous n’êtes pas certain de votre choix de jardin ou vous avez des questions ? Contactez-nous à ou 514-767-9967 ext. 235. Il nous fera plaisir de répondre et vous guider!


À très bientôt ,

L’équipe de Un plant de tomate à la fois


Réal Bonneville | Coordinator

Dawson Boys and Girls Club

666 rue Woodland, Verdun, QC H4H 1G1 carte

t: 514-767-9967 ext.235


Want to Join a Collective Garden?

Hello to all,

The Dawson Boys And Girls Club's ‘’Un plant de tomate à la fois’’ project would like to invite you into the garden this summer!

Sharing, meeting, learning and educating while lowering your grocery bill with wholesome, fresh, local produce is what Un plant de tomate à la fois' collective gardens are all about !

How does it work?

Each garden has an official weekly schedule when gardeners meet to work (and harvest). That way, all garden tasks and responsibilities are shared between gardeners, including watering which is done outside the time frame. No more overwhelming work for one person only, casual nice ambiance and learning opportunity included ! An animator is also present to provide proper guidance and horticultural resources. Open to all, kid friendly (accompanied by a adult).

*You may consult the location and the weekly time frames for each of our gardens in the Sign-up form bellow. You may consult it without having to complete sign-up.

Questions, or not sure of your garden choice ? Write to or call 514-767-9967 ext. 235. We’ll be happy to help !


Sincerely ,


The Un plant de tomate à la fois team


Réal Bonneville | Coordinateur


Repaire jeunesse Dawson

666 rue Woodland, Verdun, QC H4H 1G1 carte

t: 514-767-9967 ext.235

Upcoming "Spring Fling"

We are planning a SouthWest Spring Fling Bazaar on Saturday May 12 at the Mission. Volunteers needed and welcomed! We would like to rent tables for artisans to sell their wares! Foodie tables welcomed as well!

Would you like to sponsor a table for someone or perhaps support the Spring Fling Snack Bar?

All proceeds to support Breakfast club, SW Children special events, our food projects and supporting community in economically challenging times.

Spring Cleaning?  We are looking for kitchen items and household items, appliances, tools, sports items, intact toys, games and puzzles. We can not take furniture. If you need help getting donations to the Mission, please contact Darlene or Sheila. 

** Nota bene. To receive all donations we need to store them, so if you have a few storage plastic bins to offer please let the office know and arrangements can be made to pick them up.

