Words of love and gratitude

Dear SouthWest,

There are so many things I experienced in my time as your minister.
Many deeply emotional times.
Many celebrations of life for loved ones and friends.
Many newborn babies welcomed into the Christian family.
Many couples speaking their promises in our presence.
Many prayers seeking strength, courage, healing.
Many prayer shawls sending love to those in need.
Many meals, conversations, sharing our lives, needs and challenges.
Many transitions and changes.
Many worship services and hymns of praise.
In the midst of all of this is a generous love you gave me and my deep love and commitment towards each of you.

Last Sunday was a goodbye service at both SouthWest, honouring 20 years of ministry, and later that afternoon at St. Andrew’s, Delson, where I served 15 years as supervising minister. A lot of goodbyes, cards, words, hymns and profound joy.
The scripture I have carried these last few weeks are words that Paul wrote from prison to the Christian Community at Phillippi in Macedonia. (Philippians 1: 3-11, The Message). They speak of my feelings for you. 

Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart. I am so pleased that you have continued on in this with us, believing and proclaiming God’s Message, from the day you heard it right up to the present. There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.
It’s not at all fanciful for me to think this way about you. My prayers and hopes have deep roots in reality. You have, after all, stuck with me all the way from the time I was thrown in jail, put on trial, and came out of it in one piece. All along you have experienced with me the most generous help from God. He knows how much I love and miss you these days. Sometimes I think I feel as strongly about you as Christ does!
So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover’s life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God.

The service last Sunday ended with the lighting of the Christ Candle, and used these words that grew out of our experience of loss and faith over many years.

In darkness, there is light.
In sadness, there is hope.
And even at death there is light, love, and life everlasting

Dans les ténèbres, il y a de la lumière.
Dans la tristesse, il y a de l’espoir.
Dans la mort, il y a de la lumière, de l’amour, et la vie éternelle.

To these oft cited words and to those of Paul I say, we say:
Thanks be to God.

Rev. David

Thank you, Darlene McKenzie!

Darlene McKenzie came in to the Mission as a volunteer last November and has stuck around through all the weird changes of the last few months. That should tell you what an unflappable soul she is!

While I tried to keep up with day-to-day things, Darlene took on a couple of ongoing projects, most significantly, the archives. As we streamlined the office in preparation for the move to the church, it was decided that anything dating from before amalgamation (2007) should go to the UCC archives.

We got in touch with the archivist for our region, to get guidelines for what was actually wanted: things like registers, annual reports, meeting minutes etc. We had documents going back to 1899 in no particular order. I remember looking through them a few years ago with Shirley Mitchell and doing a bit of sorting and labeling, but basically we now had to go looking for the wheat to separate it from the chaff.

Darlene M. was the ideal person for the task. She chipped away at it for weeks until there were a dozen or so neatly labeled boxes ready to go.

There are some things we kept that aren’t going to Archives, either because they don’t fall under the guidelines, or because they’re not quite ready to go. Archives is interested in historical photographs, but they want them labeled with names if possible. We have a LOT of photographs, mostly without identification. We will be asking some church folk to look through them over the next months in hopes of filling in some blanks.

There are also a few documents and artifacts, found either at church or Mission, that I would like to share with you all at some point. In the fall, once Pastor Beryl has settled in, I’m hoping to have a small exhibit, probably in the church basement.


One of those artifacts is the cup pictured here. It reads: U.C.P. Annual Contest, 1926. There is no further explanation as to what the “P” in UCP stands for. Was this a contest in a specific sport? Ping-pong? Pétanque? More likely it stands for “United Church Picnic.” Anyway, on the other side of the cup, you can see that Centenary won the mystery contest in 1926, and then Verdun United - one of SouthWest’s predecessors - has been added as winner for 1927 and 1928 (Woot woot!). There was room for more years and winners to be added but unfortunately, further United Church exploits in the three-legged race and ring toss failed to be recorded for posterity.

But I digress. What I really want to say is Thank you to Darlene M. - for accomplishing this important work, sure - but also for being such good company while she did it.



SouthWest Annual BBQ June 22!

The Saturday of the St-Jean Baptiste weekend has long been an excuse for SouthWest congregation and friends to gather for a barbecue. Cooking is done outside, obviously, but there will be seating inside so this event is on, rain or shine! Of course we will pray for sun and encourage you to bring a lawn chair if you want to eat al fresco.

$5 suggested donation. Starts at noon, Saturday June 22nd.

Anyone interested in donating food should contact Dorothy at 514-366-6071.


Mini-market and June food calendars

Calendars showing where to enjoy community meals and other food programs are available to download below.

Tuesdays between 12:30 and 5PM, drop by and say hello to Sheila and Maurice at Dawson Boys and Girls Club (666 Woodland ave.). Here’s what the Mini-market will have for sale next week, June 11th.

                                          LBS.           KGS.          EACH     

APPLES,MACINTOSH                        .89             1.96

BANANAS                                           .70             1.54

CARROTS                                           .72              1.59

CAULIFLOWER                                                                       2.59

ENGLISH CUCUMBERS                                                          .83

GARLIC,QUEBEC                                                                    TBA

GRAPES                                          2.87              6.33

GREEN ONIONS                                                                     .54

MUSHROOMS,WHITE                  2.84              6.26

POTATOES                                       .50               1.10

TOMATOES, VINE RED                 2.07               4.79

Mini-Market May 28th @ Dawson

Drop by and say hello to Sheila and Maurice at Dawson Boys and Girls Club (666 Woodland ave.), on Tuesdays between 12 and 5PM. Here’s what they will be selling next week.

PRODUCE                                       LBS.            KGS.                  EACH

CARROTS                                      .68 LB.         1.50 KGS

POTATOES                                    .46 LB.         1.02 KGS

TOMATOES, ON VINES             1.89 LB.         4.16 KGS

ENGLISH CUCUMBERS                                                                  .83

SPANISH ONIONS                       .46 LB.         1.01 KGS

GREEN CABBAGE                       .81 LB.          1.78 KGS

MIXED PEPPERS                       2.05 LB.         4.52 KGS

WHITE MUSHROOMS              2.83 LB.         6.25 KGS

ICEBERG LETTUCE                                                                        1.47

APPLES, CORTLAND               1.18 LB.           2.60 KGS

CLEMENTINES                                                                                 .30

BANANAS, DOLE                        .76 LB.          1.68 KGS

CANTALOUPES                                                                              2.33

PEARS, BARTLETT                                                                        TBA

June 2nd, Mark your Calendar!

This is a reminder that June 2nd is Rev. David’s last service at SouthWest so it would be nice to see a lot of friendly faces in the pews. June 2nd is also the Tour de l’ile bicycle race and once again they are coming along Lasalle boulevard. If you’re driving to church, plan on coming via Champlain. If you take the bus, routes may be disrupted. We will have taxi chits available at church this Sunday (May 26) for anyone who wants to use one next Sunday. Taxi chits can also be picked up at the Mission, but please call ahead to make sure someone is there!

The service is at 10am, Sunday June 2nd, and farewell potluck begins around 11:30.

Minister's Message: The Way of Love

The Way of Love

Powerful, poetic and life changing words...

They were read last Saturday at Mystic United by Frances Jones at the celebration for her brother Stan Black, and the next day at the wedding of Cara and Yves at SouthWest. They are one of the most exquisite definitions of what love is and are based on how God in Jesus has loved us: with focus, assertiveness and sacrifice.

If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.
If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,

Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”

Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,

Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.

(The Message, 1 Corinthians 13: 1,2,3-7.)

"Keeps going to the end.”
I like that. 

As I end 20 years of ministry with SouthWest (I am very conscious that I arrived when I was 39) the message Paul wrote to the congregation at Corinth resonates deeply. It roots me in the incarnation of love, of giving and receiving, of blessing and being blessed, of celebrating life and mourning deeply. It carries us from endings into new beginnings.

This poem invites each of us to be better than our natural inclinations. It models how Jesus lived, died and rose again : Love as I have loved you. (John 15: 12-15).

My role is to incarnate love in words and deeds, in prayers and celebration. There has been community, worship and ministry before me and there will be after.

Emmanuel is celebrating 175 years of ministry with an afternoon service and Gospel concert June 9th. A long history of love in action.

Beryl Barraclough, a Designated Lay Minister, will begin her ministry July 1st at SouthWest and will be a wonderful pastor. I will preach every Sunday in July and August at Emmanuel and root myself slowly in this new context. I am also determined to start a new garden and anticipate many hours toiling the soil.

In all our endings and new beginnings we live this ideal of love.

 In the following chapter (14:1) Paul begins with these words: Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it—because it does!

What a great exhortation for each of us.
The quality of our lives is measured by how we love.

Rev. David

Happy Retirement to Mary Anne Fyckes

After being the Spiritual Life and Community Animator for several Lester B. Pearson schools since the board was created over 20 years ago, Mary Anne Fyckes is retiring at the end of this school year.

It seems oddly fitting that Mary Anne is retiring just as the Mission is closing and Rev. David is leaving. Mary Anne has been a familiar face around SouthWest Mission from its inception. In fact, she is the one who first suggested that Verdun Elementary might be looking to rent space to a community partner and that SouthWest might be a good fit. For twelve years it was, and Mary Anne had a big part in making that partnership work.

Mary Anne has deep roots in Verdun and a great understanding of and fondness for Verdun families. Over the years, Mary Anne has always taken an interest in Mission activities and has served as a bridge between us and a succession of Principals. As a Muslim she has also been a link to our local Islamic Centre, helping to forge a warm relationship between our two communities.

In a rapidly diversifying Verdun, she has consistently been a voice for cultural sensitivity and inclusion. She has been the one we turn to to understand another culture’s approach to the grieving process, but she’s also the one who tells us where to find kosher hotdogs! A spiritual animator’s job is multi-faceted.

As a wearer of the hijab, how does Mary Anne feel about retiring at this fraught moment, with the CAQ government preparing to prevent educators from wearing “religious signs”? Let’s just say that, inside or out of the system, Mary Anne has no intention of keeping quiet!

Mary Anne, you will be missed, but you have earned your rest and relaxation, and all of us at Southwest wish you the best. We won’t say good-bye, just “see you around”.

  • The school is having a send-off for Mary Anne Fyckes in the Mission space on Friday, May 31st at 6PM. Please get in touch with Amy at the office if you would like to go. The organizers are trying to get an accurate head count.

Minister's Message: Words of Life and Beauty

This prayer has been on my heart since Easter Sunday:

O God for whom there are no barriers,
no stones too big to remove,
roll away our resistance to you.
Let your words fill us with new life
and bring us out from the tomb of indifference, alive in you.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

(UCC, Celebrate God’s Presence, p. 197)

 Let your words fill us with new life...

At my final outreach service at Les Floralies, LaSalle this week some 30 people attended worship and shared with me words of appreciation for some ten years of monthly ministry in this residence. The SouthWest pastoral team members were given flowers and I received a card, gift and a homemade Celebration Cake! Beryl Barraclough, the Designated Lay Minister who will begin her ministry July 1st at SouthWest was also there so people would know there is continuity. We sang this hymn:

Sing them over again to me,
wonderful words of life,
Let me more of their beauty see, wonderful words of life.

(P. Bliss, 1874) 

In John’s Gospel (6: 25-71) Jesus talks about his death and how the disciples would have to ‘feed on his flesh’. Many did not hear the allusion to his death and resurrection and found his teaching too hard. They turned back and no longer followed him. The words I have spoken to you are full of the Spirit and Life, Jesus says to those remaining. In other words: are you going or staying?

Peter responds: Where would we go? You have the words of eternal life!

In the midst of significant transitions it is hard to hear words of life. In the endings it is difficult to hear of new beginnings. When there is loss and grief, can we hear hope or in the darkest night, see the light?

Faith believes that the One we follow has the words of eternal life. That Jesus has gone before us through the depths of the grave and darkness of the tomb. He knew God’s silence on the cross as he hung naked and alone.

There too, few disciples remained to keep vigil.

I am only keeping my head above the waters these last days of May as I prepare for the emotion-filled goodbye to SouthWest after 20 years. At every turn there are memories of two decades of ministry and relationships. I believe that God is in our midst guiding and cajoling us: reminding us of that strong faith of our ancestors that gets on with doing what must be done in the midst of change and challenges.

I believe that there is life in the words of Jesus and a living relationship with him that gives us the courage of goodbyes. I believe that love knows no boundaries or distance and is not limited to biology. It is the ultimate word of life.

So join me in the prayer:

Let your words fill us with new life!


Rev. David
