It Only Takes a Spark

What an incredible experience this Tuesday evening: the campfire lit at the end of a super soggy rain-filled day. Songs of praise, fun, belonging and joy. Deep laughter and exuberance. I was at the Camp d’Action Biblique near Richmond, QC feeling the vibes in chapel worship and then the campfire at United Spirit Camp Esprit Unie.

Wonderful moments. Incredible stories. Deep bonding.
There is a campfire song from my youth:

 It only takes a spark
to get a fire going,
and soon all those around
can warm up in its glowing:

That’s how it is with God’s love,
once you’ve experienced it:
You spread God’s love to everyone,
you want to pass it on.

(Kurt Kaiser, 1969, VU 289)


Have you heard the questions: where have our youth gone? Why are they not in church? Where is the next generation?

We all live the constant of change. Each generation can tell the following the things that evolved in machinery, food production, communication. In a lifetime there is so much that is different. We all have stories in our families of grandparents, great great Uncles and Aunts telling of the struggles of their youth, of the Great Depression or times of War. Remember the two dollar bill, the penny? I learned the internet and the power of smart phones as an adult; new generations learn this from birth.


Faith creates sparks and songs or rituals that are adapted for different ages. Faith lives church and hope around a United Spirit Camp Esprit Unie campfire where almost one hundred people: counsellors, adults, 66 children and youth sing a benediction. Do they see in the flames what Moses saw in the burning bush: the presence of the Holy, the Unexplainable, the Mystery of Life and Interconnectedness (Exodus 3)? Do they hear the voice of God, the great I AM, of Jesus and Spirit in the incarnation of faith in the lives of leaders giving the incalculable hours, talents and enthusiasm that lets camping happen? Do they feel the Spirit of celebration and belonging, the same that was present at their baptism years before? Camp experience is filled with the Holy, the Presence of Jesus and of Spirit!  Do our youth see, hear and feel? Yes they do!!!


I had the joy of being with the six Emmanuel campers: Logan, Nolan, Elisha, Beauty, Peter and Esther and also the great pleasure of affectionate hugs from both Georgia and Theo whom I knew at SouthWest. I took a selfie like Georgia did when she was baptised at age 16, including the circle of friends around the campfire. Can it get better than this?

This was lovely, simple, heartfelt and inspiring. I was blessed to be a part of these moments, as are these youth to be part of this transformational week.

Where are our youth?

Around the campfire bonding with God, Jesus and friends.

Where are they next week?

Telling the stories of this life-changing experience.

What will we do?

Listen to their joy, their songs and let the their sparks of enthusiasm ignite the flame within us and our communities of faith!

This is change church needs: letting our youth lead us into the bonding of the campfire and Spirit flame in our midst!  Flame that consumes the unnecessary and glows bright as a beacon for all to see. It only takes a spark: pass it on!


-Rev. David

BBQ a good time for all!

A big thank you off the top to Dorothy Brown for organizing the food for SouthWest’s annual St-Jean barbecue last Saturday. Thanks also to Dennis (who somehow missed getting his picture taken) and Frank for manning the barbecue. And to everyone else who pitched in to make this SWU tradition a success. The weather was fine and the turnout was strong!

Beryl and Koji

Beryl and Koji

Lil, Ethel

Lil, Ethel



Frank, Sandy

Frank, Sandy



Thanks to Helen Pantridge for the pictures.

June 25 Mini-market

Tuesdays between 12:30 and 5PM, drop by and say hello to Sheila and Maurice at Dawson Boys and Girls Club (666 Woodland ave.). Here’s what the Mini-market will have for sale next week, June 25th.

                                          LBS.           KGS.          EACH     

CARROTS                                     .72               1.60
CAULIFLOWER                                                                    2.58
ENGLISH CUCUMBERS                                                        .83
GREEN ONIONS                                                                    .56
SPANISH ONIONS                      .77               1.69
RED PEPPERS                          2.15              4.73
CHEF WHITE POTATOES          .58               1.27
TOMATO HYDRO                      1.29               2.85
WHITE  MUSHROOMS             2.84               6.25
GRANNY SMITH APPLES                                                    .55
BANANAS, TURBANA              .77             1.71
CLEMENTINES                                                                     .26

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Friday June 21st, is National Indigenous Peoples Day. As you know, the final report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women was issued earlier this month. It is a monster of a report, some 1200 pages. Out of that, unfortunately, some of us have heard only one word, “genocide”.

It is upsetting for us to hear our country – and ourselves, as Canadians – accused of such a crime. But we must try to remember that this report is not about us and our hurt feelings. It is about communities from coast to coast to coast living in intolerable poverty, lacking medical care, and still suffering the fallout from Residential Schools.

What does all of that have to do with Missing and Murdered women, you might ask; shouldn’t the report have stayed focused on them? I believe the writers of the report could not honour those women and girls without putting their stories into the larger context.

Instead of squabbling over a single word, can we take the opportunity of this Indigenous Peoples Day to simply acknowledge that we as a country need to do better? By the way, nobody is saying that Indigenous peoples have a monopoly on suffering, but they have had collective experiences that most non-Indigenous Canadians have not. If you don’t believe me, next time you meet a First Nations, Inuit or Metis person, ask them if their family has been touched by murder or violent death. I can almost guarantee you the answer will be yes.

Find out about the United Church of Canada’s commitment to Reconciliation and Justice as well as other social justice initiatives of the church here.

An Early History of our Building


In 1997, Crawford Park United put out a booklet titled, 50 Years of Memories. It is a treasure trove of photos, reminiscences and a poem or two. I may be sharing other bits and pieces from it in the coming weeks, but for today, here is a slightly edited text, author unknown, probably written in the 1950s, that recounts the origins of the congregation and the building we now occupy. Note that it was only the basement level of the church that was completed in 1947; the “superstructure” including what is now the sanctuary, was not completed until 1952. How interesting to learn that there was once a “little red schoolhouse” at the corner of Lloyd-George and Churchill, especially since the newly-built CSMB school, Annexe Crawford, now occupies the block of Churchill between Clemenceau and Lloyd-George!
It is important to note that what is now known as SouthWest United came about through the amalgamation of Verdun United and Crawford Park United churches, congregations which had earlier absorbed members from Chalmers and First Presbyterian. Thus, the text below is not a complete history of SouthWest, but it is a history of our building at 1445 Clemenceau in Verdun, and a glimpse of the Crawford Park community of days gone by. - Amy

The Early days

Although the structure that was to become Crawford Park United Church was not begun until 1947, the actual community of faith began to form much earlier. This small group of people who met in the little red schoolhouse would eventually form the nucleus of CPUC.

In the growing community of Crawford Park, a dozen or so faithful souls felt the need to gather together on Sundays to worship in some form of the Protestant faith. Permission was secured to use the two classrooms of the little red schoolhouse then standing on the corner of Lloyd George and Churchill Avenues. The Rev. Wilkinson came out to lead these services each Sunday beginning in the early 1940s and continuing until 1944. As time went on about 34 to 45 hardy citizens braved the pioneer conditions prevailing in the schoolhouse and supplied the enthusiasm and fellowship that more than made up for any lack of comfort.

As the word spread that a service was held each Sunday, the congregation sometimes filled all the desks and available chairs and those in charge at the door would hurriedly borrow kitchen chairs from the nearest homes to seat the overflow.

Begun as a joint community Church to serve the needs of the Protestant people of Crawford Park and neighbouring environs, the present building was begun in 1947. With such funds as could be given or pledged by members, adherents and friends and with the help of the Home Mission Board of the United Church of Canada, the group meeting in the little red schoolhouse planned and prepared the basement of what was later to be completed as the splendid Church which now stands on Clemenceau Avenue. A six-roomed manse was constructed as well, and in February of 1948 the congregation began to hold its meetings in the basement hall of its own building.

After Mr. Wilkinson gave up the charge in the fall of 1944, the Rev. Meech carried on. The Rev. J.K. Brown took overall responsibility for the Church and filled in when needed. During the period from 1944 to 1947 the Rev. O. Stevens, Rev. Starkey and Rev. Williams supplied leadership briefly. The Rev. Douglas Reed, the Rev. W. Morris and the Rev. R. Purvis Smith came for somewhat lengthier periods. In 1947 Rev. J.C. Downing came from Greenfield Park and continued services in the schoolhouse and then took charge of the Church congregation preaching there in the morning and travelling to St. Jerome in the afternoon to hold evening services there.

Sunday School sessions began simultaneously with the Church services and continued diligently through the years offering leadership and training in Christian living to all children in the vicinity. The first Sunday School party was held in 1942 in the schoolhouse, and these festivities became an annual event. In 1948 the party was held in the present Church basement hall.

in 1944, the Women’s Auxiliary (W.A.) was organized under the leadership of Mrs. Oke and Mrs. Hepworth and the group held regular monthly meetings in the homes. Soon the membership and popularity of this organization made a larger meeting place imperative, and in 1948 the basement hall made it possible to extend the hospitality and interest of this group.

Late in 1944, the Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.) was begun under the leadership of Mrs. Maud Hall, gradually assuming responsibility for the extension of spiritual welfare in missionary work and younger groups.

C.G.I.T., Explorer and Mission Band groups were formed to serve the needs of girls from ages 6 to 16. Cubs and Boy Scouts began to meet weekly in the hall.

Beginning with a piano and a small group to lead the singing in the schoolhouse, the choir met faithfully and unceasingly to prepare music to enhance the atmosphere of worship as the congregation moved on from the schoolhouse to the basement hall. It was very fortunate that upon completion of the Church and the gift of an electric organ from the Men’s Club, a gifted and willing organist Mr. W. Hindle arrived in the district. Under the leadership and training of Mr. Hindle the music of the services contributed much to the enjoyment of the congregation.

from: Crawford Park United Church, 1947-1997: 50 Years of Memories

Let This be the Last Inquiry

The following is a response from the United Church of Canada to the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

We renew our pledge to be good relations,
and we ask the whole of the church to pray.

On June 3, we witnessed a historic event with the release of the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

In a letter to The United Church of Canada, Moderator the Rt. Rev. Dr. Richard Bott and the Rev. Maggie Dieter, Executive Minister, Indigenous Ministries and Justice, urge non-Indigenous members and friends of the United Church to

  • read the final report of the Inquiry

  • advocate for the actions it demands of government

  • explore how each of us, individually and as communities of faith, will make the changes necessary to ensure the dignity and safety of Indigenous peoples in this country

June 18 Mini-Market

SouthWest Mission is gone, but the Mini-market lives on at Dawson Boys and Girls Club! Same friendly faces, same great deals on fresh fruit and veg! Here’s what will be on offer next Tuesday between 12:30 and 5PM at 666 Woodland avenue.

La Mission n’est plus mais le Mini-marché est encore en vie chez Dawson. Vous y verrez les mêmes visages souriants, et vous profiterez des mêmes aubaines. Voici la liste de fruits et légumes qui seront offerts mardi prochain de 12H30 à 17H au Repaire Jeunesse Dawson, 666 av. Woodland.

PRODUCE                                      LBS.          KGS.          EACH

BABY BOKCHOY                        3.05           6.71

BROCCOLI                                                                          2.61 

CARROTS       .72           1.60    

ENGLISH CUCUMBER                                                        .83

SPANISH ONIONS                         .77           1.69

TOMATO, VINE RED                    1.89           4.16

POTATOES                                     .50           1.10

QUEBEC GARLIC                                                              TBA

BANANAS              .77             1.71

CORTLAND APPLES                  1.18             2.60

CLEMENTINES                                                                  .30

LEMONS                                                                            .35

Father's Day, 2019

Two of the most poignant moments of my pilgrimage to Israel in 2018 were:
- standing to pray at the Western Wall of Lamentations in Jerusalem beside a Jewish man whose young son (4-5 years old) approached his father, put his hand on the wall, rocked back and forth, and prayed just like dad.
- a Palestinian boy (8 years old) approaching me to sell a candy bar in a public square in Bethlehem in Occupied Palestinian territory. No words were exchanged, just his eyes catching mine. We were on the other side of the humongous Israeli-built wall that excluded him and his family from the advantages of Israeli citizenship. I bought the candy.

One wall was a sacred place of prayer, the other a separation between neighbours. I wonder how fathers explain these differences to their sons?

There was so much prayer being raised across the Holy Land, by pilgrims in Christian sites and churches, Muslims at the Dome of the Rock and in mosques, Jews in synagogues and at the Wailing Wall. Children learn from the adults around them in their formative years. Are they being taught that all prayer is helpful no matter the difference of ritual or language that names the Creator? That human needs expressed from human hearts are reaching the one heart of God, Yahweh, Allah? I love the expression as it relates to God and diverse faiths: One River, many wells. I was humbled by the presence of the Holy at all the sacred sites in Israel.

My father was a five year veteran who could not handle the noise of family parties. Even at the table, when all ten of us were there, he asked for silence while eating. In his later years at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the ending of WW II he began telling the stories of his artillery division and regiment, the ear damaging noise of the guns and the many horrible experiences he lived. I began to understand his need for silence, and his stories brought us closer.
I have my father’s bible, well-marked and used. He read it every day. Although it is precious, the greater gift is the faith he shared through his work ethic, prayers and example. I inherited my Christian faith from him but made it mine when I confessed as a youth that I too would follow Jesus in my words and actions. I confirmed his faith and made it mine.

As a seeker after truth I do not pretend to possess it, I am ever reaching for it and discovering so many names for the mystery of God along the journey.

A living faith in God is a powerful thing: it liberates, converts the spirit and mind to right living and seeks to make the world better. It ignites revolutions that resist evil wherever it is found, even in the religiousness of piety and orthodoxy.

As the Spirit engulfed the disciples at Pentecost and gave them the courage to witness their faith in the Risen Christ, I too pray for Spirit to free me from fears holding me back from giving witness to my faith, in words, actions, prayers and a generous love.

I hope that children raised in different faiths share the heart of their beliefs with others so that all God believers can seek justice together in the world for every human being. I pray that all fathers will share their faith so there will be yet another generation of sons and daughters loving and serving God. 
Blessings on all fathers!

Faith of our fathers, living still
in spite of dungeon, fire and sword;
O how our hearts beat high with joy,
whene’er we hear that glorious word:
faith of our fathers, holy faith,
we will be true to you till death.
(Frederick Faber, 1849, VU 580)

Rev. David

Opinion: Let's give the new bike lanes a chance

You’ve probably heard, or seen, that the borough of Verdun added bike lanes to Verdun Avenue this spring. It’s a two-year pilot project to last from May to the end of October and - here’s the part that has people upset - it has meant the elimination of some parking spots on the street. This is understandably worrying to some residents and merchants.

As with any pilot project, there will certainly be glitches to work out, but at least this is happening in summer! The borough is encouraging residents who have parking spots behind their properties to use them instead of the street. Sounds reasonable. For those who come to the street to shop or eat, the borough is promising more free parking on side streets adjacent to Verdun avenue.

I understand that some people have limited mobility and no choice but to drive places. What if those of us who are able-bodied made an effort to leave the available parking spaces for them? Personally, the knowledge that there will be less parking on Verdun avenue is making me ask myself whether I really need to take my car. At least for the summer months, before reaching for the keys, I’m definitely going to ask myself,  “Can I walk, can I ride?” With any luck I’ll be in better shape when the summer’s over than I am now.

The most common complaint I hear is, “There are already two bike paths, along Champlain and along Lasalle boulevard. Why do we need another?”

The assumption behind this question seems to be that people just ride bikes for recreation or exercise and so they should be happy to stick to the picturesque paths along the river and the aqueduct. It ignores the fact that a lot of people use their bikes the same way you use your car. If a cyclist needs to get to the bank and the pharmacy on Verdun avenue, the Champlain bike path is of limited use to them. Many Verduners use bikes, especially in nice weather, to get to work, or take their kids to daycare; others ride their bikes to the metro and leave them there while they use public transit to go to work or do errands. Shouldn’t we be encouraging this kind of environmentally responsible behaviour? These cyclists are not the enemy of cars, they are people who otherwise might be fighting you for a parking spot!

It’s not like people didn’t already ride bikes on Verdun avenue. It’s much safer for all concerned to give them their own lane than to have everyone trying to share the same lane. The grisly truth – and one of the reasons for creating these lanes - is that there are on average two serious accidents per year involving cyclists on that street. Designated bike lanes are intended to make the street safer for everyone.

To those who say that cyclists don’t respect the rules of the road, I say, you’re right: there are as many reckless drivers on two wheels as there are on four. We all – including pedestrians – need to be reminded that we share the road, and that everybody just wants to get where they’re going in one piece. The borough is adding several new stop signs along Verdun avenue this month. All drivers and riders will be expected to observe them.

Even if you hate them, remember, the bike lanes will only be there for the summer and fall, the months when bicycle use is at its highest; by winter, the eliminated parking spaces will be restored. The borough of Verdun didn’t add these bike lanes without a lot of consultation. They will be evaluating the pilot project over the course of this first summer, and listening to legitimate criticisms and suggestions. In the meantime, let’s give it a chance.


Banner illustration is from a painting by Carole Spandau.