Thank You, Nurses!

Nursing Team Recognition Week is at the beginning of May, and one Montreal nurse is asking people to send cards and letters of appreciation to nurses at the MUHC. We thought this would be a nice project to get involved with as a church, and that is why this week, people who receive the Friday newsletter by snail mail are also receiving a blank card and pre-addressed envelope. We hope many who receive the e-newsletter will be inspired to participate as well.

No one likes being hospitalized, and I sincerely hope that has not been your experience this last year. Still, all of us have spent time in hospitals at some point either for our own health issues or those of a relative.

If you have had no other contact with the health system recently, many of you have received a Covid vaccination in the past few weeks or months. Chances are it was administered by a nurse.

If you’ve ever had a nurse take the time to talk to you and answer your questions, here’s your chance to “pay it forward” by thanking a member of the hard-working team at the MUHC.

Anyone can participate in this campaign to show nurses they are appreciated. They hope to receive 5000 cards and letters. Why not take a picture of your letter before sending it and share it with us?

Some pre-addressed cards will be available to those who attend church this Sunday.

Find out more here. (CBC news story)


Cards and letters to the nurses should be addressed to:
D05.5428-1001 boul. Décarie,
Montréal QC Canada H4A 3J1
