Mini-Market February 28th
With the mild weather forecast over the next nine days at least, you could almost believe spring is coming! While it's still grey outside, there's always plenty of colour at the Mission on Welcome Wednesdays. Red peppers, green beans, oranges etc. Mini-market has a bright palette of colours, not to mention flavours available at the best prices. And they're loaded with vitamins and iron to give us the boost we need at this time of year. Download the price list for next Wednesday's market below.
The delicious, nutritious community meal offered on the same day is also an excellent pick-me-up. These days, the cooks usually prepare something with meat, but there is always a vegetarian alternative available.
What: Welcome Wednesday
Where? Southwest Mission, 631 Melrose
When? Wed., February 28th: Mini-market 10:30AM to 3:30PM; Community Lunch 12:30.