Making food accessible to all. ..Rendre la nourriture accessible à tous.

Breakfast for Kids
At SouthWest Mission, which was located in Verdun Elementary School, we partnered with the school and Breakfast Clubs of Canada, to start up and run a breakfast program. Since 2017, and despite the closing of the Mission, SouthWest United has been a financial supporter of the VES Breakfast Club, which, in an average school year, provides nutritious meals to some 60 or 70 children every school day. Sue Purcell and Sheila Morrison have shared coordinator duties since 2017.
In 2020 and 2021, instead of eating in a large hall, the children had breakfast delivered to them in their classroom “bubbles”. The coordinators didn’t think it was right under these circumstances to feed only some children and asked Breakfast Clubs of Canada to provide enough food to feed all 200+ children in the school. They agreed. The Breakfast Club has continued to feed all the children of VES throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
We are proud of our long association with VES and the Breakfast Club.

Food for the Hungry
Food and the United Church go hand in hand. As a small congregation, we can not always do as much as we would like, but we remain involved in our community. Every first Sunday of each month we collect non-perishable food items for the Dawson Food Bank (formerly Manna Verdun), a partnership that goes back decades. Manna, located in the basement of Dawson Community Centre (666 Woodland, Verdun) is open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10AM to 12:00, except the first week of the month. Find more food resources in the community directory below.

To find out about occasional community meals at SouthWest, watch this space, sign up for our Friday newsletter and like our Facebook page.

Community Directory / Répertoire communautaire


Dawson Community Centre
Food Bank: Thursdays, 9:30am to 3:30pm. Call for appointment
Contact: Roxanne Tisdall
514 767-9967, ext. 223

REV (Reseau d’entraide de Verdun)
Food bank: Monday 16h00 to 18h00
(514) 762-0705
5132 Wellington Street, Verdun, Montréal, QC, H4G 1Y2

5315 Wellington Street, Verdun, Montréal, QC, H4H 1N3
Emergency food, Christmas baskets, especially for immigrants and people from cultural communities
514 844-3340

Société St-Vincent-de-Paul
Food bank, by appointment (phone)