New name, New Location, Same Great Camp!

My name is the Rev. Tami Spires and I am the Correspondence Secretary for our Quebec Presbytery Camp, United Spirit Camp Esprit Uni.

I would love to share with you exciting information about our upcoming Presbytery Camp to be held Sunday, June 24th–Saturday, June 30th, 2018 at Camp d'Action Biblique in beautiful Richmond, Quebec.

Our former camp name “Quebec-Sherbrooke Presbytery Camp”  reflected the regional boundaries of our camp.  As we vision to the future, it was decided by the camp committee to come up with a new camp name that reflects our mission statement where,  “We build a space which is safe, healthy and affirming with an openness to God, to encourage people to develop a sense of security and Christian community.” (United SpiritCamp webpage, 2018)

Our camp webpage can be found online at: 

If you click the “About Us” link on the top right hand side of the webpage, you will find all the information about our upcoming summer camp, including dates, cost, our camping groups.

Please keeping checking back regularly for updates and the link to our registration form.

You can find us on social media at:

SnapChat -“unitedspiritcam” 
Facebook -United Spirit Camp Esprit Uni

If there are any questions, please reach out to us by email at


Rev. Tami Spires

Click on the button to watch a video about United Spirit Camp


Comment Dieu nous parle-t-il?


Music and soup a success