Minister's Message: Future Directions
SouthWest's annual meeting was not only a recognition of the work of 2017 but also an opportunity to speak openly about its future. The investment from the sale of Verdun United is being slowly depleted and if we make no change to current spending there will be no more monies in it by mid 2019. A short report called Future Directions 2018 recognized that last year our income was $90,000 short of our expenses.
I remember the conversations and deep emotions as Crawford Park and Verdun United faced the realities of their future and decided for amalgamation in 2007.
Our Mission Plan opened us to our wider community and incarnated a generous gospel in our words and deeds. We are not the same as we were 10 years ago. We are living a vibrant model of outreach and are evolving into something different as a community of faith. How do we fund our vision? What is God leading us to become? Where will we be next year?
Doing nothing is not an option and concrete ideas are on the table as of the April 8th congregational meeting: sharing ministry with another congregation, evaluating the value of our existing church and manse, looking at how the Mission could be incorporated like St Columba House or Montréal City Mission, and engaging our membership, adherents and those benefiting from our services in fundraising.
I am pondering these options and praying for guidance, wisdom and the energy needed to move forward into new ways of being church, living our mission and loving all those who journey with us and need our ministry.
Pray with me as SouthWest engages in conversations, fundraising and a process of decision making.
We are a resilient community and have a deep faith that the God of our ancestors is alive and in our midst.
One of my favourite hymns says:
All my hope is firmly grounded in our great and living Lord;
who whenever I most need him, never fails to keep his word.
God I must wholly trust, God the ever good and just.
(Words, Joachim Neander, 1680, VU 654)
We were never alone, we are never alone, thanks be to God!
Rev. David
Please request a copy of the Future Directions 2018 report or the full annual reports by calling at the office.