Community Notes

Scottish history in Quebec:

The Sons of Scotland are planning a Bus Trip to Gould Quebec in the Eastern Township on July 11th. Tickets are $30.00, which includes a Scottish Buffet Lunch  and a Guided Tour of Gould.

200 Scottish immigrants arrived from the Isle of Lewis in 1838 and settled in the Village of Victoria near Gould, so the tour should be very interesting.

A Buffet Lunch of Scottish Cuisine will be served at the Gould Rush Inn at 12:30.

The Bus leaves at 8:00 A.M. from the Champlain Mall near Tim Horton's and will arrive at Gould

at 10:30. Leaving Gould around 2:30 P.M.

If anyone is interested please contact Lorna Joannette at 514-761-1342. Cut-off date to purchase tickets is June 1st.

Spring Fling wrap-up

Last Saturday's Spring Bazaar made over $1,000.00 Thank you to all who helped by donating items, time, money and energy.

Sharron O’Reilly was the lucky person to take home the Pantry Basket prepared by Kathy O’Halloran that was raffled off, raising $118 for Benevolence! Thanks Kathy for your creative contribution!  Sharron 's name was also drawn for the chiffon citrus cake! Margaret Mercer's name was drawn for the surprise bucket! See photos of the day below.

Drivers wanted!

In the interest of spring cleaning at the Mission we are looking for people with cars to help take things to Renaissance on Wellington. Ten people doing one trip each would be a lot easier than one person doing ten or more loads! Call the office ahead of time to make sure someone will be here to help load up your vehicle. Thanks!


Victoria Day


Kitchen notes de notre cuisine