Roadwork to affect SouthWest Church

SouthWest has been informed by the Borough of Verdun that the street in front of our church, as well as several other blocks in Crawford Park, will be dug up for at least three months. We are assuming that SouthWest United will not be accessible for at least part of that period, set to begin around June 15th. We are actively looking for alternative spaces to hold worship: church is not cancelled! Below is the text of a letter inviting concerned citizens to an information meeting at the Borough Hall on June 6th. We will keep you updated as we know more.

INVITATION to an information meeting
The Borough of Verdun, Ville de Montréal and the Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys invite you to an information meeting on the road and water main rehabilitation project that will be carried out this summer on several adjacent streets in the Crawford Park sector. 
The streets concerned by these work operations are as follows: Clemenceau, Lloyd-George and Leclair, between Churchill and Ouimet, as well as croissant Foch and rue Churchill along its entire length. The meeting will take place on:
Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. 
in the Council Meeting Room of the Borough Hall
4555, rue de Verdun

Given the scope of the work project and the fact that it will be undertaken at the same
time as the construction of the new school (within the Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys), which is already under way, the Borough would like to present its residents
all of the work operations as well as the measures it is taking to reduce their impact. The
Borough would also like to set up a Comité de bon voisinage to promote good relations
among neighbours in the entire sector. This committee will provide you with an
opportunity to voice your concerns and suggestions on reducing the impact of the
various work projects and coordinating them as well. 
If you have any questions regarding this invitation, please call the Borough of
Verdun at 311. 


Mini-market June 6th


Ordination accomplished!