Verdun Triathlon: Streets closed August 12


Sunday August 12 is the Verdun Triathlon. There will be street closings, but worship will go on at SouthWest United at the usual time. Lasalle Boulevard will be closed its length, but access will be open from Champlain Boulevard via Leclair and Crawford streets. Bus routes may be disrupted and parking will be prohibited on some streets (not Clemenceau). Even walkers may find their usual routes blocked, but we have received assurances from the organizers that worshippers should ask volunteers for help to safely cross the bike route.

Find out more at:

Below is a letter from the borough to Crawford residents, and a map of the bike route.

Dimanche 12 août c'est le Triathlon de Verdun. Il y aura des fermetures de rues, mais le culte continuera à SouthWest à l'heure habituelle (10h). Le boulevard Lasalle sera fermé, mais l'accès au boulevard Champlain sera accessible par les rues Leclair et Crawford. Les itinéraires de bus peuvent être perturbés et le stationnement sera interdit dans certaines rues (mais pas Clémenceau). Même les marcheurs peuvent voir leurs itinéraires habituels bloqués, mais nous avons reçu des assurances de la part des organisateurs que les fidèles peuvent demander de l'aide aux bénévoles pour traverser la piste cyclable en toute sécurité.

The dark red line shows the bike route, which will be closed to traffic. The small red lines show intersections that will be closed.

The dark red line shows the bike route, which will be closed to traffic. The small red lines show intersections that will be closed.


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