An Emerging Model: Sharing our Minister

On July 15, 2018 SouthWest Congregation gave its approval for a half-time minister. Rev. David accepted this decision which offers the gift of time (financially) for SouthWest to discern thoughtfully and faithfully its future as a worshipping congregation within the community.

On August 19, 2018 Emmanuel United in Cowansville voted unanimously for a half-time minister, and agreed to call Rev. David to their congregation.

This is our new reality, actions, and a state of being. SouthWest and Emmanuel United are linked with a half-time minister each, sharing a ministry with a spirit of generosity. A small team from SouthWest and Emmanuel "broke bread" and drafted an overview of 2018-2019.

On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month, Rev. David will lead us in worship at SouthWest. (Exceptionally, this September he will be present on September 9 and September 23). During the week, Rev. David will be formally available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to SouthWest; Thursdays and Fridays at Emmanuel. The remaining Sundays each month will be led by our worship team and other sources within our community.

The priorities for his time are worship, pastoral care and preparing the way for a more independent Mission.

SouthWest executive, worship and Intouch teams are meeting to establish structure, responsibility and accountability with our Minister in his half-time role, and to understand what sharing our Minister with Emmanuel United means locally, within our community and Presbytery.

Our vulnerabilities are not weaknesses but powerful reminders to keep our hearts and minds open to the reality that we are all in this together. We are in movement towards a redefined future.
Yes, with a generosity of spirit and open-heartedness that flows freely and touches anyone who can feel it.
Not manipulative
No strings attached.
Gospel filled.

- Darlene Halfyard, Chair of SouthWest Council


Singing Through Changes


Passages: Margaret Samson