Minister's Message: Summertime

For some the summer starts when you can take walks in the coolness of the evening at the end of day. Or when the first produce is ready from your garden. It could be the great variety of birds at your backyard feeder.
My favorite summer hymn is:

For the fruit of all creation, thanks be to God.
For the gifts to every nation, thanks be to God.
For the ploughing, sowing, reaping, silent growth while we are sleeping,
Future needs in earth’s safe-keeping, thanks be to God.

                                                                     (Fred Pratt Green, 1970, VU 227)

The image of silent growth reminds us of all the many things that happen behind the scenes that give life taste: from the cooking in the kitchen, the weeding of the garden, the laundry hanging on the clothesline. That work brings a satisfaction of produce, meals, fresh clothes. It is the hard work that lets us sit at the table and enjoy the sharing and blessing together.
And at the meal we say: thanks be to God.



Rev. David


Passages: Joyce Healy


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