Better Together Harvest Party/ Fête des récoltes

With the Harvest Season coming to an end, it is that time of the year to thank mother nature for the bountiful crops she has provided. What better way to celebrate this moment than with a Community Harvest Party? SouthWest is a recipient of a $1000 grant from the Aviva Community Fund. So what are we doing with the money? Having friends over, of course!
Please join SouthWest and their team on Wednesday September 26 for a very special Welcome Wednesday Community lunch at 12:30 and visit our Mini Market for some fresh fruits and vegetables at great prices!
Let’s bring together our partners, our volunteer teams and staff BUT most of all the community; an inclusive community event where people can come and enjoy local music, our market, our food opportunities and share SouthWest’s vision “We provide a table where all are welcome, with food for body, mind and spirit.”

Here’s what Aviva says about their initiative:

We believe that good things happen when people come together. Even great things. We get to know our neighbours. We do things to help each other. We become more resilient. That’s why this year’s theme for the Aviva Community Fund is about bringing people together to create change within our community.


To celebrate 10 years of impact, we’re donating another $1 million to fund charitable initiatives across Canada. Because communities are better together

Congrats to our $1,000 #BetterTogether event winners!



Viva Musica!


Minister's Message: Faith leads us into new ways of being