Post Christmas Thanks


Dear Friend,

 What a difference your generosity made for the Christmas season at SouthWest Mission.

Without your kind and generous donations the following activities would not have been possible:


- 96 children participated at the Children’s Christmas Party with a lunch, face painting, crafts, books and gifts. Coordinator: Dorothy Brown and 23 volunteers

 - 371 meals were provided at the Boxing Day Community Meal (100 deliveries, 70 take out and 201 sit down meals). Coordinator: Heidi Crux and over 20 volunteers


A heartfelt Thank-You goes out to the following people and organizations:


Angry Monkey MMA (Justin Etheridge) 

Bishop Power Seniors (Candy Gift Bags)

Debbie Boyce & Steve Page

Deli Donut

Distribution Fresh (Potatoes and turnips)

Frank de Montigny (Setting up and Cleaning)

Harvest Montreal (Turkeys & Food)

Kathy O'Halloran (Book Fairy)

Laurence Von Saegen (Lentil Pies)

LCCHS, LaSalle

Le Trèfle (Felix)

Legion Branch #4

Marion Douglas (RBC Volunteer Grant)

Mike Lacroix (Pianist with Nourit, Avital & Zazic

Proden Inc

Residence Les Floralies, LaSalle

 Richard Siteman (Thistle Lodge)

Shannon Brushett (Kindred Spirits)

SouthWest Congregation

SouthWest Mission Kitchen (Chef Léonore & Kitchen Team)

SouthWest Mitten Tree

SouthWest Mission Mini Market

SouthWest Office Staff

St-Lo Bagels

Starbucks NDG

Sun Youth

Teen Haven Foundation

The Art of Ana April (Face Painting)

Turkey Blow Out Cooks

Turkey Blow Out Transportation Team

Verdun Elementary School

Verdun Elementary School Choir & Ms. Angie

Verdun Mobile Market

Webster Family

Well Restaurant, Verdun



Thank You!


Feb Food Calendars/ Calendriers alimentation de février


Minister's Message: Living the Sabbath