News from out west

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Note: Frank De Montigny was our most faithful volunteer at the Mission for the last few years. He was the first to arrive on wintry mornings to clear snow at the entrance so the children could get in for Breakfast Club. The children - “munchkins”, to Frank - all loved him. He took care of the plants, indoors and outdoors, and countless other tasks. He recently moved back to Saskatchewan. The following is from Sheila, one of our Breakfast Club coordinators:

For all of you that are interested, I spoke to Frank last Tuesday. He is very happy and said that he should have done this years ago.

His address is
339 Parker Crescent
Samora, SK

If anyone would like to call him, just let me know.

He’s living in a half duplex, 5 1/2 rooms at a Senior’s Residence. There are 12 units in the little complex.
Rent, he says, is very reasonable, as well as his electricity bill and his phone. He says that he has a large bedroom, pantry, living room and kitchen. He still has his van which is brother gave him and says that the price of gas fluctuates between 1.09 - 1.12. Bread and milk about the same as here.
A person from there helped him by getting a great discount on a bed, quilts, and end tables. His house had been repainted, and
a washer and dryer was also installed for him. He also does a lot of walking, and was going to go to his local church and schools to see if he could volunteer there.

He has a big front and back yard and next year he’ll start a big garden to keep him busy. He doesn’t have to shovel snow or cut grass. WOW, what a lucky man he is.

He misses everyone and asked me to pass this info around.

-Sheila Morrison


1899-2019: 120 Years of the United Church in Verdun


Beryl's Blog: Looking for the Light