A Lenten Journey, 2019


The season of Lent is a journey of 40+ days that lead in to Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday (March 6) and ends on Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter, the night of Jesus’ Last Supper, April 18). It is linked to the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness in the lead-up to his ministry, when he was tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1-11).

 Lenten practices take many different forms. People typically add something and/or give up something We are in solidarity with Jesus’ fasting in the wilderness for 40 days, and maybe we can learn something that will contribute to our relationship with Christ and deepening of our Faith. From my personal experience, I didn’t grow up observing Lent, my practice was more like an Easter egg hunt, but over the past few years, I have come to embrace it and especially now, I look forward to this season of reorienting my life.

As communities of Faith, lets share with each other the joys, struggles, insights and challenges of trying to live out our Lenten commitments as well as engage in biblical reflection, prayer and whatever else the Spirit might move us to do. A MESSENGER Group  or WHAT’S APP group can be set up for those who are able to communicate social media, as well as newsletters and church websites and of course individual Church and Faith communities study groups. Twenty days into the journey we can gather for tea and meet and share and at forty days celebrate with a worship and potluck! Time and place to be determined!

 A fellow journeying companion,

 Darlene Halfyard

A way to find spiritual renewal during Lent is to make a “covenant”; a promise between you and God.  What follows are some suggestions of things to do this Lent, so that when Easter comes, you have made some progress in your spiritual life.  Spend the next few days before Lent, making your preparations so that when Lent begins, you are ready to “hit the ground running.”  This covenant is between you and God, not anyone else but there is the opportunity to reflect, debate, pray, share emotions as a worshipping community. So do something that will both challenge you and enlighten you.

Spend time in solitude, meditation, prayer each day.

Read a book for inner growth.

  • Read through the gospel of the lectionary cycle you are in. (i.e. Matthew and John )

  • Begin to keep a journal of prayer concerns, questions, reading.

  • Focus on thanksgiving, rather than on asking, in prayer.

  • Give yourself a gift of time to do something you always say I don't have time to do..

  • Give up a grudge.

  • Forgive someone who has hurt you.

  • Dance your prayers to a favorite song.

  • Take on some loving task.

  • Plan to visit a neighbor or church in need

  • Write a word of affirmation once a week to a person who has touched your life.

  • Go to coffee or dinner with someone you want to know better.

  • Begin to recycle waste from your home and workplace

My Lenten Covenant/Promise

I commit to a daily spiritual practice every day of Lent 2019.

1)    Opening my Heart

            God of call, God of transformation,

God of the Lenten journey;

help us to discern your still, small voice.

Open us to change and growth

that we may walk with Christ.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


2)    I will read; a gospel text per day (download Lent Daily Readings, below)

3)    I will pray; for my concerns and those of my faith community, my neighbours and the wider world.


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Mini-market Feb. 27


Minister's Message: An Incredible Journey!