A Snapshot of 1952
Found in a box of old papers, dated October 17, 1952, the following letter from Rev. Downing announces the completion of the “superstructure” of Crawford Park United, now SouthWest. It is noteworthy for its naming of individuals and groups involved in the life of the church at that time. The phone numbers given towards the end of the letter use the old Trenmore exchange format.
We have a Bible dedicated to Rev. Wilkinson on our communion table to this day, but it is not the one mentioned in this letter; it is in fact an earlier memorial, given by the congregation in 1945. Wilkinson had retired in 1944 due to illness, and must have passed away soon after, never to see his dream realized in the building of Crawford Park United. Rev. Downing stayed on, living in the manse next door, until 1954.
To the Congregation –
Dear Friends,
It is my privilege to write you that the arrangements for the formal opening of the new church are now in hand. On Friday evening, November 7th, at eight o’clock, the Montreal Presbytery of the United Church of Canada will join with us in the ancient “dedication of a church”. And at this service our Women’s Association will present a Bible in the Revised Standard version to be dedicated to the memory of the Rev. Arthur Wilkinson, who thirteen years ago conducted the first church services in Crawford Park in the Little Red Schoolhouse, corner of Churchill and Lloyd George.
The first Sunday morning service in the new church on November 9th at eleven o’clock will be a Remembrance Day service. In this community where so many of the men, and some of the women, too, are veterans of one or other of the two Great Wars, it is very fitting that our first service should be that day. At this service the communion table and chair, the baptismal font and other memorials will be prayerfully dedicated to the glory of God.
In the evening at seven o’clock our new Junior Choir will lead the service of worship under the direction of Mr. W.H. Hindle of Ville LaSalle, our church organist and choirmaster. Please make a note that the services in the evening are now placed at seven o’clock for the convenience of the teen-agers in the choir. We are in the midst of a study of the “I am’s” of Christ. Everyone is always sure of a welcome.
I think you all know that the Sunday School program is to be divided as of this Sunday, October 19th. The Senior School, boys and girls aged seven to fifteen, will continue to meet under the leadership of Mr. G.G. Hall at 9:45 a.m. A Junior School will be organized this Sunday with Mrs. C.W. Barr as Superintendent./ this will be for children aged three to six, and will meet during the church service, that is, at eleven o’clock. For the next three Sundays these younger children will use the front side entrance and meet upstairs.
The mid-week program is well under way with C.G.I.T., Explorers and Mission band organized, Morning Choir, W.A., W.M.S., and Men’s Club meeting regularly. The Friendly Circle, Y.P.U., and Boys’ Groups will wait until the church building is fully available in the second week of November.
We have spent some $42,000 on the new superstructure, including oak pulpit and pews, and a Minshall electronic organ. Your complete and, perhaps, sacrificial support is really needed if we are to keep up with the program of repayments to the Finance and Extension Board of the Montreal Presbytery, which has advanced us most of the money to complete our building. We believe that when you see the fine building we have, you will want to support the venture in every way. The Committee of Stewards – Mr. J.P. Moore, Trenmore 2240, Chairman; Mr. J.P.E. Cropper, Trenmore 6132, Envelope Secretary – will gladly supply offering envelopes for these remaining three months of 1952. The committee charged with the financing of the church, trust that generous gifts will be received for the building and other funds. Certain memorials and gift objects are still available. Memorial and gift hymn books would be welcomed.
Let us humbly and thankfully dedicate ourselves anew to the Lord’s work in Verdun and Ville LaSalle, and – through the Missionary and Maintenance Fund – in all Canada and overseas.
Yours sincerely,
John C. Downing
Rev. Downing in 1947
Letter dated October 1952
Little girl in front of the Little Red Schoolhouse, 1940s;
Cover and Cast list of the Men’s Club’s “Gay Nineties Review” in 1952.