New Testament 101: 1 Peter

(The authorship of 1 Peter has traditionally been attributed to the Apostle Peter because it bears his name and identifies him as its author (1:1). Although the text identifies Peter as its author, the language, dating, style, and structure of this letter have led many scholars to conclude that it is pseudonymous.)

Before you begin reading, I feel it pertinent to advise that this is not my theology but is presented as a learning tool for those interested in the early writings of the New Testament. - Beryl

In this letter, Peter has much to say about suffering.  He shows how it can be a way of serving the Lord, of sharing faith and of being tested.  (Unfortunately, over the centuries, glorifying suffering has also been used as a means of control and abuse.) The letter was written to Christians scattered over the northern part of Asia Minor.  In this part of the Roman Empire, many Christians had already suffered mistreatment from those who did not believe in Jesus. And they could expect to suffer more.

Peter was quick to offer encouragement.  His letter reminds the reader that some of the Lord’s followers may have to go through times of hard testing – but this should make them glad (?) because, as Peter declares, it will strengthen their faith and bring them honor on the day when Jesus Christ returns (1: 6, 7).

Peter reminds them that Christ suffered here on earth and when his followers suffer for doing right, they are sharing his suffering (2: 18-25, 4: 12-17).  In fact, Christians should expect to suffer for their faith (3: 8-4, 19).

But, because of who God is and because of what God has done by raising Jesus Christ from the death, Christians can have hope in the future.  Just as Christ suffered before he received honor from God, so will Christians be tested by suffering before they receive honor when the Lord returns.  Peter uses poetic language to remind his readers of what Christ has done:

Christ has died once for our sins.
An innocent person died for those who are guilty.
Christ did this to bring you to Gods, when his body was put to death and his spirit was made alive.        (3:18)

A Quick Look at This Letter

1. Greetings and Prayer (1: 1-2)
2. A Real Reason for Hope (1: 3-12)
3. Living as God’s Holy People (1: 13-2:17)
4. The Example of Christ’s Suffering (2: 18-25)
5. Being a Christian and Suffering (3: 1-4, 19)
6. Advice for Church Leaders (5: 1-11)
7. Final Greetings (5: 12-14)


New Testament 101: 2 Peter


Order of Service for November 1, 2020