Food Drive Last Sunday

You have done it again SouthWest United! I was moved to see the thoughtfulness that went into the donations that came in last Sunday. Such a wide variety of foods, with all food groups represented: there were canned meats and fish as well as meat substitutes like peanut butter; canned fruits and vegetables; boxed milks of various kinds; rice, oats and other grains. Thank you! And thanks once again to the Mooney-O’Reillys for pickup and delivery!
We will collect again the first Sunday in December.

Distribution of food from Dawson BGC (formerly Manna food bank) is now done on Thursdays between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Because of Covid, it is done by appointment. The number to call to make an appointment is 514 767-9967, local 223. (666 Woodland Avenue).


Order of Service Nov. 14, 2021: Remembrance Day


Breakfast Club News