Congratulations, Jenna!
Jenna Dennison is the new official bagpiper at Ogilvy’s.
When the venerable Ste-Catherine Street retailer was bought up by Holt-Renfrew in 2017, the traditional noon-time piper was dropped in favour of a more “contemporary” image. However, it seems that Holt’s may have underestimated the public’s appetite for brogues, bags and blowsticks.
Last week, under a steady rainfall - “proper Scottish weather,” according to Dennison - the tradition returned, with a modern twist. Dennison will be the first female piper Ogilvy’s has ever had, and instead of the dark green tartan associated with Ogilvy, she will be sporting a kilt that showcases the bright pink associated with Holt Renfrew.
The piper will not perform every day, but will be called upon for “special events” at the store. Hopefully this means Jenna will still have time to visit occasionally and play for us at SouthWest.
Read more: CTV news Montreal Gazette
Visit Jenna’s own website here.
Jenna and her ‘pipes were part of our Remembrance service last Sunday, and also joined us for Orange Shirt Day at the end of September.