Pastor Beryl's Blog: World Communion Sunday, October 3, 2021
We come to be immersed in the Holy Mystery that is Wholly Love.
This Sunday is something to be excited about. Tens of thousands of Christian brothers and sisters around the world will be coming to the Lord’s Table to celebrate Holy Communion.
It doesn't matter what part of the world you come from because, from God’s perspective, there are no political, ethnic, cultural or national boundaries. From God's perspective we are One people, the People of God!
The first century church believed that Christ’s church stood for radical inclusion of all of God’s children. They believed that the barriers we as humans worked so hard to build, God, in Jesus Christ, broke through.
For those who cannot join us this coming Sunday, I offer hereunder a prayer which you may use as you break bread, in whatever way you choose, at your own table:
Prayer for World Communion Sunday
Lord as we gather around this wonderful meal
everywhere and in every place;
bless us all your children.
As we eat this bread and drink this cup
linking arms around the world,
pour your grace into us all.
Grace us with your presence
as we quietly and loudly pray to you.
May we see in each other
your light, your love and you.
May it not matter our differences,
our names, our languages,
our looks, and our way of doing things.
May what matter today and everyday be that we are one in you.
And as we pray may we call to mind those who are unable to be with us today,
whether in body or spirit.
May you bring comfort to those who are grieving, lonely,
heartbroken, ill or broken of spirit.
May you strengthen those whose lives feel shattered,
don’t make sense, in crisis, and experiencing loss.
May you say the healing word to those who need it.
May you bring the human touch of love
to those who have not been touched.
May you love the unloved through us.
May you shine your light
into those whose world is covered in darkness.
May you use us to feed the hungry,
clothe the ones who need clothes,
give a cup of water to those who are thirsty,
shelter the homeless, visit the sick and those in prison.
May lives be awakened to you, Lord,
to your love and to your kingdom
whose door is always open to all.
~ written by Rev Abi and posted on A Place for Prayer 2013.
We are one and, in our oneness lies our strength; in our oneness will the world see the difference in us and, through our love with the world, see the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Happy World Communion Sunday!
Shalom to all
Pastor Beryl, DLM