
The landscape of Verdun keeps changing, but certain church landmarks remain constant.

On a beautiful sunny day earlier this week I went for a walk and took some pictures of the former First Pres and the former Chalmers United.

I’ve often wondered why the cornerstone at the left of the door reads “A.D. 1985”, when the original part of First Presbyterian was built in, I believe, 1926. It seems there was a fire in the ‘80s and part of the building had to be reconstructed. Since 2009, this part of the building has been occupied by a Tibetan Buddhist temple.

The extension, built in 1956, currently houses three congregations: Grace Church, Verdun Community Church, and the Formosa Christian Church of Montreal.

A view of the whole building, at 501 and 503 5th Avenue.

There is another Blog post about First Pres here.

Chalmers United also underwent an expansion that is still in evidence to this day.

The original church, built in 1911, is further back on the lot and faces Ross street.

The “new” church, from 1922, at 177 de l’Eglise.

The corner of Ross and de l’Eglise, with the former Chalmers (now Montreal Korean United Church) on the left and the De l’Eglise metro on the right.

Read more Memories of Chalmers United here.


Order of service for March 20, 2022


Praying Through Lent in a Pandemic Season, 3