Praying Through Lent in a Pandemic Season, 2

[This year, as part of my own Lenten Journey, I am following the writings of Dr. Elisabeth R. Jones, the Minister at Cedar Park United Church in Pointe Claire.  For each day of Lent 2021, during the time we were observing stricter Covid-19 rules, Dr. Elisabeth chose a daily reading, followed by a prayerful reflection.

This Lenten Season, 2022, restrictions are easing but reflection continues to be a part of our Lenten devotions. Each Friday, I will share with you the reading Dr. Elisabeth chose and the prayer she offered for deeper consideration. I sincerely hope you will enjoy them as much as I am.]

This week, we continue with thoughts on Genesis 15.

Dr. Elizabeth asked the question:

Despite the fact that things appear to be returning to a more normal state (for the moment) - “How many times, in the past two and a half years, have we heard the call from public health officials, premiers, leaders, to ‘hang on’, to ‘wait’ and to keep on with the privations and restrictions that will ultimately lead the world back to fulness of life and health?  Aren’t we getting a bit tired, a bit cynical?”

Right on cue comes this wonderful story of Abraham calling God out on the truth of God’s promise! (It’s in Genesis 15: 3) God says “hey Abe, one day you will father an entire nation, trust me!” and Abraham responds, bluntly, “I don’t believe you!”

Thank you, Abraham, for saying what so many feel, and don’t dare to say.

God’s response was to paint the sky with stars so numberless, so bright, so awesome – one of those heaven/earth mystical moments, when the temporariness of current troubles shrinks down to their right size in comparison to the vastness of the universe and its Maker.

This uncertain stage in Covid too shall pass.  Abraham found out.  We will too.


Covenant keeper God   you make a lot of promises.
Forgive us when we behave as if you don’t, or that you have forgotten,
or that you might not be able to keep them.

 It takes more faith than we can muster sometimes,
to trust that you have not broken faith with us,
to trust that you are good for your Word.

When our faith falters or forgets, come alongside once more,
call us by name, and remind us that we are your people,
and you are, and will be, our God, not matter what, no matter how long.


This Sunday, on leaving worship, our blessing will be:

May love shape its own eternal ritual in you;
may covenant hone its own home in you;
may stardust reveal the ancient promise in you;
and may the God of that love, that covenant and that stardust,
show you the gift you are to the world. Amen.

In peace, I share this journey with you.

Pastor Beryl, DLM


Memories of Chalmers


SouthWest Service, March 6, 2022 (First of Lent)