Summer Solstice 2022

I have long held an interest in my Celtic roots and alternative forms of worship, from many traditions.

The Summer Solstice, an ancient Pagan celebration known as Beltane, is a day which is also celebrated by many who embrace the Christian tradition.

Should you wish to acknowledge the good earth and the changing of the seasons on June 21st, I offer prayers and readings which might speak to the Celt in you, and praise God for creation and all her gifts.

Light your favourite candle while you sit and spend a moment or two in quietness. Consider winter's chill when all was still, with seed and plant lying dormant, followed by the rising sun and warming air of Spring, green shoots emerging, leaves unfurling, blossom shouting its praise to the Creator. And now the beauty of a summer's day.

(Silent moment for reflection)


God of winter's cold, of clear sky and frozen river,
God of spring’s warmth, April showers, waking life,
God of summer pasture and mountain stream,
God of root and shoot, of harvest to come,
I praise your Holy name.

Creator God,

Forgive my moments of ingratitude,
the spiritual blindness that prevents me from appreciating the wonder that is this world the endless cycle of nature of life and death and rebirth.

Forgive me for taking without giving, reaping without sowing.
Open my eyes to see my lips to praise and my hands to share.
May my feet tread lightly on the path I tread and my footsteps be worthy of following for they lead to you.

(silent moment for reflection) 

The warmth of the sun's embrace, the gentle breeze swept in by incoming tide, the rhythm of seasons of new birth, death and recreation.
All these speak so clearly of your love, your power and your beauty.
All are expressions of your creativity and, more importantly, of yourself.
As an artist might share his personality within each brushstroke,
so within the myriad colours of a butterfly's wing you share the exuberance of your love.

(silent moment for reflection)

That I can glimpse you within creation is a beautiful thought
but also tells me that you desire to be seen to be found and known.
Open my eyes, Lord, as I walk through this world, feel the wind and sunshine
see the majesty of creation unfolding before my eyes.
Help me to see you

 Psalm 19
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.

3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.

4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,

5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.

6 It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is hidden from its heat.

 (A time of intercession with The Lord’s Prayer)

God of renewal, of life and death, rebirth
God of promise, of all beginnings, and all endings
God of hope, of new growth and harvest
Renew my heart and mind

(silent moment for reflection)


Closing prayer:

I bless you,
God of Seed and Harvest
And I bless all people
That the beauty of this world
And the love that created it
Might be expressed though our lives
And be a blessing to others
Now and always



 Pastor Beryl, DLM


Order of service June 19, 2022


SouthWest Service, June 12, 2022