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New Testament 101: Second Timothy
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul is more personal than his first one. Timothy is like a “dear child” to Paul and Paul always mentions him in his prayers (1: 2,3) because he wants Timothy to be a “good soldier” of Christ Jesus and to learn to endure suffering (2: 1,3).
Paul mentions Timothy’s mother and grandmother by name in this letter and reminds Timothy how he had placed his hands on him as a special sign that the Spirit was guiding his work.
Some who had claimed to be followers of the Lord had already been trapped by the devil and Paul warns Timothy to run from those temptations that often catch young people (2: 20-26, 3:1-9). He tells Timothy to keep preaching God’s message, even if it is not the popular thing to do (4: 2). He should also beware of false teachers.
Paul knows that he will soon die for his faith, but he will be rewarded for his faithfulness (4: 6-8) and he reminds Timothy of the true message:
If we die with Christ, we will live with him.
If we don’t give up, we will rule with him.
(2: 11, 12a)
A Quick Look at this Letter:
1. Greetings and Prayer for Timothy (1: 1, 2)
2. Do Not Be Ashamed of the Lord (1: 3-18)
3. How to Be a Good Soldier of Christ (2: 1-26)
4. What People Will Be Like in the Last Days (3: 1-9)
5. Keep Being Faithful (3: 10-4:8)
6. Personal Instructions and Final Greetings (4: 9-22)
Bible Crossword 3
This crossword, again created by Rev. Mary Taylor of St. Paul United in Westville, NS, is all about Women in the Bible. I’m embarrassed to say I only knew four of them off the top of my head, but luckily we are told where to go in the bible to find the answers! Enjoy. -Amy
A Reminder for the Re-opening of the Church September 13, 2020
For many of you, there is concern about returning to regular worship. You, of course, must do what you what you feel is best for you and your home situation.
However, for those who do wish to return, we must be mindful that each and every one of us is responsible not only for our own safety, but for the safety of all those who will be worshipping with us. Please also bear in mind that the Verdun-LaSalle Baptist congregation has been using the church for the past month and have been diligent about cleaning it before use every Sunday. We too, must respect their efforts and ensure that we allow sufficient time to clean again before their arrival.
Just a reminder of what to expect next Sunday:
· Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes before worship begins
· The only entry and exit point will be the front door. Entry and exit by the side door will not be an option
· Please arrive with your mask
· If you have a fever, cough or any other symptom or suspect you might have been in contact with a person with Covid 19, please do not come
· You will be asked to sanitize your hands immediately upon entry
· You will be asked to sign a register for tracking purposes in the event of an outbreak
· Please respect the social distancing measure of six feet when in the pews. However, members of the same family may sit together
· There will be no hymnbooks and a bulletin will be provided, which we ask that you dispose of after the service (you may take it home)
· For the time being, there will not be a choir but, if possible, a soloist or musician is permitted (along with Sarah of course)
· Access to the washrooms will be by the staircase at the back of the sanctuary only
· Please do not use the first row of seats as the Minister and readers are required to stay well back from the congregation
· If you are reading that week, please bring your own Bible
· The Minister, reader and soloist must all use different microphones
· There will be no coffee hour after worship and it is recommended that you leave the church in a timely fashion, via the front door only.
The question has been raised as to the taking up of the offering. An offering basket will be placed just inside the sanctuary entrance so that you may leave your offering in the basket. Thank you.
New Testament 101: 1 Timothy
Timothy travelled and worked with Paul (Romans 16:21, 1 Cor. 16:10, Philippians 2: 19).
Because of their shared faith, Timothy was like a son to Paul (1:2). Timothy became one of Paul’s most faithful co-workers and Paul mentions Timothy in five of his letters.
Although this letter is addressed to Timothy personally, it actually addresses many of the concerns Paul had with the life of the entire church.
Guidelines are given for choosing church officials (3: 1-7), officers (3: 8-13) and leaders (5:17-20).
Christians are to pray for everyone and remember:
There is only one God,
and Christ Jesus is the only one
who can bring us to God. (2:5)
A Quick Look at This Letter
1. Greetings (1: 1-2)
2. Instructions for church life ((1: 3-3, 13)
3. The Mystery of our Religion (3: 14-4: 5)
4. Paul’s Advice to Timothy (4:6-6, 21)
Orange Shirt Day 2020
[This is from the United Church of Canada website]
Honour children who attended residential schools.
On September 30, people all across Canada will wear orange shirts to remember and honour Indigenous children who attended Residential Schools. Indigenous Ministries and Justice at The United Church of Canada asks you to participate in Orange Shirt Day!
Why orange? Because of Phyllis Jack Webstad from the Stswecem’c Xgat’tem First Nation, who went to St. Joseph Mission Residential School. On her first day of school, Phyllis wore an orange shirt that her grandmother had given her. It was immediately taken away, and that marked the beginning of Phyllis’s long separation from her family and community, a separation caused by actions of the church and the federal government.
Orange Shirt Day is a time for us all to remember those events, their ongoing impact, and just as importantly, the continuing strength and resilience of Indigenous peoples. Former Healing Programs Coordinator Honarine Scott has written a powerful reflection on this.
What can you do?
1. Mark Orange Shirt Day in your community of faith on September 27
Whether your community of faith is meeting in person or online, please ask people to wear orange for a community picture, whether that’s a safely distanced group photo, a Zoom call screen shot, or a collage. Share your photos on Facebook and Twitter (include the hashtags #OrangeShirtDay, #EveryChildMatters, and #UCCan), or send them to Reconciliation and Indigenous Justice Animator Sara Stratton at for use on our social media pages.
A Prayer for Orange Shirt Day*
Today we wear orange
to remember and honour all the Indigenous children who went to Residential Schools.
Today we wear orange and we pray
for the Residential School and intergenerational survivors who are still struggling.
Today we wear orange and we are thankful
for those who speak the truth, and who work to shine a light on injustice.
Today we wear orange in the name of compassion and the spirit of truth and reconciliation.
Help us, God, to remember and act on this every day.
*This prayer was inspired by Honarine Scott’s Orange Shirt Day blog.
2. Wear an orange shirt on Wednesday, September 30
Whether you’re at work, at school, or at home, get out that orange shirt! Make sure you take a picture to share on Facebook and Twitter (include the hashtags #OrangeShirtDay, #EveryChildMatters, and #UCCan), and challenge your friends and family to do the same. You can also send your pictures to Reconciliation and Indigenous Justice Animator Sara Stratton at for use on our social media pages.
SouthWest Service for September 6th, 2020
We're not live yet, folks. Tune in to this Sunday's pre-recorded service by following the link below (it will be available Sunday morning). There will be communion, so you should have a piece of bread, cracker, or muffin on hand, as well as something to drink. Order of communion is below so you can follow along.
Holy Communion
The Lord be with you, and also with you
Lift up your hearts, we lift them up to the Lord
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God, it is right to give God thanks and praise
Holy are you God for your mercy is endless. You have filled all creation with light and life and your glory stretches throughout the heavens.
And we say together
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might
Heaven and earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in the highest
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest
Your Spirit calls us now, where we are, to gather all people into our celebration and in remembrance of Jesus life we say together Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again
Send O God your Holy Spirit upon us and what we do here that we and these gifts, touched by your Spirit, may be signs of life and love to one another and to the world
And we say together -Through Christ, with Christ and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all Glory is yours God most holy – now and forever
At this table, bread is broken and wine is poured as we remember not only the promise but also the price Jesus paid for who he was, for what he did and said and for the world’s brokenness. We taste the mystery of God’s great love for us and are renewed in faith and hope.
Blessing the Elements
The bread of our being loved and the wine of our joy stand as reminders that miracles in faith and risk continue to happen. In thanksgiving and remembrance, we ask you to bless this bread and this wine so that, in sharing them together, we shall be your people.
Sharing the Elements
The bread of life we eat together
The cup of love we drink as one
Prayer after Communion
For the bread we have eaten, for the cup we have shared, for the life we have received, we thank you God. Grant that we may grow in love and understanding and that our lives may be lived in faith. Amen
New Testament 101: Second Thessalonians
In this letter to the believers in Thessalonica, Paul begins by thanking God that their faith and love keep growing all the time (1: 3). They were going through a lot of troubles but Paul insists that this is God’s way of testing their faith, not a way of punishing them (1: 4, 5).
Someone in Thessalonica claimed to have a letter from Paul saying that the Lord had already returned (2: 2). But Paul warns the church not to be fooled. The Lord will not return until after the “wicked one” has appeared (2: 3).
Paul also warns against laziness (3: 6-10) and he tells the church to guard against any followers who refuse to obey what he has written in this letter.
The letter closes with a prayer:
I pray that the Lord, who gives peace, will always bless you with peace.
May the Lord be with all of you (3: 16)
A Quick Look at This Letter
1. Greetings (1: 1,2)
2. The Lord’s Return Will Bring Justice (1: 3-12)
3. The Lord Has Not Returned Yet (2: 1-12)
4. Be Faithful (2: 13-17)
5. Pray and Work (3: 1-15)
6. A Final Prayer (3: 16-18)
A Letter from Pastor Beryl Regarding the Reopening of our Church
Dear Friends:
Well, it has been quite a journey over the past six months or so. And we are still trying to figure it all out.
To date, there has been no official announcement from Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council other than what we already know.
So, that being said, we are planning to re-open for worship on Sunday, September 13th (unless we receive directions to the contrary in the meantime).
Because each of us is responsible for the safety of the other person, and we must respect the congregation of Verdun-LaSalle Baptist Church who use our facilities after us, the following guidelines will be in effect for the time being:
1. Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes before worship begins
2. The only entry and exit point will be the front door. Entry and exit by the side door will not be an option
3. Please arrive with your mask
4. If you have a fever, cough or any other symptom or suspect you might have been in contact with a person with Covid 19, please do not come
5. You will be asked to sanitize your hands upon entry
6. You will be asked to sign a register for tracking purposes in the event of an outbreak
7. Please respect the social distancing measure of six feet when in the pews. However, members of the same family may sit together
8. There will be no hymnbooks and a bulletin will be provided, which we ask that you dispose of after the service (you may take it home)
9. For the time being, there will not be a choir but, if possible, a soloist or musician is permitted (along with Sarah of course)
10. Access to the washrooms will be by the staircase at the back of the sanctuary only
11. Please do not use the first row of seats as the Minister and readers are required to stay well back from the congregation
12. If you are reading that week, please bring your own Bible
13. The Minister, reader and soloist must all use different microphones
14. There will be no coffee hour after worship and it is recommended that you leave the church in a timely fashion, via the front door only.
In being diligent and observing these suggestions, each of us is taking responsibility not only for ourselves, but for our family members at home, our friends and our neighbours.
I realize all of the above may seem overwhelming but we have come this far, we are strong in faith and we can get through this.
Looking forward to seeing you for worship on Sunday, September 13!
In peace
Pastor Beryl
SouthWest Service for August 30, 2020
August always seems to fly by, even when there are five Sundays in it! Thank you to Beryl and Sarah for bringing us a service on every one of those weeks, and to Katherine Black who is back as soloist for this latest service. Follow the link below on Sunday morning. Don’t forget to have a candle and matches handy.