CCS is Hiring

One of our partners, Collective Community Services, is hiring.

For over 85 years, CCS has served Montreal as a not-for-profit social agency and is one of the founding members of Centraide Montreal. CCS improves the quality of life of individuals by significantly reducing isolation and effectively supporting those living in poverty, primarily within the English speaking community of Greater Montreal. These include: • Children • Youth • Families
Position Vacancy
JOB TITLE:      Manager, Network and Community Social Health
Reports to:      CEO or assign
POSITION OBJECTIVES:  To manage and grow a network of community organisations,  and
coordinate and promote programs that benefit the social health ofEnglish
speaking communities.
1.  Grow and administer the existing network of Montreal community organisations,
conducting 4 conferences per year.
2.  Create detailed annual plans/ goals for this network development to justify $ allocations by
key funder.
3.  Deliver quarterly progress reports of actual activities with network compared to plan.
4.  Represent the network and gain awareness of community priorities at local municipal and
provincial interest group meetings.
5.  Conduct 3 annual events that promote English public access to government health services
6.  Coordinate campaigns on health promotion and disease prevention.
7.  Host 4 annual webinars (content delivered by subject matter experts) on health promotion.
8.  Conduct and report on opinion and satisfaction surveys among event participants.
WORK SCHEDULE:  Full time, 1 year renewable Contract with 5 year projection, Management role
Start Date:    27 October 2017
•  Bachelor degree in relevant area.
•  Experience in management, networking, planning and administration of community, special
needs or educational programs and events- with writing and fund application skills.
•  Familiarity with the Education and Health and Social Services systems in Quebec.
•  Valid driver’s licence and computer/social media proficiency
•  Bilingual
Interested applicants should forward their C.V. and letter of interest to,
by closing date of 13 October, 2017

Bonjour Dieu / Hello God

Chers amis et amies de Sud-Ouest, Exceptionnellement, l’activité Bonjour Dieu qui se tient d’habitude le 2e dimanche du mois aura lieu le 15 octobre. Nous vous invitons chaleureusement à vous joindre à nous, ainsi que vos enfants, pour une activité en français pour les jeunes, et une communion en français. 

Au plaisir de vous voir en grand nombre !

-          Judith Bricault, responsable du ministère en français

Exceptionally, Bonjour Dieu/ Hello God which is usually held on the second Sunday of the month will be held on October 15th.

Thanksgiving Cubes

I enjoy rolling the Thanksgiving Cubes and speaking words of gratitude before a meal. They were used last year at Community Celebration (MMMM) and are fun, simple and positive.
It is a simple ritual we inherit from our ancestors in faith: the pause between the seed, sower, harvest, kitchen preparation and eating together at table.


I enjoy rolling the Thanksgiving Cubes and speaking words of gratitude before a meal. They were used last year at Community Celebration (MMMM) and are fun, simple and positive.
It is a simple ritual we inherit from our ancestors in faith: the pause between the seed, sower, harvest, kitchen preparation and eating together at table. The thank-you to Creator for so many blessings, of relationships and abundance. The caring for those who need us to share from our table for their necessities.
I saw on the kitchen counter the strawberries transformed into jam from a donation (Harvest Montréal). Two mason jarspacked with love from our Kitchen co-ordinator, ready for our Breakfast Club children.
Thanksgiving is powerful: it blesses forward, it changes attitudes and touches those who hear it! Let it roll!!!
Happy Thanksgiving,
Bonne Actions de Grâces!
Alléluia, Amen.
Rev. David


As you Gather,

There is so much going on in the world, devastating hurricanes, shootings in Edmonton, and Las Vegas. In places where people go to relax and have fun. It is easy to lose hope, easy to give up.

We can't lose hope. Good will always win, love will always win. There is a lot of good and good people in the world. Lets not lose sight of this. Focus on HOPE, shine the light on yourself and on someone else.

A 14 year old washed my car and shone his light on me!

Make yourself feel good so that you can make someone else feel good. This Thanksgiving be thankful, be grateful, have hope, make someone happy.

Have a hopeful thanksgiving.

Gobble Gobble !!

Thank-you to Legion #4 for their generous donation of dishware and their continued support of non-perishables for our Self serve shelves and Libre-Frigo; and Cadets 2800 Verdun for helping to load up the SUV with heavy boxes of dishware.


What's cooking this week?

Dear friends of SouthWest Kitchens!

 What's cooking this week?

 TUESDAY, 5-6 pm

Easy Peasy Recipes: cooking workshop for the 10-12 yr-olds.

This week, we roll energy balls!

Contribution: $5


9-12:30 am

Community cooking workshop: a small group of volunteers cooks healthy foods that profit the community. This week, we make competition lasagna from scratch (yes, that includes the pasta) and lemon curd. Raise your hand up high to be part of the team!

 5-7 pm

Teen Cuisine: cooking workshop for teens 13+.

This week, we are lending a helpful hand to a group of anglophone teens in the preparation of a monthly school spaghetti supper. We are making the bread dough, the garlic butter and the dessert.

Contribution: $5


1-2:30 pm

GUSTO Project: cooking workshop for seniors 65+.

This project, presented by a team of researchers of Concordia University (amongst others), aims at helping seniors finding strategies to go on cooking despite physical limitations. During this first workshop of the serie, participants will familiarize with the kitchen and plan their menus for the coming weeks.

Free activity, registration needed!

 5:30-8:30 pm

One easy recipe at the time: cooking workshop presented by Un plant de tomate à la fois. Every week, we explore cooking with a seasonal ingredient. This week, we cook with leeks: flamiche picarde, a leek tart from North of France, poireaux-vinaigrette, a French brasserie classic, and lee--parmesan bites, another amazing recipe by our one and only Josée di Stasio.

Contribution: $5



Want to join the fun? Need extra info?

Call me, or write to me!

 Léonore Pion

Community cook

Kitchen coordinator, SouthWest Mission | 514 544-5264

Facebook: SouthWest Kitchens / Les cuisines du Sud-Ouest


En cuisine cette semaine

Chers amis de la cuisine de la Mission!

 Qu'est-ce qu'on fait cette semaine?

 MARDI, de 17 h à 18 h

Les recettes vite faites: atelier de cuisine pour les 10-12 ans. Cette semaine, on roule des boules énergie.

Participation: 5$


De 9 h à 12 h 30

Atelier de cuisine communautaire: avec une petite équipe de bénévoles, on produit de bons petits plats dont on fait profiter la communauté.

Cette semaine, on fait de la lasagne de compétition (avec de pâte maison, bien sûr) et de la crème de citron (lemon curd). 

Faites-moi signe si vous voulez faire partie de l'équipe!

Activité gratuite.


De 17 h à 19 h

TeenCuisine: atelier de cuisine pour les 13 ans et plus.

Cette semaine, on prête main forte à un groupe de jeunes bénévoles des écoles anglophones de Verdun dans la préparation d'un souper-spaghetti. Nous ferons la pâte à pain, le beurre à l'ail et le dessert.

Participation: 5$



De 13 h à 14 h 30

Projet GUSTO: atelier de cuisine pour les 65 ans et plus.

Cette initiative, menée entre autres par un groupe de recherche de l'Université Concordia, a pour but d'aider les aînés à trouver des stratégies d'adaptation en cuisine afin de cuisiner malgré l'apparition de limitations fonctionnelles. Durant ce premier atelier de la série, les participants se familiariseront avec le fonctionnement de la cuisine et commenceront à planifier leurs menus pour les prochaines séances.

Activité gratuite, sur inscription seulement.


De 17 h 30 à 20 h 30

Une recette santé à la fois: atelier de cuisine proposé par Un plant de tomate à la fois. L'ingrédient-vedette de la semaine: le poireau. La merveilleuse Lauren, qui animera l'atelier, vous propose trois recettes: une flamiche picarde (une tarte aux poireaux, spécialité du Nord de la France), des poireaux-vinaigrette (encore une spécialité française) et enfin une recette de notre Josée Di Stasio nationale: les bouchées poireau-parmesan.

Participation: 5$



Envie de participer à l'une ou l'autre de ces activités?

Besoin de renseignements?

Appelez-moi! Écrivez-moi!


Léonore Pion

Cuisinière communautaire

Coordonnatrice des activités de cuisine, Mission du Sud-Ouest | 514 544-5264

Facebook: SouthWest Kitchens / Les cuisines du Sud-Ouest



Thanksgiving/ Action de grâces 2017

This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Jesus Christ. Be joyful always, pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances.’ (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-17).

‘As we gather around the Lord’s Table this Worldwide Communion Sunday we are holding in our hearts brothers and sisters from around the world. Many of them are unknown to us but part of the same Human and Christian Family. We continue giving thanks in the varied circumstances we find ourselves, those which bring joy and those which bring pain.

Thank-you for your ongoing support of the work and ministry of SouthWest. Your faithfulness enables us to bless so many. Thank-you for the gifts of fridges, volunteer hours, cooking, prayer shawls, sponsorship of a breakfast club family and the prayers that sustain our community. We are generous with others as God has blessed us.

Many give a special offering at this Harvest time of year, there are envelopes available if helpful.

I sing this hymn of thanks.

Je chante l’Action de Grâces

Now thank we all our God, with heart, and hands, and voices, who wondrous things has done, in whom this world rejoices, who from our mother’s arms has blessed us on our way

with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today!(VU 236)


Loué soit notre Dieu! Que notre vie entière

Tous nous vivions joyeux sous le regard du Père.

Qu’il nous tienne en sa grâce et nous guide toujours,Nous garde du malheur par son unique amour. (NVU 34)


Rev. David

Community resource

With the support of the Anglo Family Council and SouthWest Mission, Action Prévention Verdun received subsidies this year for a new outreach worker with anglophones and allophones seniors. Corinne Martin-Valois is now a new resource contact for the seniors living in Verdun and Nuns’ Island. She provides support and help for seniors who speak english and spanish such as food bank referral, medical appointments, housing research and friendly visits. She could also refer elders of the community to the organizations of the neighborhood depending on their needs. You can find her at the church, in food banks, in cafes and walking on the streets.

You can also call her for an appointment at 438-406-8533 or email her at

Hymn Book Dedications

We are entering the season of remembering. This Sunday at church, we will dedicate over 40 large print More Voices hymnbooks paid for by individuals in memory of loved ones. Thank you to those who responded so generously to the call:

-      Mary Krul, in memory of her husband Stanley

-      Shirley Mitchell in memory of loved ones

-      Shirley McGowan, Brenda and Brandon, Linda, Allison and Adam, in memory of Mother and Grandmother Isabella McGowan

-      Lil Jones in memory of loved ones

-      Vernon Turner and family in memory of Shirley Turner

-      Doug and Francine Hastie in memory of his mother Peggy Hastie

-      Alex (Sandy) MacKenzie and family in memory of Shirley MacKenzie*

-      Joyce Crandall in memory of her parents Shirley and James Crandall

-      Shirley Stark in memory of Shirley MacKenzie

-      Judy Pepe in memory of loved ones

-      Catherine Cater, to a loved one


*Hymn books from the MacKenzie family will be dedicated during the service in two weeks, on Sunday Oct. 15th

A community is the people in it

We are blessed with volunteers and donations from near and far, often from folks who are not visible at church or Mission but still feel they are part of us. They offer their time, talents and prayers that help to warm the hearts of others who need uplifting and feel the warmth ourselves with gratitude and a smile.  Thank-you Rita and Danny for your gifts of hand-knitted prayer shawls; Mark for your muscles, time and truck....and others.

On a hot Sunday, September 24th, Meet n Mix/ Meli Melo (formerly known as Messy Church) was all that but in a somewhat orderly way!!! We celebrated and shared as a community led by Judith and Jacques and Rev. David.

Sandra and Sue and their packing team swept the clothing room and coordinated a clothing swap. Several folks and families benefited from swapping and shopping and spicing up their wardrobe for the season(s) ahead.

Kitchen crew served up a delicious chicken casserole, macaroni salad, apple tart, cookies and of course corn on the cob. Thank you to Dennis, Dorothy, Shirley Mc, Maurice, Sheila, Frank, Kathy, Shirley M, Rev. David for taking time on Saturday morning to shuck corn.

Baby Lucilla Faith Netta Pion was welcomed for the first time at the Mission on Sunday with an impromptu baby shower. Lucilla is the daughter of Frances and Brian. Little sister to Alexis, Alex and Skyler.

