Cette semaine dans la cuisine

Chers amis des cuisines,

Avant de vous présenter le programme de la semaine, des remerciements !


De la gratitude en barre à l’égard de ceux qui rendent certains de nos projets de cuisine communautaire possibles – ici, un service traiteur vendredi dernier au profit du Grand Potager. Grâce aux dévoués Lauren, d’Un plant de tomate à la fois, à Matthieu Auclair, chef du Détour, à Johanne Pilon, jardinière émérite, et à Noémie et Ariane, qui participent à l’atelier de cuisine pour ados, une pluie torrentielle de compliments m’est littéralement tombée dessus. Bravo à vous, c’était bon et c’était beau ! Encore !


Et maintenant, le programme !


LUNDI 16 octobre

Cuisine collective des Femmes du monde, 16 h 30 à 19 h

Le groupe Femmes du monde, du Centre des femmes de Verdun, s’installe à la Mission pour une cuisine collective un lundi soir sur deux. Les enfants sont les bienvenus et bénéficient de la supervision d’un adulte pendant que les mamans sont en cuisine.

Inscription obligatoire auprès du Centre des femmes : info@centredesfemmesdeverdun.org.


MARDI 17 octobre

Les recettes vite faites, atelier de cuisine pour les 10-12 ans, 17 h à 18 h



MERCREDI 18 octobre

Atelier de production communautaire, 9 h à 12 h 30

Cette semaine, on fait du cochon à la mijoteuse et des petits plats pour nourrir le congélateur communautaire. L’équipe de cuisine se constitue tranquillement, il reste deux places à saisir. À qui la chance ?

Corvée de nettoyage de cuisine, 13 h 30 à 15 h 30

Avec l’arrivée du froid, les fourmis, les souris et autres rongeurs reviennent faire leur vie à l’intérieur des bâtiments. Comme on ne veut pas qu’ils s’installent dans notre belle cuisine, on veut s’assurer que rien ne les attire. Donc : on nettoie ! Donc : bénévoles recherchés !

TeenCuisine, 17 h à 19 h

L’atelier de cuisine pour les 13 ans et plus n’affiche pas encore complet ! Encouragez votre adolescent à se joindre au groupe J

Participation : 5$


JEUDI 19 octobre

Projet GUSTO, 10 h 30 à 14 h 30

Cuisine collective pour les 65 ans et plus, proposée par l’Université Concordia et le Centre de réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain. Cette initiative s’adresse aux aînés qui ne cuisinent pas ou peu, et vise à leur faire développer des habiletés dans un contexte de perte de mobilité.

Appelez ici pour vous inscrire: 1 800 361-7063 # 644


Une recette santé à la fois, 17 h 30 à 20 h 30

Cette semaine, Un plant de tomate à la fois vous propose un atelier sur le thème de la pomme de terre. Votre aimable servante (moi-même) vous accompagnera dans la préparation d’un gratin dauphinois, de pommes Duchesse et de crêpes de pommes de terre.

Participation : 5$

Inscrivez-vous ici : plant.de.tomate@gmail.com


Bonne semaine !


Léonore Pion

Cuisinière communautaire

Coordonnatrice des activités de cuisine, Mission du Sud-Ouest

leonore.pion@gmail.com | 514 544-5264

Facebook : SouthWest Kitchens / Les cuisines du Sud-Ouest

YoFo in Waterloo, Qc

YOUTH FORUM is an event planned by youth for youth, sponsored by the United Church of Canada. Our theme this fall is "Cleaning Up the Mess: De-Stress, De-Clutter & D.I.Y." Our lives can be really overwhelming, and we want to learn tools to manage and thrive in our environments. Over the weekend we will hear theme speakers, play games, sing songs, learn new things, worship together, explore differences, discover similarities and make friendships to last a lifetime!

When: Friday November 3 @ 6:30 pm to Sunday November 5@ 2:00 pm

Where: St. Paul's United Church, Waterloo Quebec

Who: Anyone high school/Cegep aged (13-20ish) (Young Adults and The Young at Heart are Welcome to inquire about coming as Shepherds or facilitators)

Cost: $50 (If you need help with this cost please contact Shanna Bernier)
For registration form, shanna.bernier@gmail.com

Sponsored by the Quebec Presbytery of the United Church of Canada

A Spaghetti Night to Remember

I would like to express my joy about a recent positive experience.

Our Community Learning Centre (CLC) in Verdun has for the past 5 years hosted “Spaghetti Nights” with a workshop learning experience once a month at Riverview Elementary school.

Our CLC has been mandated to cover our 3 Verdun Schools and is striving to include the broadened community. This year we have partnered with Léonore, our SouthWest Kitchen Coordinator. She not only wowed the crowd with her fabulous skills as a chef by providing original sauces for our pasta, but also gave a once over review of basic pantry ingredients and safety in the kitchen.

I left being positively energized and many parents commented how great everything was!



Mary-Anne Fyckes,  Spiritual Animator with LBPSB

Lives of the South-West

The students at James Lyng High School are organizing an art show based on personal stories about the South West boroughs (Saint Henri, Little Burgundy, Pointe St-Charles, Griffintown, Ville-Émard, Côte-St-Paul and Verdun-LaSalle.)

Telling stories shows us where we come from and inspires us to create better futures; a community is built by the experiences of its members. I am sure there are some great stories to share. If you would like to put pen to paper, video or audio, we can put something together. Check out their website at www.livesofthesouthwest.com. or contactMikaella Goldsmith at 514-846-8814 ext. 6462.


Songs in Turbulent Times

The prophet, Miriam, Aaron's sister, took her tambourine with all the women/ playing tambourines and dancing! / Miriam sang for them. (Exodus15: 20-21)

The songs we sing say a lot about who we are and what we believe. The words and the music when stemming from deep inside our spirits are powerful expressions of emotions, faith and hope. I remember songs that still bring floods of memories, like my father singing along with Vera Lynn a WWII song: 'I'll be seeing you.'

Miriam led the women in song after the trauma of the flight from slavery and the overcoming of tremendous adversity. In turbulent times, Martin Luther King would call Mahalia Jackson and have her sing on the phone 'Precious Lord take my hand.' A people would chant the simple and powerful spiritual: 'We shall overcome some day!' 

As we hear gospel at SouthWest Sunday there will be the echo of the familiar and new rhythms as Norm Rennie leads us in the dance of faith and hope. We should come ready to join in the rhythm and beat of life, to sing a faith that both sustains and derails our lives. 

Last Sunday in New York State the United Church of Christ congregation sang the hymns of my childhood. I knew them all and sang the harmony I learned from Grandmother and Mother. Afterwards I reflected that while it was lovely there were no new words or music expressing the needs and concerns of the world we live in today. Familiar is not enough. We need the revolution justice songs and hymns that stir us to transformed and transforming lives. Faith must lead us to sing beside the Red Sea, in movements seeking justice and equality for all and in places where hunger of body prevents the listening to other needs or concerns. 

I long for the inclusion in worship of a myriad of musical styles, from the inherited hymns and spirituals of childhood to those born in more recent human struggles where faith seeks to understand where God is found in our lives and world today. 

I long for music/hymns/songs that shake the soul and force a conversion to health in our bodies, minds and world! 

An ancient text by Mechtild of Magdeburg set to music in Voices United #534 says:

'I cannot dance O Love, unless you lead me on/ I cannot leap in gladness unless you lift me up/ Love is the music round us, we glide as birds in air/ entwining soul and body, your wings hold us with care!'

May the beat of life, love and faith resonate in our lives and lead us with Miriam into newness and joy! 

Rev. David

PS. The music and mediums change: we are in an internet age that gives us opportunities and challenges. A new website and newsletter format is a work in progress from what we were to what we are becoming. God give us all patience and support for those leading us through these transitions! (Thank-you Jean-François and our office coordinator Amy).


ORIGINS Interfaith Youth

Dear Friends,

We are excited to extend an invitation to United Church youth to the 2nd of four activities that we are involved with this year. “Origins” involves high school kids in the Montreal area from First Nations, Muslim, Jewish and the United Church communities to get together to share culture, food, music and build new relationships. Each gathering will have up to 15 kids from each community.

A total of four gatherings will be held over this year, one hosted in each of the 4 communities. The first was held this summer at Kahnawake (Mohawk Territory) with youth from the Á:se Tahonatehiaróntie youth group. Meetings will take place at the Association Musulmane du Canada in St-Laurent, at Dorshei Emet and a Montreal United Church (location TBC).

The goal is to build long lasting relationships between our youth, break down barriers, create lasting friendships and have fun! Following the initial 4 hosted gatherings, the group will look at what social justice issue they will engage in as a collective.

There is room for 15 youth from United Church communities and there is no charge for this activity.

The kids will engage in ice-breakers, games and sharing of cultures.


Date: Sunday, October 22, 2017

Time: 2:00pm -5:00pm

Location: Association Musulmane du Canada (12265 Boulevard Marcel-Laurin, H4K 1N5 in Ville

St. Laurent / Cartierville)

Ages: Grade 7-11

What to bring: An item that when you touch, smell, taste, look or hear it, reminds you of your cultural story.


RSVP by October 15, 2017 to originsuc@gmail.com or 514-501-5525 . Spaces are limited


In peace,


Lisa Byer-de Wever - Living into Right Relations - Quebec Presbytery

Rev. Paula Kline - Montreal City Mission

Anwar Alhjooj - Montreal City Mission


This project is supported by the Living into Right Relations Committee of Quebec Presbytery (United Church of Canada) and the Kelley Trust Fund



Lisa Byer-de Wever

Cell:   (514) 501-5525

“If you have come to help me, please go home. But if you have come because your liberation is somehow bound with mine, then we may work together.” 

-Aboriginal activists group, Queensland, 1970s


From SouthWest Music

Sunday October 15

Special Guest Norm Rennie


For a gospel-filled service!


Once a month, SouthWest will host a special musical guest who will enrich our service with ‘extra’ music.

Norm has been to the church a number of times already, as part of the Cowgirls for Good Friday Gospel and with the Durham County Poets. He’ll bring his guitar on Sunday, as well as a few drums…come and enjoy!

10 a.m. Sunday at SouthWest United, 1445 Clemenceau, Verdun.

Musique Sud-ouest

Musique Plus

Nous avons le grand plaisir d’accueillir Norm Rennie lors de la célébration ce dimanche le 15 octobre à l’église. Spécialiste de la musique Gospel, Norm est déjà venu chanter à l’église à plusieurs reprises – avec les Cowgirls et aussi avec les Durham County Poets.

 *Et pour ceux qui ont l’intention de venir à l’église pour ‘Bonjour Dieu’ avec Jacques Benoit et Judith Bricault, les enfants seront invités à s’asseoir en avant pour mieux écouter la musique!

 À dimanche !

10h00 le 15 octobre au 1445 rue Clémenceau à Verdun

As you gather

There is so much going on in the world, devastating hurricanes, shootings in Edmonton, and Las Vegas. In places where people go to relax and have fun. It is easy to lose hope, easy to give up.

We can't lose hope. Good will always win, love will always win. There is a lot of good and good people in the world. Let's not lose sight of this. Focus on HOPE, shine the light on yourself and on someone else.

A 14 year old washed my car and shone his light on me!

Make yourself feel good so that you can make someone else feel good. This Thanksgiving be thankful, be grateful, have hope, make someone happy.

Have a hopeful thanksgiving.

Gobble Gobble !!

Thank-you to Legion #4 for their generous donation of dishware and their continued support of non-perishables for our Self serve shelves and Libre-Frigo; and Cadets 2800 Verdun for helping to load up the SUV with heavy boxes of dishware.


CCS is Hiring

One of our partners, Collective Community Services, is hiring.

For over 85 years, CCS has served Montreal as a not-for-profit social agency and is one of the founding members of Centraide Montreal. CCS improves the quality of life of individuals by significantly reducing isolation and effectively supporting those living in poverty, primarily within the English speaking community of Greater Montreal. These include: • Children • Youth • Families
Position Vacancy
JOB TITLE:      Manager, Network and Community Social Health
Reports to:      CEO or assign
POSITION OBJECTIVES:  To manage and grow a network of community organisations,  and
coordinate and promote programs that benefit the social health ofEnglish
speaking communities.
1.  Grow and administer the existing network of Montreal community organisations,
conducting 4 conferences per year.
2.  Create detailed annual plans/ goals for this network development to justify $ allocations by
key funder.
3.  Deliver quarterly progress reports of actual activities with network compared to plan.
4.  Represent the network and gain awareness of community priorities at local municipal and
provincial interest group meetings.
5.  Conduct 3 annual events that promote English public access to government health services
6.  Coordinate campaigns on health promotion and disease prevention.
7.  Host 4 annual webinars (content delivered by subject matter experts) on health promotion.
8.  Conduct and report on opinion and satisfaction surveys among event participants.
WORK SCHEDULE:  Full time, 1 year renewable Contract with 5 year projection, Management role
Start Date:    27 October 2017
•  Bachelor degree in relevant area.
•  Experience in management, networking, planning and administration of community, special
needs or educational programs and events- with writing and fund application skills.
•  Familiarity with the Education and Health and Social Services systems in Quebec.
•  Valid driver’s licence and computer/social media proficiency
•  Bilingual
Interested applicants should forward their C.V. and letter of interest to CCS-Jobs@ccs-montreal.org,
by closing date of 13 October, 2017
