A Musical Salon

You are invited to a Salon Night at the Southwest Mission in Verdun, 
Sunday, April 15 at 8pm. 

Enjoy well-loved pieces by Brahms, Strauss, and Wolf as well as new music by Charles Zoll and Patrick Walker. 

We are hoping to make this a recurring event, providing a venue for anyone interested in performing in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, so come check it out, whether you like to listen or perform (or both!)  Looking forward to seeing you there!

Performers for this recital will be:  Carmina Franco, Sacha Gilles, Elizabeth LaCroix, Erica Jacobs-Perkins, Benjamin Stuchbery and Jonathan Stuchbery.

Sunday, April 15, 2018. Doors open 7:45 at 631 Melrose, ave., Verdun.
Donations gratefully accepted to support the work of the Mission.

Elizabeth LaCroix,
LaCroix Music Studio

Art Classes at St. Willibrord's

The following art classes are available for adults and children 10 years old and up, starting April 11th.

Drawing Classes

You will learn the basics techniques of drawing, through practical exercises with a creative expression. 

Pencils, charcoals, blood, inks, pastels, are presented like means making it possible to apply the principles of the plastic language namely, composition of a pictorial work by the game of the lines; geometric figures, volumes, shades and light and composition of still nature.

Other topics could be suggested in complement with the personal artistic approach of each student, in order to support the training and to enrich your creativity. (Material Not Included)


Painting Classes
Here, you will explore and learn to work with different art's plastic mediums like pastels, acrylics and ink applying basic techniques (glazing, strokes, blending, spattering, scratching etc) 

The workshop will be develop by  suggested topics: still life, landscapes, portraits, etc.
(Material not included). 


The dates for this session are: April 11 to June 13 2018

The schedule is the same: Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The costs remain the same too.

Inscriptions: $25 dollars (for the parish)

Classes-10 Weeks: $160

Contact: Lucia Diaz
Tel: 514-845-1602
E-mail: luciadiaz_no1@hotmail.com

Empty Bowls Fundraiser

The Mission is participating in the Empty Bowls fundraiser event organized by Maison d'entraide Saint-Paul-Émard on Saturday, April 7th.

The Mission is providing 200 bread buns to go with the soup and cheese that will be sold at Saint-Jean-de-Matha church.

The fundraiser goes like this: for $25, you buy a bowl made by a local artisan. When you come and pick it up, it's given to you with soup inside. Eat the soup, bring the bowl home. Voilà!

The Maison d'entraide St-Paul & Emard is at 6831 rue d'Aragon. The event takes place there Saturday from 11AM to 3PM.


Minister's Message: Easter Greetings 2018! Joyeuses Pâques 2018!


Sing praises to the Lord, O you God's saints,
and give thanks to his holy name.
Weeping may tarry for the night,
but joy comes with the morning. (Psalm 30:4-5)

I want to shout it and live its joy: the celebration of resurrection and the promise of new beginnings!

Easter parallels the end of winter and the transition of seasons. We can only appreciate its radical joy after the night of tears. We come to the empty tomb only after the pain and sadness of Good Friday for there is no resurrection without death. As the sun warms our faces and the frozen earth, we see hope realized in the snow drops and other spring flowers.

Death and resurrection, winter’s cold to springtime blooms: all are part of our lives and their seasons. We live in faith community the emotions of passion as the drama of Christ’s last days is relived in liturgy and worship. Out of suffering and death, the love of God raises Jesus to new life.

En cette fête de Pâques, fête du renouvellement de la nature et de nos esprits, nous sortons de l’hiver avec un profond besoin de crier: Alléluia!! Pendant le Carême, nous avons suivi les pas de Jésus dans le désert, un chemin de choix et de sacrifices difficiles à comprendre  pour nous en 2018. La vie vient après la souffrance, la joie après la longue nuit de pleurs, la résurrection après la croix. Oui, nous fêtons, mais toujours après avoir enduré de dures réalités.

Que Pâques remplisse vos cœurs et vos relations de la joie de la résurrection. Quand on vous dit : Christ est ressuscité, criez à pleins poumons : Alléluia!!

May the God of resurrection touch our lives with new life and renewal: Alléluia!

Rev. David Lefneski

Thine is the glory, risen conquering Son:
Endless is the victory thou o'er death has won.
Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,
Kept the folded grave-clothes where the body lay.

Craindrais-je encore? Il vit à jamais,
celui que j’adore, le prince de paix;
il est ma victoire, mon puissant soutien,
ma vie et ma gloire : non, je ne crains rien!              (VU 173)

UCC Moderator's Easter Message 2018

[transcript of video message]

Hallelujah, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, hallelujah! That is our Easter refrain—full of joy and conviction. But that sure wasn’t the response of Jesus’ disciples on that first Easter morning. The various gospel accounts show the disciples responding with awe, fear, incomprehension, doubt, terror, and amazement. Our response is born of hindsight. Knowing what we now know about how it all turned out, we think of Easter morning and we declare, “Hallelujah!” But when one is in the midst of resurrection, when it is happening to you or around you right now, it’s a very different experience: full of uncertainty, anxiety, dread, and disbelief. Resurrection is, by its very nature, unexpected and unimaginable. We cannot see it coming; we are never prepared for it. It is the revelation of new life where just moments ago there was nothing but the possibility of despair and loss. The hallelujahs we announce at Easter are our affirmation that despite whatever hopelessness threatens to overwhelm us, we trust in the power of God’s love to bring about resurrection within our lives. We don’t know when, we don’t know how, we don’t know what it will look like, and we will certainly be confused and confounded by it if it should happen. But today, our hallelujahs declare that we believe resurrection is possible. And so we do not lose hope, no matter how hopeless a situation appears. This Easter season, as you sing, shout, whisper, and proclaim “Hallelujah!” may it strengthen your faith in the power and possibility of new life for you, your church, and our world. May we truly be a resurrection people.

Good Friday at the Mission

What is so good about Good Friday?

At the bank there was a notice: closed for Good Friday. Please God, I would like to take that day off as well, and change the direction from passion and death to a ‘being anywhere else day’.  What is so good about Good Friday? it is the darkest day of the Christian year. Jesus dies, crucified.

Throughout the Lenten season the invitation to worship has resonated:

Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies,
It remains that and nothing more;
But if it dies it bears a rich harvest. John 12:24

Holy Week, with the turning of the cries of Hosanna to Crucify, is upon us.

The only way to arrive at the Easter Sunday shout of Alleluia is to follow Jesus through these dark days of betrayal, anguish, torture, tears and deep dispair. I am forced to face my own death, ponder the meaning of life and to question the darkness of the cry: Whay have you forsaken me?

Read the story in the Gospels, ponder the characters in the Passion. Where are you in the Passion story?

See Matthew 26-27: 66, Mark 14-15, Luke 22-23, John 18-19.

Follow Jesus in his last days.

Experience the depth of emotions, absence and death.

A traditonal hymn and meditation for Good Friday is this one written by Paul Gerhardt in 1656 (Voices United 145, french words by Henri Capieu, 1974, Nos Voix Unies).


O Sacred head sore wounded,
with grief and shame weighed down;
now scornfully surrounded
with thorns, thine only crown:
how art thou pale with anguish,
with sore abuse and scorn;
how does that visage languish,
which once was bright as morn!


De l'humaine misère
tu t'es fait serviteur;
de chacun de tes frères,
tu portes la douleur.
Seigneur, de nos souffrances
et de nos lendemains,
garde notre espérance
en tes vivantes mains.

May the prayer of the brigand dying at Jesus’ side be ours:
Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. (Luke 22: 42)

- Rev. David

The office will be closed, but as is our tradition, we will have a Good Friday service at the Mission at 11AM on March 30th. Stay afterwards for a simple community lunch. 631 Melrose. All are welcome.

Support Needed for Breakfast Club


Our Breakfast Club, which feeds about 70 Verdun Elementary School kids every school day, is short of a few items this month: orange juice (big cartons, not individual boxes), brown paper "lunch" bags, and plain Eggo waffles (or store brand). Items can be dropped off at church on Sunday, or at Meli-Melo between 12:30 and 2:30 Sunday at the Mission.

They are also still in need of volunteers. Even if you can only give your time once in a while, please contact the office to be put in touch with Breakfast Club coordination. 514-768-6231.

Local Family Needs Housing

A local Verdun Family is in need of a home following a fire where the family lost everything. 

FAMILY PROFILE: 2 adults and 3 boys under the age of 7 years.

Either in Verdun or close proximity to Verdun is necessary as access to local school is needed.

We can not accept donated goods at this time.

If you have a lead on housing, please contact: SOUTHWEST MISSION 514-768-6231

Many thanks

Mary Anne Fyckes,
Spiritual life and community animator with LBPSB

Notre Pasteur passe aux ondes/ Rev. David on TV


Info_sexe (2).jpg

Notre intrépide Pasteur David fut le sujet d'un entrevue récent pour l'émission  Info, sexe et mensonges. On lui demandait de commenter sur la publication de la correspondence du Frère Marie-Victorin à sa jeune collaboratrice scientifique, Marcelle Gauvreau, qui date de 1935 à 1944. Botaniste et frère religieux, Marie-Victorin écrivait franchement et avec curiosité de la sexualité humaine. Le topo avec Pasteur David sera diffusé ce soir (vendredi) sur ARTV durant l'émission de 21H, et re-diffusé samedi soir à 22H30 sur les ondes de Radio-Canada. Il sera également disponible sur le site web ARTV.

In a recent interview for the ARTV and Radio-Canada series Info, sexe et mensonges, our fearless minister was asked to comment on the recently published correspondence of Frère Marie-Victorin. In his letters to Marcelle Gauvreau, written between 1935 and 1944, the Catholic brother who trained as a botanist writes frankly and with curiosity about human sexuality. The segment with Rev. David will air tonight (Friday) during the 9PM show on ARTV. It will also be on Radio-Canada Saturday at 10:30PM, and available on the ARTV website.
