Seniors and Trees Video Project

From Westmount Park United Church:

Do trees have meaningful memories for you?
We want to hear your stories.

If you are a senior interested in participating please contact: Gabriel at 514-222-8064 or

Video recording sessions will take place at Westmount Park United Church, 4695 Boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest on June 21st 2018. Another video session will take place in the second half of August 2018.

Organized by Westmount Park Church’s Living Church Program and sponsored by the Kelley Trust.


Guided Tour of Verdun Greenhouses

Below is all the information concerning the guided tour this coming Saturday June 16th, from noon to 1pm, of the Verdun municipal greenhouses to present the brand new urban agriculture resource center, GRAND POTAGER!


Discover le Grand Potager: Centre for Urban Agriculture in the heart of Verdun!
21 member-organizations share the space. Meet some of our members and visit the greenhouses. Discover projects in aquaponics, composting, rare and exotic plants, tropical fruit trees, a garden centre dedicated to edible plants and more! A unique site in Montréal, in the heart of Verdun! Here are the links to the Facebook and Eventbrite for the event.

Bilingual event

Thank you Austin

Stage student Austin (second from right), shown here on literacy day.

Stage student Austin (second from right), shown here on literacy day.

As the school year draws to a close, we say goodbye to our stage student from Lakeside Academy. Austin has been with us most Wednesdays and Thursdays since last fall, helping with Breakfast Club, Welcome Wednesdays and the VES hot lunch program. It has been a very successful stage and we're sorry to see him go.

A big thank you also to Sheila, as well as Frank, Sue and Leonore, who supervised Austin and made sure he had lots to do! Thanks to Ayana from the WOTP program for her collaboration.

All the best to you Austin in your future endeavours!

Kitchen News

Dear Kitchen Friends,

Due to major renovations, SouthWest Mission will be closed from June 30th to July 15th. The kitchen, however, will be closed all Summer. We will therefore not be able to prepare and serve our usual Welcome Wednesday community lunches.

That’s ok because we’re never short of ideas, and here is our latest : we will be replacing our 3-course menu with something much easier that we baptized SIMPLE SUMMER.

Every Wed. from July 18th to August 29th, 12 :30 pm, we will be serving salad in the courtyard at the entrance of the Mission.

In preparation, I’m starting to recruit people of good will who would like to participate in the process. The ingredients will be given to you, the food prep kitchen is still to be determined.

This is what the process will look like :

1)   Make salad
2)   Bring salad to Mission by Wednesday noon
3)   Help set up outside for service
4)   Help with service
5)   Help with cleanup.

Ideally, we would have a team of 3 volunteers in each Wednesday.
Is this a project for you ? Do you have free Wednesdays over the Summer?
Please let me know asap, this is the time !

Léonore Pion
Cuisinière communautaire
Coordonnatrice des activités de cuisine, Mission du Sud-Ouest 

St. Jean Baptiste Mobile Brunch

It seems the road won't be torn up yet, so we are going ahead with this planned collaboration with our Sikh neighbours. On Sunday, June 24th, weather permitting, SouthWest church will be offering sweets and lemonade out on the church lawn at 11:30. If that stimulates your appetite, you can move on at 12:30 to the Guru Nanak Temple just steps away on Ouimet for a savoury buffet! What a delicious way to celebrate the diversity of Quebec in 2018!


Minister's message/ message du pasteur



I loved the idea when our choir director Sarah Fraser would include soup before concerts; I loved that a recent SouthWest conversation led by the worship ad hoc group began with home-made soup. Accompanied by fresh bread, hospitality and human exchange, soup can be a simple and delicious way to feed the body, mind and spirit.

Soup(e) + is an invitation to our francophone neighbours (and anyone who speaks French) to a soup “plus “ conversation with questions, songs and informal prayers. It is a link to the many who come to us and would appreciate a gathering in a spirit of welcome and non- judgment. It is experienced in the radical hospitality of Jesus, where “All are welcome, tous sont les bienvenues”. Sunday June 17th 12:30 at the Mission.

I leave today on a pilgrimage to the land of the faith of my ancestors. I go to taste and experience the Holy Land with my Bible in hand, an open heart and excitement.
I will carry you in my prayers at the many places of pilgrimage I will visit. 
Vous êtres tous dans mes prières pendant ce pèlerinage en Terre Sainte.

Rev. David


Un moment d’échange informel autour d’un bol de soupe maison.
Une rencontre pour nourrir le corps, l’âme et l'esprit par une conversation honnête et franche. Toute question est permise. Nous cherchons à cheminer dans la foi, l'amour et l’espérance.
Au programme : un chant, une prière du cœur, de l’écoute et du soutien.
Et on se quittera avec la connaissance d'autres personnes qui cherchent, elles aussi, la justice en résistant au mal à la manière de Jésus.

Bienvenue à tous et toutes : dimanche le 17 juin 2018, à 12h30
Mission du Sud-Ouest, 631 Melrose, Verdun. 
Contact: Judith


Nouvelles de la cuisine

Chers amis des cuisines !

En raison de rénovations majeures, la Mission du Sud-Ouest sera fermée du 30 juin au 15 juillet. Notre belle cuisine communautaire, cependant, sera fermée tout l’été. Nous ne serons donc plus en mesure de préparer et de servir les repas communautaires du mercredi.

MAIS ! Comme nous ne sommes jamais à court d’une bonne idée, nous avons décidé de remplacer nos menus trois services faits sur place par une formule beaucoup simple, joliment intitulée ÉTÉ SIMPLICITÉ.

Tous les mercredis à 12 h 30, du 18 juillet au 29 août, nous servirons une salade-repas sans prétention dans la cour devant la Mission.

Je suis donc présentement en train de recruter les bonnes volontés qui auraient envie de faire ladite salade, et de participer au reste du travail. Les ingrédients seront fournis, la cuisine reste à trouver.

Il s’agirait donc essentiellement de :

1) faire la salade, idéalement en gang parce que c’est plus drôle ;
2) la ramener à la Mission pour le mercredi midi ;
3) donner un coup de main pour préparer le service à l’extérieur ;
4) assurer le service – très simple : on remplit des bols avec de la salade !
5) aider au ramassage.

Ça nous prendrait une équipe de 3 personnes par mercredi.
Avez-vous des envies ? des disponibilités ?
Faites-le-moi savoir dès maintenant, le processus d’inscription est ouvert !

À bientôt !

Léonore Pion
Cuisinière communautaire
Coordonnatrice des activités de cuisine, Mission du Sud-Ouest | 514 544-5264

What is Méli-Mélo?


Have you ever eaten the party snack Bits and Bites/ Meli Melo? That bag of mixed pretzles and those squares that look like mini Triscuits, super salty and a little messy?

That's kind of like our monthly community celebrations at the Mission, which we call Messy Church, or Meli-Melo: It’s an informal gathering for all ages mixing faith with our meli melo messy relationships,  questions, schedules and our meli melo messy lives. Meli Melo Messy Church is different way of doing church with good food, good company, good crafts and activities and a good Christian message. First and foremost, it’s about having fun together! A light lunch is provided from the SouthWest Kitchen produce and pantry and donations; our Kitchen Coordinator prepares a menu and provides instructions (when necessary) to the volunteer Meli Melo team to put together on Sunday.

Meli Melo Messy Church provides a vibrant and practical way to engage with our local communities, children and their families. It can be cross-generational, give parents time-out, help to break down barriers and bring something different to a Christian faith based life. Meli Melo Messy Church is a wonderful shop window, but it isn’t a recruitment drive to get children into church. And nor does it need to be; these are seeds that are being planted and can help to encourage families to explore further.

Our next Meli Melo Messy Church is June 24 and exceptionally we will be gathering at the church, 1445 Clemenceau for a special neighbourhood picnic. Join us at 11:30 and be a part of the neighbourhood and community.

For more information and possibly transportation contact the office 514-768-6231.

- Darlene

Minister's message: Spiritual pilgrimage

One of the familiar hymns of my childhood was:

“Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear// scenes by the wayside, tales of the sea, stories of Jesus, tell them to me.” (VU 357, William Parker, 1885).

An opportunity to travel to Israel (June 6-12) on a pilgrimage came my way and I said yes. Yes to explore the places I have only read about in Bible stories: Bethlehem, the river Jordan, Lake of Galilee, Mount of Olives, Calvary, and Jerusalem. Yes to see the Holy Land where Jesus lived, ministered and died. Yes to experience the centuries old presence of Jews, Christians and Muslims in the ruins, the sights and sounds of this both historical and modern day land.

I will hear the names of stories from Sunday school and the Hebrew Scriptures: Ruth, Abraham, Sarah, King David, Moses, Elijah, Deborah. My Christian roots are intertwined with the Jewish faith that birthed the prophets and Jesus, the One I follow.

After the resurrection Thomas wanted proof that Jesus was who he said. Show me the marks of the nails and spear so I can believe, he said. Jesus showed him and said: ‘Do you believe because you see me? How happy are those who believe without seeing me.’ (John 20: 29).

For all of my life I have believed that the historical Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ of my faith. I do not look for proof of his existence in Israel but rather for the context that birthed him: a revolutionary who took on both the religious status quo and the Empire in a turbulent and chaotic time.

My faith believes that in chaos there is creativity. I believe that God is present in our journey of life and faith, guiding and giving the courage we need in difficult decisions. Jesus’ teaching and example can give courage to SouthWest in these months as we look at our future directions.

I will travel light. The Gospels for reading material, my journal to write observations, insights, questions and prayers, an open heart and mind, and a prayerful spirit. 

I’ll share some of these experiences with you after my return.

- Rev. David 

May the peace of Christ support you,
the love of God surround you
and the Holy Spirit surprise you
with joy and laughter, meaning and hope,
now and always.

Que la paix du Christ vous soutienne,
Que l’amour de dieu vous entoure,
Et que le Saint-Esprit vous surprenne
Dans la joie et le rire,
Dans le sens et l’espérance,
Maintenant et pour toujours.

Mini-market June 6th

Le prochain Mini-marché à la Mission sera mercredi prochain, le 6 juin de 10H30 à 15H30. Pour s'assurer d'avoir les fruits et légumes que vous voulez, vaut mieux pré-commander par téléphone ou courriel en utilisant le formulaire ci-joint. Télécharger la liste de prix ci-dessous pour savoir ce qui sera offert

The next Mini-market is from 10:30 to 3:30 next Wednesday, June 6th. The best way to get the fruit and veggies you want at affordable prices is to pre-order by phone or using the attached form. Your order will be set aside for you on the day. If you can, stay for community lunch at 12:30. Download the pricelist below to see what will be on offer:
