Living Right Relationships: Right Where We Are

"Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed." (Isaiah 10: 1-3).

There are many images speaking to my spirit and informing my prayers these days:

- The sacred wall of prayer in Jerusalem (the Western or Weeping Wall)

- The separation wall (between Israel and Occupied Territories)

- The image of children separated from their parents as they arrive at the Mexican/US border

I have always been sensitive to those who are not included and who are ostracised from the 'in' group by others; to walls that divide and policies or laws that are unjust. When religion is used to justify injustice or unequal citizenship or when prayers by some are experienced as right while others' are wrong I must ask what is my responsibility as a person of faith?

Changing the policies of another country is not something I can accomplish. And it seems too easy to critique what others are doing than to look to concrete action closer to home.

I have decided that I can commit to right relations with my neighbours where I live, right here and now. Going to the Mosque for an Iftar during Ramadan 2018 and co-hosting a Mobile Brunch with our Sikh neighbours on St Jean Baptiste this Sunday are actions of wall breaking, of knowing who our neighbours are. Walls of separation are sometimes simply about how little I know about someone of another faith practice.

There is another neighbour I need to meet and better understand: those of First Nations. I have often spoken of the founding peoples of Canada as First Nations, French and English. Some hearing that have reacted negatively.

The recent Truth and Reconciliation Commission within Canada has exposed the need of all of us to address an inherent ignorance of the realities of these nations colonised and excluded over so many centuries. As I hear the word "reconciliation" I accept that I have much to learn from my place of privilege: to live a journey in relationship with First Nations peoples who are in my neighbourhood, to accept that I know so little and need to humbly listen and hear stories and experiences very different from my own.

National Indigenous Peoples Day is June 21, the day of my writing this reflection. It is also the first day of summer. I hope that my recent visit to Israel and the news of the day can motivate me to pray for all peoples and governance, and that justice flows through all faiths, prayers and civic action. 

Let faith and work be one as I seek right relationships right here and now, with all my neighbours!

- Rev. David

This prayer comes from the website of the United Church and is appropriate:

Great Comforter, we know that we are surrounded by a legacy of pain. 
We acknowledge the pain, grief, and sorrow caused by not living respectfully with all people,
and we are sorry for the ways that we have dishonoured the depths of this pain. 
Open us, Creator, to the power of interconnectedness:
Help us to receive the painful stories as well as the inspiring stories;
Grant us the courage to own any feelings of vulnerability, shame, fear, and guilt that may come from our interactions with each other;
And with your healing grace, lead us through our aching toward your dream of wholeness.
Transform us and our community so that we may continually work toward reconciliation and new life.

In Jesus name.


© 2016 The United Church of Canada/L’Église Unie du Canada. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non- commercial Share Alike Licence. Any copy must include this notice.


Rev. David

St-Jean-Baptiste Mobile Brunch «mobile» de la St-Jean

Calling all neighbours in and near Crawford Park! Your local Sikh temple and Christian church invite you to an outdoor "mobile brunch" for the Fête nationale! Come by SouthWest first, at 1445 Clémenceau, for sweets and lemonade at 11:30; then wander over to Temple Guru Nanak, 7325 Ouimet, for a savoury buffet starting at noon. Yum!

Les voisins! Le temple Sikh et l'église chrétienne du quartier vous invitent à un brunch «mobile» en plein air pour la fête nationale! Passez d'abord à l'église SouthWest au 1445 rue Clémenceau pour des gâteries et du limonade; ensuite passez au temple Guru Nanak au 7325 rue Ouimet pour un repas style buffet. Miam!


For National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21st)

In Canada, June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day. In the spirit of Reconciliation, we offer the following two prayers.

Let us Give Thanks to Our Creator

Let us give thanks to our Creator
for the Creator is always with us.

God is with us in the call of a loon
and in the flight of an eagle.

Our Creator is with us in the changing of the seasons.

God is with us when we gather together
and when we are alone.

Our Creator is with us in our giftedness
and in our search for new understandings of ourselves,
new visions of our communities.

Let us give thanks to God, our Creator.

—A prayer from The Dancing Sun (United Church of Canada/Anglican Church of Canada).

We Praise You for the Sacred Fires

God, Creator and Great Mystery, we praise you for the Sacred Fires that burn today and for the prayer-filled smoke that you receive and bless. We offer our deep gratitude that the Fire’s light informs and guides our journey. We pray, just as the Elders prayed, for renewal and for the restoration of beauty to the land and its people.

We acknowledge the diverse and abundant gifts of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples. We recognize that their knowledge and wisdom have benefited generations past and present, and that this blessing will continue for generations to come. We remember the many who are committed to the healing of family, community, and nations.

We pray for Mother Earth, the waters, the winds, for our siblings the animals, birds, and fish, and all of life that surrounds us. We pray that we will walk the good Red Road of life, and that we will walk with courage, honesty, humility, love, respect, truth and wisdom.

We offer this prayer in humility and hope, and in the name, of our brother Jesus, the one who lights our path to wholeness, justice and peace. Amen.

—A prayer for Indigenous Day of Prayer by the Rev. Maggie Dieter, Executive Minister, Aboriginal Ministries and Indigenous Justice; and Bill Snow, Stoney Nakoda First Nation, Alberta, member of the Indigenous Justice and Residential School Committee.


Pour la journée nationale des peuples autochtones

Nous partageons le texte qui suit de l'Infolettre de l'Église Unie Saint-Pierre et Pinguet à Québec.

Prière amérindienne aux six directions

Le 21 juin, c'est non seulement le solstice d'été, c'est aussi la Journée nationale des peuples autochtones.

Pour l'occasion, nous vous proposons une prière de Robert Lebel. L'an dernier, nous l'avons priée à l'ouverture d'une réunion du Conseil unifié. 

Grand-Esprit d'Amour,
viens à moi avec la puissance du Nord (couleur blanche).
Rends-moi courageux lorsque les vents froids me fouettent.
Donne- la force et le courage
devant tout ce qui est dure, tout ce qui me fait mal,
tout ce qui me fait tordre de douleur.
Fais-moi passer à travers la vie
en absorbant tout ce que le Nord m'apportera d'épreuves.
Grand-Esprit de Lumière,
viens à moi de l'Est (couleur jaune)
avec la puissance du soleil levant.
Que mes paroles soient toujours lumière.
Éclaire les chemins que je vais parcourir aujourd'hui.
Rappelle-moi le don de chaque jour nouveau.
Et ne me laisse jamais à ce point accablé de chagrin
que je ne sache plus comment me relever et recommencer.
Grand-Esprit de la Création,
envoie-moi les vents doux et chauds du Sud (couleur rouge)
Caresse-moi et soi mon réconfort
lorsque je suis mort de fatigue et transi de froid.
Ouvre-moi comme les bourgeons,
comme la brise ouvre les feuilles des arbres.
Et comme, tu donnes à la terre tes vents chauds et mouvants,
garde-moi près de Toi, source de toute chaleur.
Grand-Esprit, Donneur de Vie,
je fais face à l'ouest (couleur noire)
la direction du coucher du soleil.
Rappelle-moi chaque jour que le moment de la nuit viendra
où mon soleil se couchera et s'éteindra.
Ne me laisse jamais oublier que je dois me blottir contre Toi.
Donne-moi, alors quelques couleurs vives,
un ciel d'or éclatant pour mon déclin,
de sorte que lorsque viendra le moment de te rencontrer,
je puisse resplendir de gloire.
Grand-Esprit de toute Vie,
je te prie, bien collé à cette terre (couleur verte).
Aide-moi à me rappeler, lorsque je m'étends sur le sol,
que je dois rendre grâce à cette terre
et de ne jamais lui faire de mal en la piétinant.
Donne-moi des yeux tout plein d'amour
pour tout ce que la Terre, notre Mère, nous fournit,
et apprends-moi à aimer tous tes dons.
Grand-Esprit des cieux sans fin (couleur bleue)
élève-moi vers Toi, que mon cœur puisse te vénérer
et aller vers Toi dans la gloire.
Fais que je n'oublie pas que tu es mon Créateur,
plus grand que moi, mais si avide de me voir vivre bien.
Que tout ce qui est dans l'univers
élève mon esprit et ma vie vers Toi
afin que je puisse cheminer vers Toi
dans la vérité et avec mon cœur. Amen.
Robert Lebel

Cet été à SouthWest: ce qui est ouvert et ce qui est fermé

On a tellement entendu parler de construction dernièrement que certains peuvent avoir l'impression que SouthWest se ferme. Rien ne pourrait être plus éloigné de la vérité!

commerces-paques-ouvert-fermes-conge-ferie (2).jpg

Voici un guide pratique des activités qui continueront, et celles qui seront adaptées.

L'Église Unie du Sud-ouest: Louange tous les dimanches matins à 10H
Nous avions brièvement  l'impression que la rue Clémenceau serait fermée toute l'été. Maintenant il paraît que les travaux de rue ne nous toucherons pas avant le mois d'août. Si les services doivent se déplacer à moment donné nous vous laisserons savoir mais pour la présente, l'église est ouverte et Tous sont les bienvenus!
Ce dimanche, 24 juin, soyez des nôtres pour un «brunch mobile» de la St-Jean en partenariat avec nos voisins Sikhs. 11H30 à l'église, midi au temple Guru nanak, rue Ouimet.
Les services de proximité à l'hôpital Champlain et les résidences Floralies et Cavalier de Lasalle continueront selon leur horaire habituel.
Le Bingo est de retour le premier samedi de septembre.

Bureau SouthWest : La Mission au 631 rue Melrose sera fermée du 30 juin au 15 juillet inclus, mais Pasteur David sera toujours disponible pour des rendez-vous, soins pastoraux etc. Nous répondront aux appels et aux courriels, et l'infolettre de vendredi - Friday newsletter sera produit.

La Cuisine de la Mission: Le projet de rénovation à l'école force la fermeture de notre cuisine pour l'été. Il n' y aura pas de cuisines collectives durant la saison estivale. À la place des repas comunautaires, suite aux deux semaines de fermeture, nous offrons ÉTÉ SIMPLICITÉ: Tous les mercredis à 12 h 30 du 18 juillet au 29 août nous vous servons une salade-repas sans prétention dans la cour de la Mission. Contribution volontaire. Bénévoles recherchés pour préparer et servir le repas.
Les repas communautaires Mercredi m’attend reprendront 5 septembre.

Repas communautaire Méli-Mélo: Les dimanches 29 juillet et 26 août à 12 h 30, Formule potluck : apportez un plat à partager !

Minimarché de la Mission / SouthWest Minimarket: Fermé mois de juillet. Reprend le mercredi 1e, 15, 29 août.

Les paniers de la Famille Bonne Bouffe: Il y aura des paniers la semaine prochaine, 27 juin; ensuite un break, prochains paniers le 25 juillet. Appelez Theresa avant le 20 juillet pour placer une commande , 514-979-8058.

Halte-allaitement: Les haltes se tiennent au CLSC de Verdun (400 rue de l’Église) les 6 et 13 juillet ; ensuite de retour à la Mission. Voir horaire 2018-2019.

Alcooliques anonymes: Les groupes Just For Today (samedi soir) et Verdun Metro (dimanche matin) seront malheureusemnent déplacés pour les 30 juin et 1i juillet; 7&8 juillet; 14&15 juillet. Pour plus d'information: Verdun Metro: (438) 935-8064; Just for Today: (514) 924-8970.

Le Club des Petits Déjeuners est de retour le premier jour d'école, le 29 août.

SW This Summer: What's open and closed?

There has been so much talk of construction projects lately that you may have got the impression SouthWest is closing down. Nothing could be further from the truth! 


Here's a handy-dandy guide to what is changing, and what is continuing as usual.

SouthWest Church: 10:00 Sunday morning services are continuing!
We had a scare when we thought the street would be closed for the whole summer, but now it seems roadwork will only start sometime in August on Clemenceau. We will certainly let you know if worship has to be moved elsewhere at some point, but for now, the church is open and All are welcome!
Join us this Sunday June 24th as we partner with our Sikh neighbours to provide a St-Jean Baptiste Mobile Bruch, starting at 11:30 at SouthWest church.
Outreach services continue as usual at the Champlain hospital, Cavalier and Floralies LaSalle residences.
Bingo will be back the first Saturday in September.

SouthWest Office: the Mission space will be closed from June 30th through July 15th, but Rev. David will still be available for meetings, pastoral care etc. We will still be responding to phone calls and e-mail and producing the Friday newsletter.


SouthWest Mission Kitchen: The renovation project at the school has forced the closing of the kitchen for the summer. There will be no collective kitchens. After the two-week closure, Community lunches will continue in a simplified form: Every Wednesday from the 18th of July to the 29th of August at 12:30 we will serve up an informal salad lunch in the Mission yard out front. Voluntary contribution. Volunteers needed.
Welcome Wednesday lunches will return September 5th.
Meli-Melo the last Sunday of the month will be potluck style. Bring a dish to share! July 29th and August 26th at 12:30.

Mini-market: There will be no markets in July. Join us back at the Mission on August 1st, 15th and 29th!

Good Food Family: There will be baskets next week, June 27th, then a break until July 25th. Call Terry by July 20th to place your order, 514-979-8058.

Halte allaitement: The drop-in breastfeeding clinics usually held on Friday afternoons will move to the CLSC at 400 rue de l’Église for two weeks, July 6th and 13th. As of the 20th they are back at the Mission most Fridays. Pick up a schedule next time you pass by or check the calendar on our website.

AA groups:  Just For Today group (Saturday evenings) and Verdun Metro group (Sunday mornings) are unfortunately being displaced for the weekends of June 30-July 1st; July 7&8; July 14&15. For information, call Verdun Metro: (438) 935-8064; Just for Today: (514) 924-8970.

Breakfast Club returns the first day of school, August 29th.

Minister's Message: Fathers and Sons

Two of my most poignant moments on my recent pilgrimage to Israel were:
Standing to pray at the Western Wall of Lamentations in Jerusalem beside a Jewish man whose young son (4-5 years old) approached his Dad, put his hand on the wall and prayed;
A Palestinian boy (8 years old) approaching me to sell a candy bar in a public square in Bethlehem, Occupied Palestinian territory. No words were exchanged, just his eyes catching mine. We were on the other side of the humongous Israeli-built wall that excluded him and his family from the advantages of Israeli citizenship.
One wall was a sacred place of prayer, the other a separation between neighbours. I wonder how fathers explain these differences to their sons?
There was so much prayer being raised across the Holy Land, by pilgrims in Christian sites and churches, Muslims at the Dome of the Rock and in mosques, Jews in synagogue and at the Wailing Wall. Children learn from the adults around them in their formative years. Are they being taught that all prayer is helpful no matter the difference of ritual or language that names the Creator? That human needs expressed from human hearts are reaching the one heart of God, Yahweh, Allah? To these three traditional Monotheistic faiths I would add the Sikh religion which also believes in One God.
On Sunday, June 24 there is a Mobile Brunch at SouthWest and the Guru Nanak Sikh Temple, both in Crawford Park. We will break bread together at both locations and neighbours can visit our places of worship and prayer. This St. Jean Baptiste Mobile Brunch celebrates the diversity of religious traditions, communities of faith and a common humanity.
It is neighbour sharing with neighbour, breaking down walls so all children can see from our example that there is a place for everyone. This gathering resonates in the story of the Good Samaritan which asks, "who is my neighbour?"
You are. They are. We are.
May our small effort to meet our neighbours be about breaking down walls and opening dialogue.
May our efforts build kind and respectful community.
May we be open to share prayers together wherever we find ourselves.
May love of neighbour root us in the core message of inclusion that we teach our children.

In our repertory of hymns there is this one that affirms:

Though ancient walls may still stand proud and racial strife be fact,
Though boundaries may be lines of hate, proclaim God's saving act!
Walls that divide are broken down, Christ is our unity!
Chains that enslave are thrown aside, Christ is our liberty! 

                                                                                         (Walter Farquharson, 1974, VU 691)

May all fathers on this year’s Father’s Day 2018 teach this truth by example.

Rev. David

Part of the wall that separates neighbours.

Part of the wall that separates neighbours.

Mini-market June 20th

Please join us June 20th for a celebratory Welcome Wednesday. What are we celebrating, you ask? How about everything we've been able to accomplish over the school year that's coming to an end?
We celebrate the time, energy and creativity that Sheila, Maurice, Mackie and others put into the Mini-market every two weeks. From ordering, to setting up and decorating (often on a seasonal theme) to keeping accounts, this has been a colossal task that could only have been accomplished by teamwork.
We celebrate the vision and initiative of our Kitchen Coordinator, Leonore, who guided teams of cooks, working with whatever ingredients were on hand, to produce tasty nutritious community lunches.  By bringing our kitchen up to MAPAQ standards, she was able to revive our partnership with Moisson Montreal, and to obtain meat and fresh produce as well as non-perishables, from them and other organizations. Wednesday lunch went from being every two weeks to every week, attracting a diverse and enthusiastic crowd.
We celebrate Frank, Kathy, Darlene, Lily and others, who have helped organize sales big and small over the year that bring in revenue and help us pay our rent at the Mission! 

As you have probably heard by now, the Mission is part of a renovation project at Verdun Elementary that begins the last week of June. as a result we will be shutting down from June 30th through July 15th, and will have to modify our activities for the rest of the summer. Wednesday's Mini-market will unfortunately be the last until August 1st. This week there will be books and knick-knacks for sale but they will also disappear after that, to return in August.
After June 20th, the formal lunches are suspended until the fall, but we will be having light salad meals outdoors every Wednesday through the summer.

We even celebrate the renovations because, despite any inconvenience, they will ultimately provide a more pleasant environment for us to continue working in. We embrace the challenges of the summer as we look ahead to all we will accomplish in the next school year!

Please click to download the price list for next Wednesday's Mini-market:


Are you from Verdun or the surrounding areas?
Do you have a story to tell?
Of course you do!

Literacy Quebec and the Suspicious Fish have teamed up to create the Community Led Storytelling Workshop. They will be holding a series of gatherings to share stories, participate in writing workshops and more! The next one is being held at SouthWest Mission next Thursday, June 21st at 3PM. All ages and backgrounds welcome. Use the contact info on poster below to find out more.


Visite guidée des serres de Verdun

Il me fait plaisir de vous transmettre l'information concernant la visite guidée que nous organisons ce samedi 16 juin, de midi à 13h, aux serres municipales de Verdun pour présenter le tout nouveau centre de ressources en agriculture urbaine de Verdun, GRAND POTAGER

Découvrez le Grand Potager: Centre d’agriculture urbaine au coeur de Verdun!


21 organismes-membres utilisant l'espace, rencontrez certains membres et visitez les serres. Découvrez des projets d’aquaponie, compostage, plantes rares et exotiques, herboristerie, arbres fruitiers tropicaux, pépinière dédiée aux plantes comestibles et plus! Un lieu unique à Montréal, au coeur de Verdun! Réservez votre place dès maintenant sur EVENTBRITE!


Visite bilingue
