All Saints Memorial Service

As you know, All Saints Day is November 1st. As we traditionally celebrate it on the closest Sunday, our service this year will be on October 30th. We know that doesn’t leave much time to get your donations in, but if you want a loved one remembered on the list, you can just call the office and leave the information. We will make sure that all names received are read aloud at the service. We will not, however, be distributing a printed list of names this year.
We hope you can join us. Any memorial donations received will be acknowledged and a tax receipt issued.

From Rockburn to Verdun and Back

Knowing that our beloved pipe organ would soon be leaving SouthWest, I had planned to share some pictures from the period when it was being assembled down near the U.S. border, and then installed. When I had not realized that this past Wednesday would be the day it would be taken apart. I’m not sure what will be left to greet churchgoers this coming Sunday. Over the next weeks, it will be reassembled at Rockburn Presbyterian Church. May it bring them joy. Here is the image that greeted me on Wednesday:

The process of getting it built and installed in the first place took almost two years and we have many many photos to tell the tale. Click below to see just a few. You might have to click “Join” to see them.

Standing in the Need of Prayer

Last Sunday, Thanksgiving, we heard Jesus say to the Samaritan your faith has made you well.

This coming Sunday, we will hear Jesus speak about the importance of persistence. Especially persistence in prayer.

I guess, no matter how you look at things, gratitude, like faith and prayer, can be optional.  But, if we are who we say we are, then we truly know all three are essential on our journey.  You could almost say they are obligatory.

We are facing a time of great change at SouthWest. The situation is clear; but the questions and the answers are not.  Now, more than ever, we are being called to trust that God is God.

Over the next weeks, we will be invited to weigh the pros and cons of how we want our beloved church to look, what we want it to become (or not). Essentially, we are being called to fill in the blanks. 

I would invite you to view this as a beautiful invitation.  A beautiful gift. And why? Because God is inviting us, you and me, to be active participants in our own future, our own destiny.

Someone once said that faith is relaxing. Relaxing in the presence of God, like being in the presence of a trusted and long-time friend. And prayer? Well that is the act of sharing your deepest concerns with that friend, trusting that they will help you discern the right answer, which might not necessarily be the one you think you want.

No matter what the outcome may be, when the dust settles, we are able to see God’s hand at work in the process and understand that we get what is needed.

So relax.  Let God work through and walk with us in the days ahead and trust that all will be well.

In peace,
Pastor Beryl, DLM

*1 Not my brother, not my sister, but it's me, O Lord,
Standin' in the need of prayer;
Not my brother, not my sister, but it's me, O Lord,
Standin' in the need of prayer.

It's me, it's me, O Lord,
Standin' in the need of prayer;
It's me, it's me, O Lord,
Standin' in the need of prayer.

2 Not the preacher, not the deacon, but it's me, O Lord,
Standin' in the need of prayer;
Not the preacher, not the deacon, but it's me, O Lord,
Standin' in the need of prayer. [Refrain]

3 Not my father, not my mother, but it's me, O Lord,
Standin' in the need of prayer;
Not my father, not my mother, but it's me, O Lord,
Standin' in the need of prayer. [Refrain]

4 Not the stranger, not my neighbor, but it's me, O Lord,
Standin' in the need of prayer;
Not the stranger, not my neighbor, but it's me, O Lord,
Standin' in the need of prayer. [Refrain]

Source: One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: an African American ecumenical hymnal #147

Author anonymous

Crawford Kids

I believe I’ve shared the photo below before. It dates from 1946 and depicts the Crawford Park Wolf Cub Pack with their leaders. In the past I was only able to identify the couple at the back as “the Wilsons” but documents that recently came to light gave me their first names. They were William H. and Noreen Wilson, and I believe they lived on Crawford Bridge, which is where this photo would have been taken. I have not been able to identify the house exactly. According to the scrapbook I found, the Wilsons, known to the boys as “Akela” and “Baloo” led the pack at least until 1952.

The Autumn of our Being, and the Ripening of the Soul

Somewhere about the age of 60, we begin to realize that we really are aging.

Now, at 76, I have come to see that old age is a complete changing of gears and does not happen without the slow realization, almost calming feeling that we have journeyed through the protected space of childhood joy and innocence, the rocky road and angst of teenage uncertainty, the no-handbook reference library for marital life and parenthood, the sadness of empty nests, the joy of grandchildren and now find ourselves slowing passing through inner resistance and denial into a place of peaceful surrender.

As paraphrased by Father Richard Rohr, Franciscan friar and ecumenical teacher, “Most of us tend to think of the last half of life as largely about getting old, dealing with health issues, and letting go of our physical life, but I simply don’t believe that’s all there is to it. What looks like falling can largely be experienced as falling upward and onward, into a broader and deeper world, where the soul finds its fullness, is finally connected to the whole, and lives inside the Big Picture.”

I would wholeheartedly agree that the “falling” is indeed a falling upwards…to that place from where love first brought us into existence. 

That falling upwards is a time of ripening, of rounding, of mellowing and, most importantly, of finally understanding that our desires and hopes for everything good, true and beautiful is the result of our willingly emptying our selves and leaving space for the fulfilment of God’s great outpouring of love.

Benedictine Sister Joan Chittister writes “If we learn anything at all as time goes by and the changing seasons become fewer and fewer, it is that there are some things in life that cannot be fixed. It is more than possible that we will go to our graves with a great deal of personal concerns, of life agendas, left unresolved. [ ]”

Something we have to face is that to live as an “elder” (a position much respected in many cultures) is to ripen into clear-eyed acceptance of the way things actually exist.  For many of us, this ripening involves the multidimensional understanding and acceptance that everything as we now know can and will be lost and will be replaced by questions such as: what will happen to me?  To my body? To my mind? Will I matter to anyone? Will I be a burden? How will I die?

The truthful answer to all these questions is - we do not, we can not know because the moment which changes everything usually arrives unannounced.

James Finley, a colleague of Richard Rohr at the Centre for Action and Contemplation shared his thoughts on spiritual maturity as a form of ripening:

“We ripen in holiness and spiritual fulfillment as we learn to sit in the sun of God’s mysterious, sustaining presence that energizes and guides our efforts, bringing us to realms of grace that are beyond, way beyond, anything we can achieve by our own efforts alone. . . . As a person ripens in unsayable intimacies in God, they ripen in a paradoxical wisdom. They come to understand God as a presence that protects us from nothing, even as God unexplainably sustains us in all things. This is the Mystery of the Cross that reveals whatever it means that God watches over us; it does not mean that God prevents the tragic thing, the cruel thing, the unfair thing, from happening. Rather, it means that God is intimately hidden as a kind of profound, tender sweetness that flows and carries us along in the intimate depths of the tragic thing itself—and will continue to do so in every moment of our lives up to and through death, and beyond.”

And so, we, like fruit, ripen.  As we age, we realize that in all we have been through, Love has been using us for its own purposes. And for this I feel immensely grateful. We know, too, that our inevitable passing away, in which we fall into the ground and die, is not the end of our ripened and transformed life.  

Again, to share the words of Richard Rohr “When we can let go of our own need for everything to be as we want it, and our own need to succeed, we can then encourage the independent journey and the success of others. The grand parent is able to relinquish center stage and to stand on the sidelines, and thus be in solidarity with those who need their support. Children can feel secure in the presence of their grandparents because, while their parents are still rushing to find their way through life’s journey, granddad and grandma have hopefully become spacious. They can contain problems, inconsistencies, inconveniences, and contradictions—after a lifetime of practicing and learning.”

Hopefully, as ripened fruit, we have come to trust life because we have seen more of it and, as a consequence or blessing, we trust death because we are closer to it.  And, somewhere along the journey, something has told us that who are now is not the final stage.

We need to be close enough to our own death to see it coming and to recognize that death and life are united in an eternal embrace, and intimate and continuing dance, and one is not the end of the other. Death is what it is.

Someone once said “the truth will set you free.”  Perhaps the love and truth of God is what finally allows us to soar and meet our Maker unencumbered.

At this moment, as I share these thoughts, I hold even dearer the words of our beloved creed:

“In life in death, in life beyond death,
  God is with us.  We are not alone.”
Thanks be to God.


In peace,

Pastor Beryl
