What is Méli-Mélo?


Have you ever eaten the party snack Bits and Bites/ Meli Melo? That bag of mixed pretzles and those squares that look like mini Triscuits, super salty and a little messy?

That's kind of like our monthly community celebrations at the Mission, which we call Messy Church, or Meli-Melo: It’s an informal gathering for all ages mixing faith with our meli melo messy relationships,  questions, schedules and our meli melo messy lives. Meli Melo Messy Church is different way of doing church with good food, good company, good crafts and activities and a good Christian message. First and foremost, it’s about having fun together! A light lunch is provided from the SouthWest Kitchen produce and pantry and donations; our Kitchen Coordinator prepares a menu and provides instructions (when necessary) to the volunteer Meli Melo team to put together on Sunday.

Meli Melo Messy Church provides a vibrant and practical way to engage with our local communities, children and their families. It can be cross-generational, give parents time-out, help to break down barriers and bring something different to a Christian faith based life. Meli Melo Messy Church is a wonderful shop window, but it isn’t a recruitment drive to get children into church. And nor does it need to be; these are seeds that are being planted and can help to encourage families to explore further.

Our next Meli Melo Messy Church is June 24 and exceptionally we will be gathering at the church, 1445 Clemenceau for a special neighbourhood picnic. Join us at 11:30 and be a part of the neighbourhood and community.

For more information and possibly transportation contact the office 514-768-6231.

- Darlene
