Clemenceau Capers

As so many of you have not been near the church for months, I thought it might be fun to do a little catch-up of what has changed, inside and out.

First of all, in June, the borough turned several residential blocks into “family streets” (rues familiales) for the summer. The block of Clemenceau between Ouimet and Churchill is one of them. It’s similar to when there’s construction and they say “local circulation only,” except here the reason is not construction but playtime! The priority is shifted from drivers to walkers, cyclists, and kids playing in the street. Colourful shapes have been painted on the road surface down towards the school.

You can still park on the block, but you should use another street if you’re just passing through. There are 13 such blocks designated in Verdun, and it’s just for the summer months.

Things are looking a little different inside the church too, where we are gradually getting ready for people to return. Access for churchgoers will be only through the main door, not the side door, and once you’re in, you will go straight ahead to enter the sanctuary at the back. Access to the washrooms will be down the back stairs from the sanctuary. There is no access to the hall otherwise.

Obviously we’ll have to spread out in the pews. Another thing that will be different is that hymn books and bibles will be gone as they could potentially transfer the virus.

Here are a few pictures of the work in progress. (Click on an image to go to the next one.)
