Voting in Verdun

Last week, I gave some general information about how to get on the voting list for the municipal elections coming up on November 6 and 7.  This week I thought I’d look at how voting will play out in Verdun. Hopefully some of this information will be useful even to those who live elsewhere.

During the week of October 25, everyone who is on the electors list should receive a reminder card in the mail. This card will show all the names of candidates in your district, as well as dates and locations of advance polls and election day polls. This information is already available on the Elections Montreal website.

For instance, if you live in the Desmarchais-Crawford section of Verdun (most of mainland Verdun, from Rielle all the way to the end of Crawford Park) you will vote for five candidates: City mayor, borough mayor, a city councillor and two borough councillors. Ten* candidates are running for mayor of Montreal.

There are three candidates for Verdun Mayor: Marie-Andrée Mauger, for Projet Montreal; Jayoti Nanda for Mouvement Montreal, and Antoine Richard for Ensemble Montreal. Marie-Andrée (pictured right) has been a borough councillor here for eight years. As city councillor, we will be choosing between Eric (Balou) Chartrand for Ensemble Montreal; Sterling Downey (incumbent) for Projet Montreal; and Nathe Perrone for Mouvement Montreal.

Luc Gagnon decided not to run again for Borough councillor, and with Marier-Andrée vying for the mayor’s office, we have two new faces running for borough council with Projet Montreal: Kaïla A. Munro and Benoit Gratton. Ensemble Montreal is also running two candidates: Natacha Louis and Lili-Anne Bergeron; Mouvement Montreal is putting forth only one candidate, Jonathan Reinglas, and there is one independent candidate for borough councillor: Rosalie Belanger-Rioux.

*Regardless of where you live in Montreal, you will be presented with the following options as
City Mayor:

- Beverly Bernardo, Independent
- Denis Coderre, Ensemble Montreal
- Jean Duval, Independent
- Balarama Holness, Mouvement Montreal
- Fang Hu, Independent
- Wilder Jules, Independent
- Luc Menard, Montreal 2021
- Dimitri Mourkes, Independent
- Valerie Plante, Projet Montreal
- Gilbert Thibodeau, Action Montreal

If you are unable to get out to vote, you can submit a request to vote by mail by calling 514 872-VOTE (8683). You must apply before October 27th.

To be allowed to vote by mail you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Living in a public long-term care home or a registered private seniors’ residence

  • Unable to leave your home due to health conditions

  • Staying in a rehabilitation centre or hospital

  • Self-isolating in accordance with public health directives

  • Have symptoms of COVID-19, or a diagnosis of COVID-19
