Minister's Message: A Quiet Moment

There are precious moments of rest, of watching the garden grow, of not rushing to do anything, of staying in the present and living today as a gift.

There is a meeting this Sunday at SouthWest that seeks to prepare us for our future. Two motions, one about selling our property and the other to share my ministry with another congregation. That’s a lot to think about. I am learning these last few months that discerning the future is very different than making a decision. The latter can come more easily if we take the time to do the first. We have been through so much these last years, many changes and challenges, there is not much that has stayed the same. 

As I discern my changing role and we collectively discern how to continue serving our neighbours as a community of Christian faith I pray we stay rooted in this moment and in a living faith. 

I pray we all have the wisdom to believe that God is with us in every change we live. And that the address, or the setting of our worship is less important than the joy we find in praying God and being together in joy and celebration. 

Here’s a summer hymn that invites to a quiet moment:

Come and find the quiet centre
in the crowded life we lead,
Find the room for hope to enter, 
find the frame where we are freed:
Clear the chaos and the clutter,
clear our eyes, that we may see
all the things that really matter, 
be at peace and simply be.   

                (Shirley Erena Murray, 1989, VU374)


See you Sunday.

Rev. David


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