Food on the Move for Seniors

At SouthWest we have a long tradition of working with vulnerable seniors. Our traditional pastoral care has evolved over the years to take in community members with no church affiliation. SouthWest Mission Food on the Move for Seniors project will be part of our In-Touch Ministry and Outreach programs working in collaboration with SouthWest Kitchens and SouthWest partners. The model is inspired by the experience of our annual SouthWest Boxing Day Turkey dinner.  We were blessed with the reaction and response this past Christmas: over 290 meals were prepared with the majority served at the Mission. A record 61 meals were delivered to seniors in their homes and residences, including 3 senior residences and 3 HLM’s in the borough. We have seen the need. Our seniors are vulnerable to isolation and poor nutrition.  Increasing access to healthy, local food and improving food security works best when communities are able to develop their own solutions, based on local knowledge, assets and needs.
To serve our seniors more effectively and efficiently we submitted a project proposal to the Good Samaritan fund (Quebec Presbytery) and are happy to report that $7,050.00 was granted to SouthWest for the SouthWest Mission Food on the Move for Seniors project, which will start in the fall 2018. I look forward to your support, participation, blessing, prayers, whatever I can get to initiate this project as we live out our Vision:

Providing a table for all, with food for body, mind and spirit,”

and Mission:

 “At SouthWest, our sense of community is inspired by our Christian faith. We partner with individuals and organizations to address issues like food security, poverty, education and wellness. Our programs and activities encourage and inspire all of us to realize our potential as uniquely gifteand Mission;d individuals in our families and neighbourhoods.

- Darlene


Kahnawake PowWow this weekend


Minister's Message: A Quiet Moment