Pass the Peace, Not the Germs
Like many churches, at SouthWest we like to take a moment during every service to pass the peace, or just greet our neighbours. It’s a lovely tradition that tends to include a lot of squeezing of hands. But what do we do when flu season or a scary virus on the news makes us recoil at the thought of touching hands? Do we skip this emotionally satisfying part of the service and try not to even breathe the same air as our neighbour during church?
Of course not, but what we can do is modify our behavior so that there’s still emotional contact, but less of the physical kind. Make direct eye contact with people and give them a big smile; flash a peace sign with your fingers, or try an “elbow bump” instead of a handshake.
Washing hands with soap and warm water is still the most important thing we can all do to avoid passing germs. An important step to add to your routine here is to use a piece of paper towel to turn off the taps when you’re done so as not to pick up any germs from them.
Obviously, if you have flu symptoms, you should stay home from church - but do call and let us know you’re sick and if we can do anything for you. The phone, as the jingle writer well knew, is a great way to “Reach out and touch someone” - just be sure to give the receiver (or screen) a wipe with disinfectant from time to time!
Peace be with you, and hope to bump elbows sometime soon,