News from SouthWest

Ministry, Community Jean-François Major Ministry, Community Jean-François Major

Ash Wednesay 2022

On Wednesday evening, a small group of SouthWest people gathered to eat together in the church hall. When is the last time we were able to write those words?

The pancake supper was followed by a simple service with ashes. Here are a few pictures from the event.

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Jean-François Major Jean-François Major

Pass the Peace, Not the Germs

Like many churches, at SouthWest we like to take a moment during every service to pass the peace, or just greet our neighbours. It’s a lovely tradition that tends to include a lot of squeezing of hands. But what do we do when flu season or a scary virus on the news makes us recoil at the thought of touching hands? Do we skip this emotionally satisfying part of the service and try not to even breathe the same air as our neighbour during church?


Of course not, but what we can do is modify our behavior so that there’s still emotional contact, but less of the physical kind. Make direct eye contact with people and give them a big smile; flash a peace sign with your fingers, or try an “elbow bump” instead of a handshake.

Washing hands with soap and warm water is still the most important thing we can all do to avoid passing germs. An important step to add to your routine here is to use a piece of paper towel to turn off the taps when you’re done so as not to pick up any germs from them.

Obviously, if you have flu symptoms, you should stay home from church - but do call and let us know you’re sick and if we can do anything for you. The phone, as the jingle writer well knew, is a great way to “Reach out and touch someone” - just be sure to give the receiver (or screen) a wipe with disinfectant from time to time!

Peace be with you, and hope to bump elbows sometime soon,


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Ministry Jean-François Major Ministry Jean-François Major

Beryl's Blog: Walking the Walk

How often have you sat in your favourite pew on Sunday and heard your Minister go on about living in faith; blind faith, illusive, unseen and unproven.  That rock you are to cling to when the waves get high, the night darkens and the stars do not shine.  Belief that Creator God will always be with you, in light and in darkness, in those times of the absolute unknown.

Have you ever asked yourself if your Minister actually walks the walk, as they continue to talk the talk?  Well, truth time. 

As I faced a cardiac procedure this week, I seesawed from fear to outright panic, from faith and a feeling of peace to “I don’t want to talk about it”.  A whole spectrum of emotions.

Moments of prayer became more frequent during the day; memories of childhood events popped up uninvited and unannounced.  Thoughts of loved ones who had passed seeped into my favourite television programs.  In bed, in the dark of night, came the worries and the “what ifs” for my husband and my family and, of course my animals. Wow, I do not even have funeral plans other than asking a dear friend to do me the honors.

I think of myself as a “reader” of cosmic signs, looking for the Holy in all I do. But this journey has had some “rethink” moments.

But then I remembered Jesus, he too must have known fear - when he was taken from the garden, as he heard his friend betray him, when he was interrogated by Pilate, as he was beaten and forced to carry his own cross to the hill.  He too must have wanted to “rethink” it all, especially as he hung from that place of no return, asking his father “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” 

Yes, I am talking the talk, but stumbling as I walk the walk.  However, I realize I am in the best of company!  I am walking with a man who has doubted in his time.

So, as I write, I am thinking about what I need to pack for a small overnight bag.  I choose to believe that Creator has had a hand in this journey, that the time is now right.  Faith, blind and persistent, even if a little shaky. The train is in the station, the whistle is blowing, the doors are closing and I am on my way.

This coming Sunday, November 3rd is our All Saints celebration of life.  We will honor those who have gone before us (perhaps even a little shaky themselves) but persistent in their faith.

Doubt is a part of our journey but I am choosing light and life.  I will see you all then!

NOTE: Pastor Beryl had surgery on Tuesday and is recovering nicely.

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Articles en français, Ministry, Music Jean-François Major Articles en français, Ministry, Music Jean-François Major

Christmas by Candlelight/ Chantons Noël

Come join us for our beautiful celebration of Christmas: the candles will be lit, the choir will lift their voices, and we will be wrapped in the magic once more.

Venez nous rejoindre pour notre célébration annuelle à la lumière des bougies et dans une véritable bain de musique : chœur, solistes, et nos voix unies. Noël !

December 17 at 4 o’clock
le 17 décembre à 16 heures

SouthWest United Church/ Église Unie du Sud-Ouest
1445 rue Clémenceau, Verdun

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Jean-François Major Jean-François Major

Promises from the heart

At worship last Sunday, SouthWest celebrated the baptism of Hayley Cecelia Webster. She was welcomed into God's family with unconditional love, joy, lots of water and promises of the heart. Her siblings Madison and Nathan traced their hands onto paper and distributed them to all present. Everyone wrote a blessing or a promise on these 'sibling' hands which were offered to Haley as her baptism candle was lit.

When some of his disciples wanted to exclude children, Jesus blessed them instead and made a promise: unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in. (Mark 10: 13-16). The promise to welcome children is fundamental to our faith. 

I include in the newsletter the personalised promises made by godparents and parents last Sunday. They touched me and they blessed Hayley. 

I will be interring the ashes of my brother Joe this week-end at the Lefneski family plot in Guelph. In such difficult times promises root each of us and say that neither you nor I, nor our families are alone. 

Thanks be to God.

CARINA (Godmother)

I promise to help you whenever you are in need.
I promise to guide you down the right path, to encourage you to never give up on yourself.
And to care for you and love you.

KEENAN (Godfather)

I promise...
To love you, 
To guide you,
To support you,
To care for you,
To encourage you,
And to hold you in my heart
Forever and always

RYAN AND KIA (Parents)

Although God already knows you, and loves you, as parents it is our job to guide you with a gentle hand. To teach you all the qualities of Jesus that we strive to emulate through everyday acts of kindness, humility, patience and forgiveness.  To see struggles as gifts and as ways to grow one's character and learn how to trust in God. Thankfully we are not alone in this endeavor, but at least for a little while, we'll be the loudest voices in your ear.

To this we could say: Amen! Alléluia! 

- Rev. David 

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