
Apple picking/ Ride for Refuge: Two Events with Montreal City Mission


Ride For Refuge - September 29th 2018
The annual bike-a-thon is fast approaching.

Once again WE NEED YOU to make our annual bike-a-thon a success!

In order to sustain our services to vulnerable migrants we need the support of our community of friends more than ever!

Please show your support by biking or walking along with us and making a donation.


Welcome Stefana!

Montreal, August 21, 2018
The Marché Mobile Verdun\ Verdun Mobile Market project names coordinator

SouthWest Mission welcomes the funding provided by the Direction régionale de la santé publique (DRSP) for the Verdun Mobile Market project aiming to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to the vulnerable communities of Verdun, and announces the hiring of Stefana Lamasanu as the project coordinator. A Verdun resident actively and passionately engaged in the local community, Stefana wants to ensure the promotion of healthy eating and a better access to fresh produce.
"In the last few years, the charm of our borough has been attracting an increasing number of new Verdun residents, bringing along a change in the local economic profile and an increasingly diverse commercial landscape. However, as we profit from such changes, we must not forget our more vulnerable citizens. It is time to ensure a larger reach of healthy and fresh produce in our neighbourhood, and that is precisely what the Verdun Mobile Market intends to do," declares Stefana.
In order to celebrate her appointment, and the project’s imminent start, the Mission will invite the community to an upcoming Mini Market to take place during the month of September. Invitations to follow.
The SouthWest Mission, in collaboration with the CDSV (Concertation en développement social de Verdun), the Verdun CSSS (Centre de santé et de services sociaux), and Grand Potager, aims to make food accessible to all. The Mission also works in partnerships with the Lester B. Pearson School Board, Moisson Montréal, the Anglo Family Council, among others, and is part of the Verdun sans faim roundtable. The Mission offers a variety of services to the Verdun community, such as the Breakfast Club, the Welcome Wednesday community lunches, the Wednesday Mini Market, and a Community Depanneur.

Breakfast Club delayed, Seeking Volunteers

The first day of school at Verdun Elementary and most of the Lester B. Pearson School Board is Wednesday, August 29th. We had hoped to have Breakfast Club in place from that first day as we usually do, but unfortunately, delays in the renovations will make it impossible to have children in the Mission that week. We are now expecting Breakfast Club to start one week later, (Sept. 5) with the possibility that it may be in the school rather than the Mission for a little bit. We will keep you posted as soon as plans are definite!

That said, we are still in preparation mode and accepting financial and food donations for the program, especially the following items:


frozen Eggo or other brand waffles
sliced orange cheese or blocks of white cheese
cream cheese
sliced sandwich bread
English muffins

In addition, Breakfast Club is seeking a few good volunteers for any day of the week. The gratification that comes from seeing children start their school day with a healthy breakfast is worth the early start time! If interested, please contact Shelia at or  Sue at

Invitation to Community Organizations


Important announcement regarding relations with English-speaking Quebecers

Montreal, August 14th, 2018 - Please note that the minister responsible for Access to Information and the Reform of Democratic Institutions and minister responsible for Relations with English-Speaking Quebecers, Ms. Kathleen Weil, with the Minister of Sustainable Development, the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change, and MNA for Verdun, Ms. Isabelle Melançon, will hold a press conference on Tuesday at 10 am to announce major funding to improve access to programs and services for English-speaking communities throughout Quebec.

Date:               Tuesday, August 14th, 2018

Time:              10 am

Location:        Dawson Boys & Girls Club, 
                       666 Woodland Avenue, Verdun Qc H4H 1V8

  Mérouan Bahl    |   Attaché Politique

Bureau de la Ministre du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques.

Députée de Verdun, Mme Isabelle Melançon.

4110 rue Wellington | bureau 301
Verdun (Québec)  H4G1V7
Tél. : 514 766-7503 | Téléc. : 514 766-1136 |



Annonce importante concernant les relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise

Montréal, le 14 août 2018  – Veuillez prendre note que la ministre responsable de l’Accès à l’information et de la Réforme des institutions démocratiques et responsable des Relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise, Mme Kathleen Weil en compagnie de la ministre du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques et députée de Verdun, Mme. Isabelle Melançon, tiendront un point de presse mardi à 10 h afin d’annoncer un important financement pour améliorer l’accès aux programmes et aux services pour les communautés d’expression anglaise à travers le Québec 

 Date :              Mardi, 14 août 2018

 Heure :            10 h

 Endroit :         Repaire jeunesse Dawson
                        666, av. Woodland, Verdun , Qc H4H 1V8

Verdun Triathlon: Streets closed August 12


Sunday August 12 is the Verdun Triathlon. There will be street closings, but worship will go on at SouthWest United at the usual time. Lasalle Boulevard will be closed its length, but access will be open from Champlain Boulevard via Leclair and Crawford streets. Bus routes may be disrupted and parking will be prohibited on some streets (not Clemenceau). Even walkers may find their usual routes blocked, but we have received assurances from the organizers that worshippers should ask volunteers for help to safely cross the bike route.

Find out more at:

Below is a letter from the borough to Crawford residents, and a map of the bike route.

Dimanche 12 août c'est le Triathlon de Verdun. Il y aura des fermetures de rues, mais le culte continuera à SouthWest à l'heure habituelle (10h). Le boulevard Lasalle sera fermé, mais l'accès au boulevard Champlain sera accessible par les rues Leclair et Crawford. Les itinéraires de bus peuvent être perturbés et le stationnement sera interdit dans certaines rues (mais pas Clémenceau). Même les marcheurs peuvent voir leurs itinéraires habituels bloqués, mais nous avons reçu des assurances de la part des organisateurs que les fidèles peuvent demander de l'aide aux bénévoles pour traverser la piste cyclable en toute sécurité.

The dark red line shows the bike route, which will be closed to traffic. The small red lines show intersections that will be closed.

The dark red line shows the bike route, which will be closed to traffic. The small red lines show intersections that will be closed.

Visite des jardins collectifs/ Tour of collective gardens

Samedi 18 août  de 15-18 h , nous prévoyons faire une visite de nos  jardins collectifs.  Nos partenaires, contacts, et participantES sont invité à venir visiter le fruit du  travail de nos membres.
La dernière étape de la tournée ce fera au jardin sur le toit du Repaire Jeunesse Dawson.
Nous serions honorés de votre présence! 

Saturday August 18th from 3 to 6PM, we will lead a tour of Un plant de tomate's collective gardens in Verdun. Our partners, contacts and participants are invited to come and see the fruits of our members' labour!
The last stop on the tour will be at the rooftop garden at Dawson Boys and Girls Club.
We would be honoured by your presence.

Réal Bonneville | Coordinateur,
Un plant de tomate à la fois

Tournée des jardins Collectifs.jpg

St. Columba House needs you: bikes and school supplies

From Lisa Byer, Executive Director of Saint Columba House:

Bill's Community Bikeshop, a St-Columba House project, wants your old bikes! Here at Bill's we rely on donated bicycles to keep the community moving. Whether it's tuning up old bikes and getting them safe and rideable again for sale at affordable prices, or salvaging parts and components from bikes that are too tired to keep on riding, Bill's Community Bikeshop relies on your donations to keep offering the services many Point St-Charles residents have come to depend on. If you or someone you know doesn't know what to do with that dusty old bike in the garage, please consider donating it to a community organization! All proceeds go towards St-Columba House.

To speak with Mat, our Bikeshop coordinator / mechanic, please call  514-932-6202 ext. 232, email, or send a message on the St-Columba House Facebook page.

As of August 1st, St-Columba will also be accepting donations of school supplies. Suggestions include: scotch tape, scissors, glue sticks, HB pencils, pencil cases, Hilroy copy books, duo tangs, etc. These can be dropped off at 2365 Grand Trunk (Point St-Charles) as of next Wednesday.


Heat Wave and Remembrance

As the vulnerable succumbed to the extreme high heat this week across Quebec, we pause to remember them, some 33 who died.
We light our candle at worship and hold them, their friends and families in our hearts and prayers.
We ask that neighbours and community show concern for those who are alone, and that our remembrance be a commitment to love our neighbour as we love God and ourselves.

A Heat Wave Prayer:
God of creation,
may the glistening beads of sweat upon our brow, remind us of our baptismal promises;
may the slowing of our paces and practices,
remind us of the sacredness of each moment;
and may the sweltering waves of heated air,
remind us of your Spirit which moves amongst us. 
Keep safe those who work and those who play this day, as we tend to our neighbours in need. Amen.
(Diocese of Niagara, 2013)

Rev. David

We're still in for some more hot days. For tips on how to protect yourself during a heat wave, see this pamphlet from the government of Quebec:
