

You are invited…
1899 – 2019
120 Years in Verdun

Please join us for a wine and cheese reception at the opening of our exhibit of photos and objects that tell the story of the United Church in Verdun.

Friday, November 15th

4 to 6PM

The exhibit will remain in place through November and December and will be accessible during any of our scheduled events and services. See below for dates and times.

SouthWest United Church,
1445 Clemenceau, Verdun H4H 2R2

Pre-Christmas Events at SouthWest United

 Friday, November 15: Opening of Exhibit: 120 Years in Verdun, 4pm to 6pm

Saturday November 16: Harvest Supper, 5pm. Tickets $15

Sunday November 17: Worship service 10 am

Sunday November 24: Worship service 10am

Saturday November 30: Holly Tea with Silent Auction. Lunch $5, tickets at the door

Sunday December 1: Worship service, 1st of Advent, 10am

Sunday December 8: Worship service, 2nd of Advent

Sunday December 15: Worship service, 3rd of Advent

Sunday December 15: Chantons Noel Candlelight Carol service, 4pm

Sunday December 22: Worship service, 4th of Advent, 10am

Tuesday, December 24: Worship service, Christmas Eve, 7:30pm

News from out west

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Note: Frank De Montigny was our most faithful volunteer at the Mission for the last few years. He was the first to arrive on wintry mornings to clear snow at the entrance so the children could get in for Breakfast Club. The children - “munchkins”, to Frank - all loved him. He took care of the plants, indoors and outdoors, and countless other tasks. He recently moved back to Saskatchewan. The following is from Sheila, one of our Breakfast Club coordinators:

For all of you that are interested, I spoke to Frank last Tuesday. He is very happy and said that he should have done this years ago.

His address is
339 Parker Crescent
Samora, SK

If anyone would like to call him, just let me know.

He’s living in a half duplex, 5 1/2 rooms at a Senior’s Residence. There are 12 units in the little complex.
Rent, he says, is very reasonable, as well as his electricity bill and his phone. He says that he has a large bedroom, pantry, living room and kitchen. He still has his van which is brother gave him and says that the price of gas fluctuates between 1.09 - 1.12. Bread and milk about the same as here.
A person from there helped him by getting a great discount on a bed, quilts, and end tables. His house had been repainted, and
a washer and dryer was also installed for him. He also does a lot of walking, and was going to go to his local church and schools to see if he could volunteer there.

He has a big front and back yard and next year he’ll start a big garden to keep him busy. He doesn’t have to shovel snow or cut grass. WOW, what a lucky man he is.

He misses everyone and asked me to pass this info around.

-Sheila Morrison

Do you know the answer?

Bill and Lina Ludlow celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with family and friends in the church hall in 1998.

Bill and Lina Ludlow celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with family and friends in the church hall in 1998.

UPDATE: Who is our oldest living member? It’s still open to any challengers that want to come forward, but my nomination is Bill Ludlow. A member since 1950 (!) Bill celebrated his 99th birthday in September. According to his daughter Liz, who supplied the video clip below, he is in “remarkable shape for his age” and “still singing Scottish songs!”

I will leave the second question, about people from our congregation called to ministry over the years, for another day.

A Joint Pastoral Relations Committee, with members from both VUC and CPU, with Rev. Nerny in 1980. Bill Ludlow is in the second row, second from the right.

A Joint Pastoral Relations Committee, with members from both VUC and CPU, with Rev. Nerny in 1980. Bill Ludlow is in the second row, second from the right.



I have two skill-testing questions for you today. It’s really more information-gathering than a quiz, since I am not sure I have the right answers myself!First: who is SouthWest’s oldest living member? I know some people don’t like to admit their age so that makes it challenging. But send me your guesses/ nominees!

Second: who are the members of our congregation over the years who have gone on to enter ministry?

See Amy at church this Sunday, or call the office weekday mornings: 514-768-6231, or e-mail

Child-friendly service October 20th

At SouthWest, we are always happy to have children in the pews, but without a formal Sunday school, we realize parents sometimes have reservations about bringing the small ones.

We are issuing a special invitation to families with children to join us on Sunday October 20th. Pastor Beryl will have a special child-friendly message: the story of Peter Pumpkin.

The 10AM service usually runs less than an hour and there’s fellowship and snacks afterwards!

All Saints Memorial November 3rd

 Please join us…

 Annual All Saints Memorial Celebration
Sunday, November 3, 2019, 10AM
SouthWest United Church


Dear Friends

Jesus said: "Blessed are you who are poor for yours is the dominion of God. Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you on account of the Human One." Jesus named the blessed ones. On our annual day of remembrance, we will recall and give thanks for those blessed ones who have gone before us.

As our annual celebration of All Saints approaches, you are warmly invited to join us in our All Saints Communion and Memorial Tribute.

As you know, SouthWest does not solicit funds for funerals but, rather, receives offerings “in loving memory” of those who have gone before us.  All gifts given to the fund are gratefully acknowledged and a receipt is given for tax purposes.

Memorial gifts received before November 1st will be acknowledged during the service.  If you wish, you can e-mail or call the office to confirm your participation.

We hope that you can join us and look forward to seeing you on November 3rd at 10:00 a.m.

Beryl Barraclough,Pastor

Dennis Brown, Clerk of Session


Manna Re-opens

Manna Food Bank, closed since before the summer, is re-opening next Wednesday, October 9th. The schedule will be as before, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am to 12, except the first week of each month. Manna is located downstairs from Dawson Boys and Girls Club, at 666 Woodland avenue.

Accordingly, we are reviving our custom of collecting non-perishable foodstuffs on our monthly communion Sundays. This coming Sunday, October 6th is one - but we realize that’s short notice! the next one will be November 3rd.

For more information about food: markets, community meals, etc., the October calendars from Verdun sans faim are attached.

Bingo October 5th

The day is fast approaching! Not this weekend but next is our ever-popular SouthWest Bingo challenge. Cost at the door is $5, which gets you your first bingo card and a ticket for the (cash) door prize. Additional bingo cards can be bought for 50 cents. Doors open at 12:00, play begins at 1PM and refreshments are available (donations gratefully accepted). SouthWest Bingo takes place the first Saturday of each month.

Holly Tea: Silent Auction

SouthWest will kick off the Christmas season this year, as so many years in the past, with a Holly Tea, to take place on Saturday November 30th. Along with the usual refreshments and crafts for sale, we will be trying something a little different: a Silent Auction.

We are asking your help in finding new items to auction off. They don’t have to be big ticket items, but we suggest a minimum value of $20. Do you have a business, or know someone with a business that might be willing to donate something? Gift certificates - for restaurants, hairdressers, gyms etc. - could work too. Are you an artist or artisan willing to donate a work? Everyone who donates something to the auction will be thanked in our promotional materials and on our website.

Get in touch with the office by phone 514 768-6231, or e-mail,

Passages: Bill Buchanan

We regret to announce that Bill Buchanan passed away on Monday at his home in Ville Emard at the age of 104. Pastor Beryl will lead a celebration of his life at SouthWest United this Saturday, with eulogy by Rev. Linda Buchanan, Bill’s grand-daughter. The family will welcome visitors in the church hall on Friday, September 20th from 6 to 9 PM. The funeral will take place Saturday, September 21st at 2PM.

Read the obit in the Montreal Gazette here

Bill in his WWII uniform.

Bill in his WWII uniform.


Some of the “Bridge Gang” at SWU in 2011 : Bill Buchanan, Myrtle Buchanan, Margaret Craig, Helen Cameron, Matthew Craig, and Marvin Smith.
