A Message From SouthWest Council

 March 8, 2019


Dear Church Family and Friends,

 For the past twenty years, God has blessed our efforts, ministry and minister here at SouthWest.

 It is with sadness and regret that we announce that Rev. David has decided that it is time to leave SouthWest United Church and Mission at the end of May 2019 and to continue his Ministry in Cowansville.

 There is no doubt that losing Rev. David will be a time of upheaval for our faith community. It will be a time of bittersweet sorrow but let us rejoice with Rev. David as he moves into another area of life and ministry. We will continue to hold him in our hearts and uphold him in prayer as well.

 The period of transition and change will be a time of reassessment and the setting of new directions.

 We look forward to an enriching and productive time as our congregation embarks on this next phase of its journey. This is an important and exciting time in the history of this congregation we call SouthWest.



Darlene Halfyard, Chair of Council

Dennis Brown, Secretary and Clerk of Session.


Minister's Message: Hello and Good-bye?!

The first night in my new house was last Thursday. Compared to Montréal, it was very, very quiet, although a very empty house. I woke up at four o’clock when my hip hit the floor, the air mattress had lost its air, and had a blurry moment of: Where am I? What happened to my bed?

The Lenten journey is calling us. The ashes of anointing on Ash Wednesday, made from last year’s palms, will also be available at Emmanuel for the first Sunday of Lent. They speak of the cost of following Jesus on a journey that makes difficult decisions and ends in sacrifice and death.

These days I am very conscious of changes, transitions and endings.

I read my letter of resignation at SouthWest last Sunday, a deeply emotional experience. It was a goodbye after almost two decades of ministry, of shared journey, challenges and joys.

To quote my written words:

I have served Crawford Park and Verdun United Churches since the summer of 1999 and grown with you through many changes including the amalgamation of SouthWest and the beginning of SouthWest Mission in 2007.
The number of baptisms, weddings and funerals (which we call Celebrations of Life) are of historical record. The number of worship services, sermons and prayers? A lot, I would say.
As two decades come to a close and yet more changes lay ahead I discern some new challenges for me.

My years with you have been rooted in a generous gospel, one that reached into the wider community with radical hospitality, deep joy and inclusion.
SouthWest has transformed my life and I am grateful.
Thank you for the blessing that has been mine to serve you.

With love...

The very first hymn I sang in the Dunham United Church during my internship in 1998-1999 was VU 633. Its prayer language and hope touched me as I left the Presbyterian Church to join the United Church. It was also sung last Sunday at SouthWest.

Bless now, O God, the journey
that all your people make,
the path through noise and silence,
the way of give and take.
The trail is found in desert
and winds the mountain round,
then leads beside still waters,
the road where faith is found.
Bless sojourners and pilgrims
who share this winding way,
whose hope burns through the terrors,
whose love sustains the day.
We yearn for holy freedom
while often we are bound.
Together we are seeking
the road where faith is found.

(Sylvia Dunstan, 1989)

As the move continues forward slowly, and beds will make their way into freshly painted rooms, I am grateful for life and love. The next months before officially leaving SouthWest at the end of May will be emotional and busy.

As we together move into our Lenten journey we are ever surrounded by brothers and sisters in faith that are with us in all the challenges ahead.

We are rooted in faith, hope and love!

With love,

Rev. David

Diner végétarien: appel aux bénévoles

Aimez-vous cuisiner? Joignez-vous à notre équipe de cuisine bénévole qui prépare un déjeuner communautaire les mercredis au cours des six prochaines semaines à la Mission du Sud-Ouest à Verdun!

Nous allons créer de délicieux plats végétariens et végétaliens dans une cuisine communautaire ensoleillée. C’est une excellente occasion d’acquérir de nouvelles compétences et d’apprendre de nouvelles recettes.

Tous niveaux d'expérience bienvenus.

Pour plus d'informations, écrivez à Sheena.Swirlz@gmail.com ou venez nous voir!

Les mercredis (13 mars - 17 avril) de 9h à 15h

Thèmes à venir:

13 mars - Indien

20 mars - Cabane à sucre

27 mars - italien

Vegetarian Lunch Volunteer Call-out!

Do you love to cook? Join our volunteer cooking team serving a community lunch on Wednesdays during the next six weeks at the Southwest Mission in Verdun!

We will be creating delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes primarily in a sunny community kitchen. It`s a great opportunity to learn new skills and recipes.

All levels of experience welcome.

For more info, email Sheena.Swirlz@gmail.com or just come by!

9am - 3pm Wednesdays (March 13 - April 17th)


Upcoming Themes:

March 13th - Indian 

March 20th - Sugar Shack

March 27th - Italian

The new name of 'The Observer' revealed!

For those who haven’t heard, the United Church Observer is undergoing some changes. The following is from the current issue:

“This issue marks a historic moment for the magazine. It is the last one to be published under the name The United Church Observer. Next month, we’re starting an exciting new chapter, relaunching in print and online as Broadview.

The name United Church Observer served this publication well for 80 of its 190 years. But recently, our hunch has been that people beyond the pews who would really enjoy the stories we produce aren’t subscribing. Either the magazine doesn’t reach them or the United Church moniker signals a magazine for “members only.”

Market research supported our hunch. Last spring, we surveyed 1,300 subscribers and 1,000 non-subscribers. Among the non-subscribers, 59 percent had never heard of The United Church Observer, and 25 percent knew the name but had never read it. And these are Canadians who regularly read magazines, share our liberal social values and consider themselves spiritual and/or Christian.

With this new information, The Observer’s Board of Directors decided that — along with the magazine’s 190th anniversary and The United Church of Canada restructuring — 2019 was the time to change. After all, we need new audiences to sustain this publication for years to come…

Regional News

Do you want to keep up to date on what’s happening in the United Church in our part of the country? See the invitation below and follow the links to read the latest newsletter from Nakonha:ka Regional Council.

Vous souhaitez être plus au courant de ce qui se passe dansl’église unie à travers notre région? Voir l’invitation ci-dessous et suivez le lien pour lire le dernier infolettre du conseil régional Nakonha:ka.


Reflection for the week
As we squint through the brilliant rays of the transfiguration story, how are we being called to envision new possibilities and new ways of living as a community of faith in this region? Eager to hear your thoughts...

In the meantime, please share this newsletter with other members of your community of faith and colleagues, especially those who have not yet subscribed to our mailing list, or those who don't have access to email. Everyone is welcome to join the conversation: jcoffin@united-church.ca

Réflexion pour la semaine
À travers les rayons brillants de la transfiguration, comment est-ce que nous sommes appelés à envisager de nouvelles possibilités et de nouvelles façons de vivre en tant que communauté de foi dans cette région? J'ai hâte d'entendre vos idées...

Entre-temps, veuillez partager ce bulletin avec d’autres membres de votre communauté de foi et vos collègues, en particulier ceux qui ne se sont pas encore abonnés à notre liste de diffusion ou ceux qui n’ont pas accès au courrier électronique. Tout le monde est invité à rejoindre la conversation : jcoffin@united-church.ca

Minister's Message: The Lenten Journey / La route du Carême 2019

Throughout the Gospels we hear Jesus’ invitation: Follow me!

That call still resonates as Christians around the world prepare to experience the 40 days of Lent starting on Ash Wednesday. The scriptures in Lent invite us to reflexion, repentance and a fearlessness of an engaged faith in the everyday of life. (Please see the Lenten Covenant prepared By Darlene Halfyard).

Let's answer the call to follow that leads to some difficult places.

A powerful Holy Week hymn sings:

Go to dark Gethsemane
you that feel the tempter’s power; 
your Redeemer’s conflict see;
watch with him one bitter hour;

turn not from his grief away:
learn from him to watch and pray.
See him at the judgement hall,

beaten, bound, reviled, arraigned;
see him meekly bearing all;
love to all his soul sustained.

Shun not suffering, shame, or loss:
learn from Christ to bear the cross.

(James Montgomery, 1820, VU 133)

There is an unusual tradition in the Christian church of burning the palms of the previous years Palm Sunday, and by adding oil make an anointing paste. Those ashes, placed on our hands or forehead are a visual affirmation of our yes to Jesus’ call. Ashes symbolize mortality and need for grace. They remind us: You are going to die one day so live life preciously, passionately, with gratitude and thoughtfulness.

For me this is the core idea in John’s gospel (12: 24). I am telling you the truth, a grain of wheat remains no more than a single grain unless it is dropped into the ground and dies. If it dies, then it produces many grains. As we follow Jesus we learn how to live and how to die.

Let us learn at our Master's feet and follow where he leads us, together.

Suivons Jésus dans cette route de Carême, ensemble.

Rev. David

God our Creator,

you have formed us out of the dust of the earth.

May these ashes be to us

a sign of our mortality and penitence,

so that we may remember

that only by your gracious gift

are we given everlasting life;

through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. (VU 106)

Prayer for the anointing at

Ash Wednesday (SouthWest, March 6, and communion Sunday at Emmanuel, March 10.)
