In Memoriam: Ida Arhin

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Ida Ekua Arhin on November 21st 2017.

The following are Ida's words from January 1, 2017. A New Years Wish :

"Happy New Year everybody. I hope 2017 is going to be a great year for everyone but that being said everyone has to do his or her part! To make this year a great one for me, my plan and my hope is that I'll be able to listen more; listen instead of telling and also have more empathy on my fellow human beings because at the end of the day we all strive for the same things: happiness, joy, peace, success, and above all good health. To all my friends and family that's my plan; I don't have resolution I have a plan! Thank you."

Ida will be sadly missed by her children Abrefa, Quincy, and Justine; her brother Gerald and sister-in-law Stella, niece Mina and nephews Aaron and Gerald Jr.

We pray for Gerald and Stella who have been helping to care for Ida's kids. May they and the children feel the love and support from community at this time and throughout their lives.

Welcome Wednesday/ Mini-Market November 22nd

The days are getting shorter but it's warm and cozy at the Mission on Welcome Wednesdays. We get a really interesting mix of people at our community lunch: francophones, anglophones, allophones of all ages and all walks of life. One thing they have in common: they agree that our lunches are the best! The piggybanks are grateful for your donations that allow us to continue to offer these meals. 

Meanwhile, you can shop for fresh produce at our Mini-market. Next week we go back to winter hours as business seems to be slowing down once the sun goes down. Market hours are 10:30 to 3:30 PM until further notice. If you can't make it on Wednesday, it's possible to pre-order and arrange delivery. Any members of the Southwest congregation who pre-order can pick their produce up at church on Sunday morning.

Yoga for the Mature

Collective Community Services, along with Church of the Epiphany, organizes Yoga for the Mature every Tuesday, and all seniors are welcome. They have a certified, bilingual yoga instructor, Malcolm Maclean, and the classes cost just $3 each. 

Classes take place every Tuesday.
The first class, chair yoga, is from 3:00 – 4:00.
The second class, gentle yoga, is from 4:15 – 5:15
Each class is $3.
We provide yoga mats, so all you need is something comfortable to wear.

Questions? Contact:

Bo Martin
Project Coordinator / Coordinatrice de Projet
Collective Community Services / Services Communautaires Collectifs
514-937-5351 ext. 265

In Memoriam: June Forbes

Our church family is saddened by the loss of our dear June Forbes. June passed away peacefully on November 8th. She was kind of heart, sharp-tongued but witty; generous to all, especially children and her furry friends of all sorts. A celebration of June's life will be incorporated into the Sunday service on November 26th, with fellowship following. 

 End is in beginning;
and in beginning, end;

Death is not loss, nor life winning;
But each and to each is friend.

The hands which give are taking;
And the hands which take bestow:
Always the bough is breaking
Heavy with fruit or snow.

 - William Soutar



Bonnie: a personal reminiscence

The following was written by Natalie Miron and read at the funeral for Bonnie Dobson last Sunday.

I met Bonnie when we were 16 years old and I don’t know how to find the words to adequately sum up 30 years of memories. We started out as friends, became family as in laws and remained sisters by choice.

Bonnie has an infectious laugh that started as a giggle and would quickly escalate to a roaring laugh and end off as an uncontrollable snort. She loved to dance. She would dance anywhere and every where. I have seen her dance in grocery store isles.

She made me laugh, she made me cry, she yelled at me to get up when I thought I couldn’t and held my hand when I was scared….she was there for every victory, every failure, every broken heart and every holiday of my adult life. Bonnie loved my children as if they were her own and was there when most of them came into the world. She was fiercely protective and incredibly proud of them.

I think the hardest part of her passing is what I have to learn. I have to learn to parent without her, to celebrate Christmas without her, to accomplish and to cry without calling her.

 I am deeply grateful that she was a part of my bridal party. A month ago she walked down the aisle as my oldest friend, she looked stunningly beautiful as she danced the night away. To have her having been a part of one of the best days of my life means everything to me.

Bonnie leaves a deep void in my life and my heart will forever hurt as I will miss her every day. I promise I will take care of her babies and Lisa as I know she would want me to.

Rest my friend, I love and miss you always.


Minister's Message: Mother, Son and Apron Strings

When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:3-5, ESV)

I am officially a Costo member as of last Monday. My card-carrying mother and I made the trip that I had successfully managed to avoid for many years by going to her local Guelph outlet when I would visit. I would buy with her card the healthy choices like Chia seed and Hemp hearts in bulk. But at 57 maybe the apron strings need to be cut? And I become an independent Costco member?
There is a lovely gospel story that records the interaction between Mary and Jesus at the wedding in Cana. It is early in Jesus' ministry and will be the place of a miracle. Interesting: the first miracle is not the healing of the blind or the rising of the dead but helping the wedding hosts save face when wine for the guests runs out. It is relational, the story of a mother and son, of the disciples as guests and a couple being married.
It reads like a real conversation that could be in our time: “Help them, Jesus.” “Don’t tell me what to do.” “Do what he says!”

And Jesus changes water into wine and provides what the celebrating families needed.

This story describes Jesus’ ministry as growing out of relationships that rooted him in family, community, and in the tradition of his parents. He does not appear on the scene dropped in from the sky. His years as carpenter served him well in providing for his family and living vulnerability in the difficulties of first century Palestine. He knew the tax burden of the Empire firsthand and the precariousness of living under the army of occupation.
Sharing the story of the Lefneski pilgrimage to Europe was possible because my mother shared our inheritance by bringing us on these relational rooted experiences, her investment enabled her and I to share with almost two thousand children in Remembrance Assemblies these last few days. Standing with my Mom was a privilege and incredibly unique experience.
We both shared from our lives and common history, we wove together our experiences and stood side by side.
As Jesus cuts the 'apron strings' and begins a ministry that will take him away from mother and family, I felt the strings of love, family history and a common faith holding me.
In reference to that faith, both my Mom and I are followers of Jesus. We are inspired by his generous vision, his help in time of need and his presence in our lives through the spirit.

Mothering God who holds us close to your warm beating heart,
We thank you for those in our lives whose faith inspires us,

for generosity lived in actions that enrich families and community.
Thank you for Mother Mary who lovingly raised Jesus,
and was an example of care, grace, and healthy relationships.
Thank-you for Jesus who will share a wide vision of generous faith rooted in his personal family history and inherited faith.
May we live from their examples in our relationships,
May we love and care as they loved,
May we enrich our world by sharing our stories of courage and faith.

Rev. David

Children's Christmas Party: Help wanted!

There are lots of ways you can be a part of our work here at SouthWest, no matter what your age! For our upcoming Christmas party, we are looking for adults to volunteer their time on the day (Dec. 2nd) or before; we're also asking kids to look through their toy boxes or shelves and see if they have things they don't play with anymore that another child might enjoy. Some of the things we are collecting to fill Christmas stockings are: 

Coloring books and crayons, Hot wheels, My Little Pony, Slinkie, Small hand-held games, Stuffies, Small bags of candy, chips, popcorn, coloured fun shoe laces, gloves, mitts, Something with a Canadian flag to support Olympics in 2018, jewellery/ kids make up, animal figurines, action figurines, Barbies, Play in the snow items... Use your imagination!

Items can be dropped off at the Mission during office hours, 9AM-2 PM weekdays.

Of course, we do accept donations of money as well! If you send a cheque, please specify it is to be used for Christmas activities. Tax receipts for all amounts of $25 or more.

To reserve a space for your child(ren) at the party, please call the office, 514-768-6231.

Fiber Arts Holiday Market

Our friend Amanda Elias has a small business on Wellington street offering workshops in sewing and other "fiber arts". Next weekend, she is hosting a Holiday market there, showcasing many local artisans.
Amanda writes, "We have 16 carefully curated artisans who make a variety of craft items from wooden objects like cutting boards and tablet holders, to jewelery made from reclaimed Nespresso cups, watercolour painted on clothes and stationery, small cases for carrying makeup or glasses, homemade natural soaps and beauty products, crocheted items, origami ornaments, science-themed glow-in-the-dark jewerly, handcrafted holiday cards, personalized holiday gag gifts, stitched items with a pop-culture theme, hand knitted kids clothing items, leather and chainmail jewerly.  I will be selling gift certificates to sewing classes, and there will be a Singer model 401a sewing machine being raffled off."

Stop by Atelier Fiber Arts 3993 Wellington November 18th and 19th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Who knows? The perfect gift for someone on your list may be waiting for you there. 


Made with love and fresh ingredients

With so many cooking workshops going on throughout the week at SouthWest Mission, our community dépanneur (freezer) is stocked with yummy things. There’s a variety of soups, and ready-made meals that just need to be popped on a plate in the microwave or warmed up in a pot.

I have purchased several things to bring to my mum who lives alone and she really appreciates having something ready to eat that she didn’t have to cook! One day this week I lunched on chicken with caramelized onions and roasted vegetables which was prepared with the help of Lorenzo. Lorenzo came along one day to cook with his mum, and our chef Léonore says this 5-year-old showed a remarkable gift for cooking! Other items have been made by the TeenCuisine group and the Welcome Wednesday volunteers. Suggested prices are posted on the side of the freezer, and all profits come back to SouthWest. It’s all made with love and fresh ingredients and it’s waiting for you at the Mission.
