Minister's Message: Living With Emptiness

Living with Emptiness (and an empty fridge)


When I opened the door to the Self-Serve fridge/Libre Frigo yesterday, it was empty. It’s the very first time I saw people opening it to find nothing on its shelves.

We started this fridge as a way of sharing with community from our abundance. We hoped that others would bring and put into the fridge from their kitchens as well. It’s a great idea. But offering free food seems easier than educating about how we all contribute to the wider good.

Giving free food to a family in need is easier than having the conversation to actually listen to their needs, to sit across the table and hear their story. Converting to healthy choices is more difficult than accepting the status quo. What do we hear from an empty fridge? 

We affirm a vision of food for all and are grateful for all that we do. 

SouthWest is where:

-we offer a place of belonging and room at all our table gatherings
-we benefit from a professional cook and a team of volunteers in the kitchen
-we transform the donations we receive from Harvest Montréal ($19,000 in value in a year) into community meals on Wednesday and Messy Church
-we support the Mini Market as a sustainable access to fresh fruits and vegetables, at cost, for the community  

SouthWest is about community helping community. We welcome all, we offer what we can and invite all into a circle of grace, hope and love. We follow the example of Jesus in our radical hospitality. 

SouthWest is also accepting emptiness, accepting that our financial and human resources have limits. Our energies cannot be everywhere nor can we do everything. 

The empty fridge may be a gentle reminder to us that it is only in engaging in conversation our membership, adherents and those receiving our services that we will find the way forward. We need everyone contributing with monies, ideas, time, focus and a vision of a generous table. 

Let’s put what we can in the community fridge but stay focused on sustainability: building a transformative community is a costly enterprise. It needs both vison and the means to fund that vision. This is our present challenge and needs all of our help. 

In Mary's song of praise she sings:

My heart sings praises to the Lord//God has filled the hungry with good things//
God has kept the promises made to our ancestors//and showed mercy. 
(extracts from Luke 1: 46-55)

May we feel our hunger God, our emptiness, so you may fill us with good things! 

Rev. David 


Community Notes


Mission volunteer Frank (on the right) was recognized at Dawson Boys and Girls Club's Volunteer appreciation evening for his support on behalf of SouthWest of the Un Plant de Tomate à la fois project in which SouthWest is a partner. Way to go, Frank!


This is the bench painted for the Mission by by youth from the rainbow Umbrella that now provides a cheery welcome to all visitors. A similar one will soon be installed at Verdun City Hall.

This is the bench painted for the Mission by by youth from the rainbow Umbrella that now provides a cheery welcome to all visitors. A similar one will soon be installed at Verdun City Hall.


Congratulations to Natalie Miron and the young people of LGBTQ rainbow Umbrella. One of their Rainbow Benches is being installed at the Verdun Borough Hall. Representatives of the borough participated in the creation of the eye-catching bench which symbolizes the importance of creating inclusive, welcoming spaces. The mayor and members of council will be on hand for the inauguration of this bench on May 17th at 1PM, in the entrance hall at 4555 Verdun ave.

Bingo May 5th

That eagerly awaited first-Saturday-of-the-month is nearly here, and it`s supposed to be a beautiful day! Get ready for Bingo this Saturday, May 5th. Cost at the door is $5, which gets you your first bingo card and a ticket for the (cash) door prize. Additional bingo cards can be bought for 50 cents. Doors open at 12:00, play begins at 1PM and refreshments are available (donations gratefully accepted). Please note that this is in the basement of the church, at 1445 rue Clemenceau in Crawford Park. Good luck!

Invitation au conseil général de l'Église Unie du Canada





1 mai 2018

À vous membres de la famille de l’Église Unie,

Un évènement particulier se déroulera cette année dans le cadre du 43e Conseil général, un événement auquel vous et votre paroisse êtes invités. Pour l’occasion, le culte d’ouverture aura lieu le dimanche 22 juillet, à compter de 10 h, heure avancée de l’Est. 

Nous invitons nos visiteurs provenant des quatre coins du Canada à se joindre à nous pour cette célébration, et nous lançons de plus une invitation toute particulière aux paroisses et aux communautés ecclésiales d’Oshawa, Ontario, et des environs. Si vous le pouvez, envisagez de relocaliser votre culte du dimanche matin et venez rejoindre les personnes déléguées à l’assemblée du Conseil général, les visiteurs et les invités internationaux et œcuméniques à Oshawa. Imaginez-vous l’expérience merveilleuse d’être portés par le chant et la prière de près de 2 000 personnes! 

Cette assemblée du Conseil général est organisée conjointement par le Synode autochtone et le Synode Baie-de-Quinte. Cette collaboration particulière sera manifeste tout au long de la semaine et s’incarnera en beauté lors des divers cultes d’ouverture. 

Si vous ne pouvez assister en personne à ce culte d’ouverture du 43e CG, vous aurez néanmoins la possibilité d’en suivre le déroulement en direct sur la United Church YouTube channel [en anglais seulement]. 

Alors, célébrons ensemble la présence de Dieu!

Vous êtes également invités à participer à un nouveau volet de ce 43e CG, le Festival of Faith [Festival de la foi]. Samedi le 21 et le dimanche 22 juillet, tout au long de la journée, divers événements vous seront proposés : concerts, présentoirs, ateliers, kiosques d’artisanat et animation sympathique pour célébrer les merveilles de notre foi et la riche diversité de notre Église. Le culte d’ouverture du dimanche matin 22 juillet n’est qu’un des éléments de cette fin de semaine d’animation.    

L’assemblée du 43e Conseil général se déroulera sur le campus de l’University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), situé au 2000, Simcoe St. North, à Oshawa, en Ontario, du samedi 21 juillet au vendredi 27 juillet. 

Nous espérons que vous pourrez nous rejoindre sur place, ou à défaut en ligne, à certains moments ou tout au long de cette semaine passionnante. Et nous confions à votre prière fervente, au fil des jours, toutes les personnes déléguées qui s’efforceront de discerner et de répondre à l’appel de Dieu pour ce moment de la vie de notre Église. 

Puisse Dieu continuer de vous bénir, ainsi que votre communauté de foi dans votre mission, le ministère du Christ auprès de votre prochain dans les milieux qui sont les vôtres. 

Que la paix et la grâce demeurent avec vous,





Jordan Cantwell
L’Église Unie du Canada

Invitation to Worship at General Council





May 1, 2018

Dear United Church family,

Something special is happening at the 43rd General Council this year, and you and your congregation are invited! The opening worship service is being held on Sunday, July 22, starting at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time.

We are inviting visitors from across Canada to join us for worship, with a special invitation to the churches in and nearby Oshawa, Ontario. Please consider relocating your worship service that morning and join General Council commissioners, visitors, and international and ecumenical guests in Oshawa. Imagine how wonderful it would be to sing and pray with up to 2,000 people!

This General Council is being co-hosted by All Native Circle and Bay of Quinte Conferences. This unique collaboration will be reflected throughout the week and will be beautifully embodied in our opening celebrations. 

If you are unable to attend the opening worship in person, consider following along online with the livestream from GC43 on the United Church YouTube channel.

Let’s celebrate God’s presence together!

You are also invited to another new feature for GC43 called the Festival of Faith. All day Saturday, July 21, and Sunday, July 22, there will be events, concerts, displays, workshops, artisans, and fun as we celebrate the wonderful faith and diversity of our church. The mass opening worship service on Sunday morning is just one feature of the weekend.

The 43rd General Council is being held on the campus of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) located at 2000 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ontario, from Saturday, July 21, through Friday, July 27.

We hope you will be able to join us in person or online for some or all of this exciting week. And we trust that you will be holding all of the commissioners in prayer throughout the week as we seek to discern and respond to God’s call to the church at this time.

May God continue to bless you and your faith community as you carry out the mission and ministry of Christ where you are among your neighbours.

Peace and grace to you,






Jordan Cantwell
The United Church of Canada/L’Église Unie du Canada






Harvest Montreal: Update


A few weeks ago (March 2nd) I mentioned Harvest/ Moisson Montreal in a Blog post. Recently, we received this letter acknowledging us as a partner in the battle against food insecurity on the Island of Montreal. We are grateful to Harvest Montreal for the nearly 3000 kilograms of food representing a value of nearly $20000 that we got from them in the fiscal year from April 2017 to March 2018.
We must also acknowledge the hard work of SouthWest staff and - mostly - volunteers - who make the trip to the warehouse to collect the food, load and unload the van, sort through the food when it gets to the Mission and quickly transform anything that would otherwise go bad. 
This partnership with Moisson Montreal allows us to operate a "Self-serve" fridge and pantry, to offer prepared foods at reasonable prices through our Community depanneur, as well as keeping costs down for our weekly Community meals and Meli-Melo.

Thank you!


Minister's Message: Future Directions

SouthWest's annual meeting was not only a recognition of the work of 2017 but also an opportunity to speak openly about its future. The investment from the sale of Verdun United is being slowly depleted and if we make no change to current spending there will be no more monies in it by mid 2019. A short report called Future Directions 2018 recognized that last year our income was $90,000 short of our expenses.
I remember the conversations and deep emotions as Crawford Park and Verdun United faced the realities of their future and decided for amalgamation in 2007.
Our Mission Plan opened us to our wider community and incarnated a generous gospel in our words and deeds. We are not the same as we were 10 years ago. We are living a vibrant model of outreach and are evolving into something different as a community of faith. How do we fund our vision? What is God leading us to become? Where will we be next year?
Doing nothing is not an option and concrete ideas are on the table as of the April 8th congregational meeting: sharing ministry with another congregation, evaluating the value of our existing church and manse, looking at how the Mission could be incorporated like St Columba House or Montréal City Mission, and engaging our membership, adherents and those benefiting from our services in fundraising.
I am pondering these options and praying for guidance, wisdom and the energy needed to move forward into new ways of being church, living our mission and loving all those who journey with us and need our ministry.
Pray with me as SouthWest engages in conversations, fundraising and a process of decision making.
We are a resilient community and have a deep faith that the God of our ancestors is alive and in our midst.
One of my favourite hymns says:

All my hope is firmly grounded in our great and living Lord;
who whenever I most need him, never fails to keep his word.
God I must wholly trust, God the ever good and just.

                                                  (Words, Joachim Neander, 1680, VU 654)

We were never alone, we are never alone, thanks be to God!

Rev. David

Please request a copy of the Future Directions 2018 report or the full annual reports by calling at the office.

Community Notes

SouthWest Spring Fling
We are planning a Spring Fling Bazaar on Saturday May 12 at the Mission. Volunteers needed and welcomed! We are renting tables for artisans to sell their wares! Foodie tables welcomed as well! 
Would you like to sponsor a table for someone or perhaps support the Spring Fling Snack Bar?All proceeds to support Breakfast club, SW Children special events, our food projects and supporting community in economically challenging times.
Mark your calendars. It's the day before Mother's day, so bring your mum!
Contact Sheila Morrison if you'd like to get involved. (514) 762-9940,

Spring Cleaning? 
We are looking for kitchen items and household items, appliances, tools, sports items, intact toys, games and puzzles for our Spring Fling Bazaar. Call ahead to drop off at the Mission on weekdays between 9 and 2. 

That eagerly awaited first-Saturday-of-the-month is nearly here! Get ready for Bingo, May 5th at the church! Cost at the door is $5, which gets you your first bingo card and a ticket for the (cash) door prize. Additional bingo cards can be bought for 50 cents. Doors open at 12:00, play begins at 1PM and refreshments are available (donations gratefully accepted). Please note that this is in the basement of the church, at 1445 rue Clemenceau in Crawford Park. Good luck!

Our self-serve fridge and pantry shelf are receiving a lot of traffic, to the point where the cupboard is often pretty bare. If ever you find yourself with non-perishables you won't use, or perishables maybe close to their expiry date, consider donating them to help feed the community. Drop off at the Mission weekdays between 9 and 2.

Welcome Wednesday
Our most recent Community Meal was enjoyed by over 90 people of all ages. Lunch continues every Wednesday through May and June, with a little break in July. Join us next Wednesday, May 2nd, and pay what you can!

Crocuses have been sighted in numerous locations around Verdun. We think it's safe to say that Spring is underway!

Meet 'n' Mix/ Méli-Mélo April 29

Once a month we gather in community to share a simple meal, a prayer, a game or activity, and lately: some drumming! We may not know exactly what we`re doing, but the drums are here, and kids and adults alike seem to be drawn to the "circle". 

This Sunday at Meli-Melo we will also be remembering the Battle of Ypres, fought in the First World War. The same afternoon, Rev. David will be at the Verdun Cenotaph (in front of borough hall) at 2:00pm as we partner with Legion #4 for the annual Ypres commemoration and parade. Rev. David  is the "Padre" for Legion #4.

Mes racines/ My roots



Montreal City Mission is organizing an exciting event - Mes Racines/My Roots in partnership with the Blue Metropolis Literary Festival. 
Next Sunday, April 29th, 1 - 3 p.m. in Dawson Hall at St. James United.

We hope you can join us for delicious Syrian food prepared by our Women Weaving their Dreams Project, a stimulating panel discussion on 'My Roots', Sufi music, Syrian Calligraphy and more!


La Mission communautaire de Montréal vous invite dimanche prochain, le 29 avril, de 13h à 15h à l'Église St-James pour un événement à ne pas manquer: Mes Racines/My Roots en partenariat avec le Festival littériare Métropolis Blue.

Il y aura: 

- de la nourriture syrienne delicieuse
- un panel d'auteurs renommés qui discuteront de leurs origines
- un calligraphe syrien
- la musique sufi
