Minister's Message: Bearing Fruit

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. (John 15:16)

It is the season when we look to the fields and gardens for harvest. The seeds were planted many months ago and we worried over the heat and lack of water. But now we are entering the time when local produce will fill grocery shelves and even our own Mini Market.
When I graduated in 1981 from Eastern Pentecostal Bible College in Peterborough, Ontario a theme verse was chosen for our class, John 15:16. It says that we have been chosen to bear fruit, lasting fruit, that will benefit the world. Our purpose is woven to God’s love and generous giving, in the same way as Jesus was sent into the world we are called and sent to be agents of change. It sounds simple and outward looking. But my experience is that Christians seem more self focused and interested in inviting the world into their churches, cathedrals and places of worship than being a harvest in the world, accessible for those who need us wherever they are found.
I walked in Pte Claire Village recently and visited the historic Paroisse St. Joachim on the waterfront. As you leave the church you face a golden statue of Jesus blessing you. I liked that Jesus was outside the church and that his blessing was to be on ministry of Christians to the world outside of church.
We are a harvest bearing fruit that so many need, signs of hope, love, generosity and life.
As Jesus was sent we are also sent, into the world.
Enjoy the harvest this summer and be the harvest for people around you.

Rev. David


Breakfast Club delayed, Seeking Volunteers

The first day of school at Verdun Elementary and most of the Lester B. Pearson School Board is Wednesday, August 29th. We had hoped to have Breakfast Club in place from that first day as we usually do, but unfortunately, delays in the renovations will make it impossible to have children in the Mission that week. We are now expecting Breakfast Club to start one week later, (Sept. 5) with the possibility that it may be in the school rather than the Mission for a little bit. We will keep you posted as soon as plans are definite!

That said, we are still in preparation mode and accepting financial and food donations for the program, especially the following items:


frozen Eggo or other brand waffles
sliced orange cheese or blocks of white cheese
cream cheese
sliced sandwich bread
English muffins

In addition, Breakfast Club is seeking a few good volunteers for any day of the week. The gratification that comes from seeing children start their school day with a healthy breakfast is worth the early start time! If interested, please contact Shelia at or  Sue at

Worship to be Relocated in September

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be born, a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.

You may have heard words similar to these in a song recorded by Pete Seeger in the 1950s, but they are originally from Ecclesiastes 3 in the King James Bible. This is SouthWest’s season to pluck up and be planted, re-potted, prepare for the seasonal change.

We will be exploring new directions and transformations, relocations and rethinking worship and ministry. Our culture is shifting.
The roads are definitely shifting! 
To reach a shifting culture, the way we see Church needs to change rapidly!

We don’t need to change the message of love of life, grace, faith, integrity and hope, just the method!

With road construction to begin shortly on Clemenceau severely limiting access to the church for about 2 months, this is our opportunity; so SouthWest is shifting temporarily its worship time, place, and ministry.

As of Sunday September 9:

11:15am Worship
(Doors open at 11:00am)
at SouthWest Mission
631 Melrose avenue

Light lunch fellowship to follow!

Carpooling is encouraged.
Taxi sharing too (taxi-chits will be available)

Yes it is:


BUT it is also

Renewing the spirit
A vision of body, mind and spirit.

What will it look like?! Whatever we choose it to be!

Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)reads,

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Darlene  Halfyard,
Chair of council


Invitation to Community Organizations


Important announcement regarding relations with English-speaking Quebecers

Montreal, August 14th, 2018 - Please note that the minister responsible for Access to Information and the Reform of Democratic Institutions and minister responsible for Relations with English-Speaking Quebecers, Ms. Kathleen Weil, with the Minister of Sustainable Development, the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change, and MNA for Verdun, Ms. Isabelle Melançon, will hold a press conference on Tuesday at 10 am to announce major funding to improve access to programs and services for English-speaking communities throughout Quebec.

Date:               Tuesday, August 14th, 2018

Time:              10 am

Location:        Dawson Boys & Girls Club, 
                       666 Woodland Avenue, Verdun Qc H4H 1V8

  Mérouan Bahl    |   Attaché Politique

Bureau de la Ministre du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques.

Députée de Verdun, Mme Isabelle Melançon.

4110 rue Wellington | bureau 301
Verdun (Québec)  H4G1V7
Tél. : 514 766-7503 | Téléc. : 514 766-1136 |



Annonce importante concernant les relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise

Montréal, le 14 août 2018  – Veuillez prendre note que la ministre responsable de l’Accès à l’information et de la Réforme des institutions démocratiques et responsable des Relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise, Mme Kathleen Weil en compagnie de la ministre du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques et députée de Verdun, Mme. Isabelle Melançon, tiendront un point de presse mardi à 10 h afin d’annoncer un important financement pour améliorer l’accès aux programmes et aux services pour les communautés d’expression anglaise à travers le Québec 

 Date :              Mardi, 14 août 2018

 Heure :            10 h

 Endroit :         Repaire jeunesse Dawson
                        666, av. Woodland, Verdun , Qc H4H 1V8

Mini-market August 15

With this year's harvest starting to come in, we are very happy to have Mini-market back at the Mission every second Wednesday. Join us August 15th between 10:30 and 3:30 for low prices on fresh produce. Consider calling or e-mailing your order in ahead of time using the price list below.
A light lunch will also be on offer at 12:30. All are welcome, donations gratefully accepted.

C'est le début de la récolte 2018 et nous sommes très heureux que le Mini-marché soit de retour à la Mission à tous les deux semaines. Soyez des nôtres mercredi prochain, le 15 août entre 10h30 et 15h30 pour obtenir les meilleurs prix sur des fruits et légumes frais. Il est possible de placer votre commande par téléphone ou courriel en téléchargeant la liste des prix (bouton ci-dessus).
Un repas léger sera également offert à 12h30. Tous sont les bienvenus, payez selon vos moyens.

Minister's Message: Cornerstones

Cornerstones: the symbols and realities of faith!

Last week, I walked by the the former Verdun United Church that was sold in 2007 to the Buddhist Benevolence Association. It has since been resold to another Temple and continues to be used for worship. It is no longer ours; we have moved into a new reality of worship and ministry over the last 11 years. I paused and looked at the cornerstone: 


That memorial stone is still there and remains a witness to the work of our forefathers and mothers who built that building, worshipped and lived their faith. There are many local cornerstones of our history: Chalmers (Church Ave), St Lawrence (LaSalle), Eglise Béthanie (Wellington), St Paul (Cote St Paul) and Crawford Park now SouthWest.

When Jesus said: I am the bread of life, the bread that God gives is he who comes from heaven and gives life (John 6: 33,35) he invited people hearing him to go from the Manna they received in the desert to hearing him, God’s Son, as living bread. It is not an easy thing to see beyond the symbols to a living faith that leads us from our past histories into an ongoing and living relationship.

The old Verdun United building still stands at 650 Woodland ave.

The old Verdun United building still stands at 650 Woodland ave.

When some bemoan the state of the church, the changes to our institutions or losses we experience I look not to the brick and mortar of buildings but rather a living Christ inviting us to journey together in faith.

I look from the cornerstones of our history to the one who is the Cornerstone of our faith, Jesus Christ. (see Acts 4: 1-10, 1 Peter 2: 4-8, Romans 9:33).

Samuel Stone wrote a hymn in 1866, The Church's One Foundation, that Laurence Stookey adapted in 1983. It affirms that faith is what remains always vibrant, alive and moving forward through the ages. Faith roots us in the changes of addresses or buildings.

The Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord,
We are his new creation, by water and the Word.
From heaven he came and sought us, that we might ever be
his living servant people, by his own death set free.

et en français:

L'église universelle a pour roc Jésus Christ;
elle est l'oeuvre nouvelle que sa parole fit.
Habitant le ciel même, il vint se l'attacher,
et, par un don suprême,mourut pour la sauver!

Blessings on each us in a growing, sustaining faith.

Rev. David

Calendriers Août: Alimentation/ August Calendars: Food

Téléchargez le calendrier "Où manger" pour trouver les repas communautaires à Verdun durant le mois d'août.

Téléchargez le calendrier "Où cuisiner" pour les cuisines collectives, les marchés et d'autres ressources en sécurité alimentaire.

Download the "Où manger" calendar to find community meals in Verdun in August.

Download the "Où cuisiner" calendar for collective kitchens, markets, and other food security resources.

Passages: Joyce Healy


HEALY, Joyce (nee Tainsh) 1932 - 2018
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Joyce at the age of 86, peacefully, with family by her side. Wife of the late Gerry Healy, she will be missed by her children Julie, Michael and Dawn (Gareth), her brother Bill (Nora), sister Heather (late Stan) and sisters-in-law Tippy (late Jimmy), Noreen, Jeanine (late Jimmy) and many nieces and nephews.
The family welcomes family and friends for visitation on Thursday, August 9, 2018 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at : Yves Légaré Lasalle, 7200 Boul. Newman, LaSalle, H8N 1X2.
A celebration of Joyce's life will be held on Friday, August 10, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. at SouthWest United Church, 1445, Rue Clémenceau,Verdun ,Qc with a reception to follow.
The family would like to extend their gratitude to the doctors and nurses at the Lachine Hospital for their wonderful support and care. A donation to  SouthWest United Memorial Fund would be appreciated.

Footnote: Joyce was the secretary at Verdun Elementary School for some 10 years and started the clothing room there which for the last ten years has been run by SouthWest Mission.

Minister's Message: Summertime

For some the summer starts when you can take walks in the coolness of the evening at the end of day. Or when the first produce is ready from your garden. It could be the great variety of birds at your backyard feeder.
My favorite summer hymn is:

For the fruit of all creation, thanks be to God.
For the gifts to every nation, thanks be to God.
For the ploughing, sowing, reaping, silent growth while we are sleeping,
Future needs in earth’s safe-keeping, thanks be to God.

                                                                     (Fred Pratt Green, 1970, VU 227)

The image of silent growth reminds us of all the many things that happen behind the scenes that give life taste: from the cooking in the kitchen, the weeding of the garden, the laundry hanging on the clothesline. That work brings a satisfaction of produce, meals, fresh clothes. It is the hard work that lets us sit at the table and enjoy the sharing and blessing together.
And at the meal we say: thanks be to God.



Rev. David
