Back to School, Back to Breakfast


We have partnered with and supported Breakfast Club at Verdun Elementary School for 11 years.
The new school year is but a moment away - LOL - and Breakfast club needs donations of food. That's because the national program only provides food from about three weeks into the school year, but we always open our Club on the first day of classes (August 29th). 
Food donations needed: cereal, cream cheese, cheese slices, bread, juice, Eggo waffles. These can be brought to the Mission (please call first) or church on Sunday morning. Perhaps consider sponsoring a child or family for registration costs; or donating coloring books, games, etc. Or what about supporting our Mini-Market (next date is August 15th) by purchasing some fruits (at the lowest prices) and donating them back to Breakfast Club? 
If you have some time to offer, BC is looking for volunteers, particularly for Tuesday and Thursday mornings.


For more information contact Sue Purcell or Sheila Morrison,

If your child goes to VES and you want to take advantage of breakfast club, you can also get in touch with Sue or Sheila. Registration forms will be available the first day of school from 7:30 am. Breakfast Club takes place at the Mission, school entrance at 631 Melrose.

Verdun Triathlon: Streets closed August 12


Sunday August 12 is the Verdun Triathlon. There will be street closings, but worship will go on at SouthWest United at the usual time. Lasalle Boulevard will be closed its length, but access will be open from Champlain Boulevard via Leclair and Crawford streets. Bus routes may be disrupted and parking will be prohibited on some streets (not Clemenceau). Even walkers may find their usual routes blocked, but we have received assurances from the organizers that worshippers should ask volunteers for help to safely cross the bike route.

Find out more at:

Below is a letter from the borough to Crawford residents, and a map of the bike route.

Dimanche 12 août c'est le Triathlon de Verdun. Il y aura des fermetures de rues, mais le culte continuera à SouthWest à l'heure habituelle (10h). Le boulevard Lasalle sera fermé, mais l'accès au boulevard Champlain sera accessible par les rues Leclair et Crawford. Les itinéraires de bus peuvent être perturbés et le stationnement sera interdit dans certaines rues (mais pas Clémenceau). Même les marcheurs peuvent voir leurs itinéraires habituels bloqués, mais nous avons reçu des assurances de la part des organisateurs que les fidèles peuvent demander de l'aide aux bénévoles pour traverser la piste cyclable en toute sécurité.

The dark red line shows the bike route, which will be closed to traffic. The small red lines show intersections that will be closed.

The dark red line shows the bike route, which will be closed to traffic. The small red lines show intersections that will be closed.

Minister's message: What children can teach us

Which choice will we make?
It’s a difficult story to hear: King David, the exuberant lover of God, the writer of prayers and psalms, has feet of clay. He sees a married woman, follows his lust into a web of adultery, deceit and even the murder of her husband, a loyal soldier in his army. (2 Samuel 11: 1-15). When David messes up, he does so big time and destroys lives, Bathsheba and Uriah’s among them.
The gospel story in John (6: 1-15) of the feeding of the 5,000 has a twist: the food to feed the multitudes comes from an unusual source. When asked how to feed so many people the disciples were at a loss. They did not have the necessary resources. There was however a boy who had a lunch: five barley breads and two fish. Jesus blessed this simple meal and distributed it to the multitudes. There were even twelve baskets left over.
These stories are unconnected but both appear in the lectionary for this Sunday.
I wonder if King David had seen a child if he would have paused to realize that what he was about to do was wrong? When I approach a traffic light and wait for the pedestrian walk sign I often will ignore the red light if there are no cars and go ahead. If there is a child present, however,  I wait, as I don’t want to be a ‘bad’ example. Children in our midst give us pause in our reflecting and decisions. They remind us of the best of what we and the world can be. They need our examples of living for justice and resisting evil. We need their innocence. They need us to validate their generous actions and temper their willfulness. When their innocence is lost because of adults' self-indulgent and destructive behaviours it is often impossible to retrieve.
The generosity of a child’s lunch that with Jesus’ blessing feeds multitudes is in stark contrast to David’s willful disregard of others, and destructive actions.
Let us pause before actions or impulses are directed to unhealthy choices. 
Let us be examples for children in our midst.
Let us choose life, self control and generosity over taking what is not ours and live in light not darkness. 
Let us be the generous gifts to others in their need.

Rev. David

Nouvelle adresse Aujourd'hui Credo sur le web

Pour des nouvelles de l'Église Unie du Canada en français, abonnez-vous à Aujourd'hui Credo. Dans le numéro courant, il y a des reportages du 43e Conseil Général de l'église qui est en cours à Oshawa. Il y a même un article entitulé Réimaginer les églises du quartier qui emploi une photo de la boîte à lettres colorée qui se trouve à l'extérieur de la Mission du Sud-ouest!

Visite des jardins collectifs/ Tour of collective gardens

Samedi 18 août  de 15-18 h , nous prévoyons faire une visite de nos  jardins collectifs.  Nos partenaires, contacts, et participantES sont invité à venir visiter le fruit du  travail de nos membres.
La dernière étape de la tournée ce fera au jardin sur le toit du Repaire Jeunesse Dawson.
Nous serions honorés de votre présence! 

Saturday August 18th from 3 to 6PM, we will lead a tour of Un plant de tomate's collective gardens in Verdun. Our partners, contacts and participants are invited to come and see the fruits of our members' labour!
The last stop on the tour will be at the rooftop garden at Dawson Boys and Girls Club.
We would be honoured by your presence.

Réal Bonneville | Coordinateur,
Un plant de tomate à la fois

Tournée des jardins Collectifs.jpg

SouthWest in the News/ dans les médias

As we mentioned two weeks ago, (see Blog post, Food on the Move for Seniors) SouthWest has received funding to begin expanding our Mini-market model into low-income housing projects in the area. Here's a link to a story about us in this week's Messenger (in French):

SouthWest a reçu une subvention afin de transférer le modèle de notre Mini-marché dans des HLM du quartier. Voici un lien à un article dans Le Messager de cette semaine qui parle de ce projet:

Mini-market August 1st

Yes, you heard right! After a 6-week hiatus the Mini-market returns to SouthWest Mission next Wednesday, August 1st. Hours are from 10:30 to 3:30 and don't forget that a cold lunch will be served at 12:30, thanks to chef Léonore - who is back from vacation - and a team of volunteers. Not going to lie, the space is still in some disarray from ongoing renovations, but we are coping! Check out the attached Mini-market price list and consider calling or e-mailing your order in in advance.

Oui, vous avez bien entendu! Après un hiatus de 6 semaines, le Mini-marché est de retour à la Mission mercredi prochain, le 1er août. Les heures d'ouverture sont de 10h30 à 15h30 et n'oublions pas qu'un déjeuner froid sera servi à 12h30, grâce à la cheffe Léonore - de retour de vacances - et à une équipe de bénévoles. Ne pas mentir, l'espace est encore dans un certain désarroi des rénovations en cours, mais nous faisons face! Consultez la liste de prix ci-jointe et envisagez d'appeler ou d'envoyer votre commande à l'avance.

St. Columba House needs you: bikes and school supplies

From Lisa Byer, Executive Director of Saint Columba House:

Bill's Community Bikeshop, a St-Columba House project, wants your old bikes! Here at Bill's we rely on donated bicycles to keep the community moving. Whether it's tuning up old bikes and getting them safe and rideable again for sale at affordable prices, or salvaging parts and components from bikes that are too tired to keep on riding, Bill's Community Bikeshop relies on your donations to keep offering the services many Point St-Charles residents have come to depend on. If you or someone you know doesn't know what to do with that dusty old bike in the garage, please consider donating it to a community organization! All proceeds go towards St-Columba House.

To speak with Mat, our Bikeshop coordinator / mechanic, please call  514-932-6202 ext. 232, email, or send a message on the St-Columba House Facebook page.

As of August 1st, St-Columba will also be accepting donations of school supplies. Suggestions include: scotch tape, scissors, glue sticks, HB pencils, pencil cases, Hilroy copy books, duo tangs, etc. These can be dropped off at 2365 Grand Trunk (Point St-Charles) as of next Wednesday.


Kahnawake PowWow this weekend

Join our First Nations neighbours in the 28th Annual Kahnawake Pow Wow | Echoes of a Proud Nation Pow Wow on July 14-15, 2018 at the Pow Wow Grounds on the Kahnawake Mohawk Territory only 10 miles south of Montreal, Canada on Tekakwitha Island. Rich in culture and tradition, this  is a unique opportunity to discover Native dancing, music, food and arts and crafts and celebrate with the Mohawks of Kahnawake and take part in the Echoes of a Proud Nation Pow Wow, also known as the Kahnawake Pow Wow.

$8.00 General Admission
5 & Under FREE
$4.00 Age 60+

Kahmawake Pow Wow Schedule (subject to change)
9:00 a.m. Gates Open: Arts& Crafts & Food Booths Open
9:00 a.m.-Noon Dancer Registration
1:00 p.m. Grand Entry & Inter-Tribal Dancing & Competitions
5:00 p.m. Supper Break
7:00-10:00 p.m. Grand Entry & Inter-Tribal Dancing & Competitions

9:00 a.m. Gates Open: Arts& Crafts & Food Booths Open
Noon Grand Entry & Inter-Tribal Dancing & Competitions, Hand Drum Finals
5:00 p.m. Awarding of Prize Money & Honoraria, Victory Dance, Retire Colors

Kahnawake Pow Wow Grounds
Kahnawake Mohawk Territory
Routes 132 & 138 (off Mercier Bridge)
Kahnawake, QC J0L 1B0, Canada
10 miles south of Montreal; Public Transportation available.

For More Information: 450-632-8667

Official website:

Food on the Move for Seniors

At SouthWest we have a long tradition of working with vulnerable seniors. Our traditional pastoral care has evolved over the years to take in community members with no church affiliation. SouthWest Mission Food on the Move for Seniors project will be part of our In-Touch Ministry and Outreach programs working in collaboration with SouthWest Kitchens and SouthWest partners. The model is inspired by the experience of our annual SouthWest Boxing Day Turkey dinner.  We were blessed with the reaction and response this past Christmas: over 290 meals were prepared with the majority served at the Mission. A record 61 meals were delivered to seniors in their homes and residences, including 3 senior residences and 3 HLM’s in the borough. We have seen the need. Our seniors are vulnerable to isolation and poor nutrition.  Increasing access to healthy, local food and improving food security works best when communities are able to develop their own solutions, based on local knowledge, assets and needs.
To serve our seniors more effectively and efficiently we submitted a project proposal to the Good Samaritan fund (Quebec Presbytery) and are happy to report that $7,050.00 was granted to SouthWest for the SouthWest Mission Food on the Move for Seniors project, which will start in the fall 2018. I look forward to your support, participation, blessing, prayers, whatever I can get to initiate this project as we live out our Vision:

Providing a table for all, with food for body, mind and spirit,”

and Mission:

 “At SouthWest, our sense of community is inspired by our Christian faith. We partner with individuals and organizations to address issues like food security, poverty, education and wellness. Our programs and activities encourage and inspire all of us to realize our potential as uniquely gifteand Mission;d individuals in our families and neighbourhoods.

- Darlene
