Apple picking/ Ride for Refuge: Two Events with Montreal City Mission


Ride For Refuge - September 29th 2018
The annual bike-a-thon is fast approaching.

Once again WE NEED YOU to make our annual bike-a-thon a success!

In order to sustain our services to vulnerable migrants we need the support of our community of friends more than ever!

Please show your support by biking or walking along with us and making a donation.


Breakfast Club Update


Remember these faces? They will be back at Breakfast Club for the new school year.
Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, SouthWest/Verdun Elementary will not be able to start the program until September 12th this year. On that day, which is a Wednesday, breakfast will be served in the school cafeteria. You are invited to bring your children between 7:30 and 7:45AM (8AM for bus riders) on that day.

You can download a registration form below to fill out at home or just pick one up on the first day. It is important that we collect these forms from all children participating in Breakfast Club so that we are aware of any allergies and have parents' contact information in case of an emergency.

Breakfast Club should move back into the Mission towards the end of September when all the renovations are finished. We apologize for the inconvenience, and look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces soon!

Please note the form has been updated since last week, and info has been added about volunteering!

Food Transformation Workshops/ Ateliers de transformation

Un plant de tomate à la fois est heureux de pouvoir vous offrir encore cette année les ateliers ''UNE RECETTE SANTÉ À LA FOIS''
Nous avons le privilège de le faire en collaboration avec SouthWest Mission.
Les ateliers serons chaque jeudi de 17h30 à 20h  pour 10 semaines à partir du jeudi 6 septembre (Voir publicité ci-bas).

Un plant de tomate à la fois is pleased to offer its food transformation workshops, "One healthy recipe at a time" again this year.
We have the privilege to do so in collaboration with SouthWest Mission.
The collective kitchens will be every Thursday from 5:30PM to 8PM for 10 weeks starting September 6th (see poster below).

Une recette santé à la fois (2).jpg
One healthy recipe (1).jpg

Welcome Stefana!

Montreal, August 21, 2018
The Marché Mobile Verdun\ Verdun Mobile Market project names coordinator

SouthWest Mission welcomes the funding provided by the Direction régionale de la santé publique (DRSP) for the Verdun Mobile Market project aiming to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to the vulnerable communities of Verdun, and announces the hiring of Stefana Lamasanu as the project coordinator. A Verdun resident actively and passionately engaged in the local community, Stefana wants to ensure the promotion of healthy eating and a better access to fresh produce.
"In the last few years, the charm of our borough has been attracting an increasing number of new Verdun residents, bringing along a change in the local economic profile and an increasingly diverse commercial landscape. However, as we profit from such changes, we must not forget our more vulnerable citizens. It is time to ensure a larger reach of healthy and fresh produce in our neighbourhood, and that is precisely what the Verdun Mobile Market intends to do," declares Stefana.
In order to celebrate her appointment, and the project’s imminent start, the Mission will invite the community to an upcoming Mini Market to take place during the month of September. Invitations to follow.
The SouthWest Mission, in collaboration with the CDSV (Concertation en développement social de Verdun), the Verdun CSSS (Centre de santé et de services sociaux), and Grand Potager, aims to make food accessible to all. The Mission also works in partnerships with the Lester B. Pearson School Board, Moisson Montréal, the Anglo Family Council, among others, and is part of the Verdun sans faim roundtable. The Mission offers a variety of services to the Verdun community, such as the Breakfast Club, the Welcome Wednesday community lunches, the Wednesday Mini Market, and a Community Depanneur.

Bienvenue Stefana!

Montreal, 20 août, 2018
Le projet Marché Mobile Verdun\ Verdun Mobile Market nomme une coordinatrice de projet

La Mission SouthWest se réjouit du financement accordé par la Direction régionale de la santé publique (DRSP) pour le programme Marché Mobile Verdun/ Verdun Mobile Market, qui offrira aux communautés vulnérables de Verdun une accessibilité accrue aux fruits et légumes frais. Grâce à ce financement, La Mission accueille Stefana Lamasanu comme coordinatrice du projet. Verdunoise engagée depuis longtemps dans plusieurs sphères citoyennes locales, Stefana veut veiller à ce que l'accessibilité à une alimentation saine soit mise de l’avant.

«Depuis quelques années, le charme de notre arrondissement attire de plus en plus de nouveaux Verdunois et Verdunoises, et avec ce mouvement, l’arrondissement connaît un changement de profil économique et une offre commerciale de plus en plus diverse. Mais, ce vent de changement ne doit pas laisser de côté les communautés plus vulnérables. Avec l’arrivée du Marché Mobile, nous voulons assurer qu’une brise de fraîcheur soufflera dans tous les coins de Verdun. Une communauté en santé nécessite une offre accessible de fruits et légumes frais, et le Marché Mobile aura des répercussions importantes à ce niveau», assure Stefana.

«It is time to ensure a larger reach of healthy and fresh produce in our neighbourhood, and that is precisely what the Verdun Mobile Market intends to do, » Stefana concludes. In order to celebrate her nomination, and the project’s imminent start, the Mission wants to invite the community to an upcoming Mini Market to take place during the month of September. Invitations will follow.

La Mission SouthWest, de concert avec la CDSV (Concertation en développement social de Verdun), le CSSS (Centre de santé et de services sociaux) de Verdun, et le Grand Potager, a comme but de rendre la nourriture accessible à tous. La Mission vit plusieurs partenariats avec Lester B. Pearson School Board, Moisson Montréal, Anglo Family Council, entre autres, et fait partie de la Table de concertation Verdun sans faim. La Mission offre une variété de services à la communauté verdunoise, tels que le Club des petits déjeuners, les repas communautaires tous les mercredis à 12h30 à la Mission, le Mini Marché, et le Dépanneur communautaire.


Mini-marché 29 août/ Mini-market August 29

C'est le début de la récolte 2018 et nous sommes très heureux que le Mini-marché soit de retour à la Mission à tous les deux semaines. Soyez des nôtres mercredi prochain, le 29 août entre 10h30 et 15h30 pour obtenir les meilleurs prix sur des fruits et légumes frais. Il est possible de placer votre commande par téléphone ou courriel en téléchargeant la liste des prix (bouton ci-dessous).
Un repas léger sera également offert à 12h30. Tous sont les bienvenus, payez selon vos moyens.

With this year's harvest starting to come in, we are very happy to have Mini-market back at the Mission every second Wednesday. Join us August 29th between 10:30 and 3:30 for low prices on fresh produce. Consider calling or e-mailing your order in ahead of time using the price list (click on the button above).
A light lunch will also be on offer at 12:30. All are welcome, donations gratefully accepted.

Singing Through Changes

There is a song in my heart in the midst of changes that both myself and SouthWest are facing as of September, 2018.

One more step along the world I go, one more step along the world I go,
from the old things to the new, keep me travelling along with you.
Round the corner of the world I turn, more and more about the world I learn,
all the new things that I see you’ll be looking at along with me.

We sang this song in the closing service of Verdun United Church in 2007 as SouthWest was named through an amalgamation with Crawford Park.

We sang it with hope, faith and a willingness to face an uncertain future.

We sang it in our new reality of two locations for our ministry: one in Crawford Park and the other in Verdun Elementary School.

We will sing it again on September 9, 2018 as we begin worshiping for two months during roadwork on Clémenceau at the Mission (11h15 service time).

From full to half time is a lot of change, for myself and everyone.

Reorganising how worship, pastoral care (Intouch) and the life of our faith community prepares for a different future than the one we have known these last eleven years needs much determination and courage.

How do I respond to these changes? I can long for the past, bemoan our circumstances, be critical, or just hide my head in the sand.

I choose to sing my faith and root myself in God’s faithfulness experienced over the last 19 years of ministry with the United Church in Verdun. I choose to believe that God is in our midst as the ground shifts under our feet and we face yet more decisions about our future. I choose to serve Jesus through generous love, service, celebration and seeking justice here where we live. I choose life and song!

As I prepare for a different and emerging model of shared time with its inherent challenges, I imagine how we will be ‘church’ together, both here at SouthWest and at Emmanuel in Cowansville. There are so many things to sort out and it will take time, patience, graciousness and lots of grace for this to work.

Jesus said to his disciples as he commissioned them to be his presence in the world: ‘I will be with you always, to the end of the age!’ (Matthew 28:20b).

I live in this promise, and sing:

Give me courage when the world is rough, keep me loving though the world is tough,
leap and sing in all I do, keep me travelling along with you.

And it’s from the old I travel to the new, keep me travelling along with you! 

(Sydney Carter, 1971, Voices United 639).

Your Minister,

Rev. David

An Emerging Model: Sharing our Minister

On July 15, 2018 SouthWest Congregation gave its approval for a half-time minister. Rev. David accepted this decision which offers the gift of time (financially) for SouthWest to discern thoughtfully and faithfully its future as a worshipping congregation within the community.

On August 19, 2018 Emmanuel United in Cowansville voted unanimously for a half-time minister, and agreed to call Rev. David to their congregation.

This is our new reality, actions, and a state of being. SouthWest and Emmanuel United are linked with a half-time minister each, sharing a ministry with a spirit of generosity. A small team from SouthWest and Emmanuel "broke bread" and drafted an overview of 2018-2019.

On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month, Rev. David will lead us in worship at SouthWest. (Exceptionally, this September he will be present on September 9 and September 23). During the week, Rev. David will be formally available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to SouthWest; Thursdays and Fridays at Emmanuel. The remaining Sundays each month will be led by our worship team and other sources within our community.

The priorities for his time are worship, pastoral care and preparing the way for a more independent Mission.

SouthWest executive, worship and Intouch teams are meeting to establish structure, responsibility and accountability with our Minister in his half-time role, and to understand what sharing our Minister with Emmanuel United means locally, within our community and Presbytery.

Our vulnerabilities are not weaknesses but powerful reminders to keep our hearts and minds open to the reality that we are all in this together. We are in movement towards a redefined future.
Yes, with a generosity of spirit and open-heartedness that flows freely and touches anyone who can feel it.
Not manipulative
No strings attached.
Gospel filled.

- Darlene Halfyard, Chair of SouthWest Council

Passages: Margaret Samson

As some 24 gathered on the third Wednesday of the month at the Floralies residence in LaSalle, Margaret Samson Craig was sadly missed. She had enjoyed attending these outreach worship services, especially the singing of beloved hymns. Margaret's last service with us was in July. She died August 4th. Her family has requested a service of celebration on October 6th, 2018. More news to follow.

UPDATE: The Celebration of life has been scheduled for 11AM on Saturday, October 6th. It will be held at St-Lawrence Anglican church (520 75e Avenue, LaSalle, QC H8R 2P5) with Rev. David leading the service. Here is the obituary supplied by her daughter:

Samson, Margaret (Halvorsen) (Coates) (Craig)
February 6, 1932 - August 4, 2018
It is with deep sadness that we announce the peaceful passing of Margaret Samson on August 4, 2018 at Les Floralies Lasalle at the age of 86. Predeceased by her dear husbands Matthew Craig and Lionel Coates and her eldest daughter Jo-Ann Halvorsen Ramsay (Timothy)   She is survived by two of her children, Cheryl (Donald) and Gayle (Dale) and former husband F.Alfred Halvorsen . Grandmother of Christopher, Adam, Nathan, D'Arcy(Justin), Caitlin and Brenna. Great grandmother of Makayla, Riley and Coen. Margaret will be sadly missed by both Matthew’s children, Susan (Jean-Francois), Anne (Costa), Joan (Stan) and Lois; and Lionel’s - Lynda and Lesley.  SouthWest United invites you to attend a Celebration of the life of Margaret Hazel Samson to be held on Saturday, October 6th at 11:00a.m. at St. Lawrence Anglican Church - 520 75th avenue Lasalle, QC H8R 2P5. Small reception to follow in the church hall. 

In lieu of flowers donations can be made to Parkinson's foundation or to the charity of your choice.
